
XHTML code completion for IceFaces Tag

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  • #271050 Reply


    I’m using version 5.5 but i have a problem trying to make code completion to works with xhtml files. I’m using IceFaces,Facelets and not getting code completiong for IceFaces tags. But If i create a jspx then I got it for IceFaces and I loose it for facelets tags.

    #271091 Reply

    Riyad Kalla

    Would you be able to create a small sample project thanks exhibits the problem and email it to us at [email protected] ATTN Riyad with a link to this post for reference?

    #271273 Reply



    I added the JSF/facelets libsfor Ajax4Jsf et Richfaces and I’ve got the same pb: no code completion. Any clue ?


    #271282 Reply

    Riyad Kalla

    The Facelets editor right now just provides completion for Facelets, not custom libraries at this time. That is why I was asking for a small sample project, this gives us concrete examples to give to the dev team to fix.

    #271304 Reply


    Do you need my project, or do you have what you need ?

    #271307 Reply

    Riyad Kalla

    It would surely help with testing. If you could send it to [email protected] ATTN Riyad I’d appreciate it.

    #271439 Reply


    I’m having no problem with richfaces tags code completion in the jsf visual designer.

    #272144 Reply

    Steve Smith

    I’m not too bothered about visual editing for facelets (personally I prefer to code by hand), but it would be good in general if the MyEclipse XML editor could import tags and then do auto-complete.

    Copy the competition – Exadel (Red Hat Developer Studio) does this (I’ve switched to this for my current project just because of this feature – I’m using ICEFaces / facelets). Even Dreamweaver does XML tag import / autocomplete.

    #272791 Reply


    I would like also to have code completion support in xhtml files, we are trying to use IceFaces tags and it’s tedious to be looking at web documentation to use the tags.

    #278616 Reply


    Has anything come of this? I would also like to have code completion available in XHTML files for RichFaces. Is a sample project still required, I can send one.

    #278638 Reply

    Riyad Kalla

    We are working to get the ICEfaces tag support added to the XHTML editor ASAP.

    As for other libraries, all we need a TLD file for them. Since Facelets defines taglibs in their own way, it’s a bit of a manual process to get the validation and autocomplete libraries updated for those different URIs.

    #278670 Reply


    Is RichFaces also going to be supported? Is incorporation something that can be done by the end user?

    #278682 Reply

    Riyad Kalla

    I don’t have a hard and fast commitment from management for RichFaces supportl; and no it’s not a manual process the user can perform.

    #278906 Reply


    It’s not only <ice:XXX> tags that does not work, it’s also other tags in some places. It reacs very strangly.
    I have an XHTML file and in some places the <c:…> completion works and some areas of the page it does not complete.

    It seems odd. in JSPX file, the same file different extention and completion works for everything.

    — Erez

    #278961 Reply

    Riyad Kalla

    The Facelets XHTML editor is a custom extension of the HTML/XML editor to provide that particular autocomplete. Facelets defines it’s own/new structure for taglibs that does not follow the well-defined TLD-based structure that JSPs do. Becuase of that getting autocomplete/validation in the Facelets XHTML editor is something we have to do on our end, but for JSP-based pages it can all be done dynamically because of the well-defined TLD files that can be parsed on the fly for information.

    That is why you are seeing differences in behavior.

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