I want to point you to the relative new ZK AJAX framework:
have a look at the great life demo, checkout “try me” and change and test the ui life:
I have written a simple HowTo to use ZK in Eclipse:
It’s not to much missing, since everything is XML and java. For a more advanced support i see 3 steps:
1. provide a dtd for the xml files to use code compleation (should be done by the developers)
2. provide an advanced zul xml editor (zul is xml with BSH), which provides BSH Java code completion.
3. integrate ZK with your AJAX debugger
My workaround for editing the BSH java code is to write the code in a normal java class and use the syntax check and code compleation from eclipse and afterwars copy the code in the <zscript> tag of the zul file. So an advanced zul editor should be a mix of a XML editor with dtd validation and a java editor (inside the <zscript> tag…) with code compleation and syntax check…
ZK is a great way to develope web applications and i think it has a great future…