
XDoclet n:m relationship error w map table

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  • #223823 Reply


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    David Rowell
    [email protected]

    I’m trying to create a relationship between Visitor and Country entity beans. The relationship is using a map table VisitorInterestCountry to form a n:m relationship. When I try to deploy I’m getting the error

    org.jboss.deployment.DeploymentException: Role ‘country-has-visitor’ on Entity Bean ‘Country’ : CMP field for key not found: field name=’visitorId’

    Will MyEclipse XDoclet handle a n:m relationship, and if so; how do we implement this?

    From Visitor.java
    XDoclet-based CMP 2.x entity bean.  This class must be declared
     * public abstract because the concrete class will
     * be implemented by the CMP providers tooling.
     * To generate EJB related classes using XDoclet:
     *                      - Add Standard EJB module to XDoclet project properties
     *                      - Customize XDoclet configuration
     *                      - Run XDoclet
     * Below are the xdoclet-related tags needed for this EJB.
     * @ejb.bean name="Visitor"
     *           display-name="Visitor"
     *           description="Visitor EJB"
     *           jndi-name="ejb/VisitorHome"
     *           local-jndi-name = "ejb/VisitorLocalHome"
     *           type="CMP"
     *           cmp-version="2.x"
     *           view-type="local"
     *           primkey-field = "visitorId"
     * @ejb.pk class="java.lang.Integer" generate="false"
     * @ejb:util generate="physical"
     * @ejb:persistence table-name = "Visitor"
     * @ejb.value-object name = "Visitor"
     *                                  match="*"
     * @jboss.persistence create-table="true"
     *                                  remove-table="true"
     *          @ejb.interface-method
     *          @ejb.persistence colum-name = "VisitorId"
    public abstract Integer getVisitorId();
    public abstract void setVisitorId(Integer visitorId);
                 * @ejb.value-object
                 *                      aggregate="com.hobsons.nafsa.model.entity.interfaces.CountryValue"
                 *                      aggregate-name="InterestedCountry"
                 *                      members="com.hobsons.nafsa.model.entity.interfaces.CountryLocal"
                 *                      members-name="InterestedCountry"
                 *                      relation="external"
                 *                      type="java.util.Collection"
                 * @ejb.relation
                 *                      name="Visitor-Interest-Country"
                 *                      role-name="visitor-has-country"
                 * @jboss.relation related-pk-field="visitorId"
                 *                                                          fk-column="countryId"
                 * @jboss.relation-table table-name="VisitorInterestCountry"
                 *                                                                                              create-table="true"
                 *                                                                                              delete-table="true"
                public abstract Collection getInterestedCountry();
    From Country.java
                 * @ejb.relation
                 *                      name="Visitor-Interest-Country"
                 *                      role-name="country-has-visitor"
                 * @jboss.relation related-pk-field="countryId"
                 *                                                          fk-column="visitorId"
                public abstract java.util.Collection getVisitor();

    [email protected]
    David Rowell

    #223840 Reply

    Riyad Kalla

    If any users had thoughts on this it would be appreciated if you could help out.

    #224867 Reply


    We found that Xdoclet was not correctly generating the COMP_NAME value for our session beans. We had to manually change this and then we were able to get everything to work. We may have an erroneous XDoclet configuration — not sure, but this workaround will do.

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