
Xdoclet Ant file not being generated [Closed]

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  • #197056 Reply

    Using the 2.5 release with Eclipse 2.1.1 on WinXP. I’ve defined a simple EJB project with one session bean in it. I followed the directions in the user guide to add the xdoclet configuration but no ant file for xdoclet appears to be generated and running the “Run Xdoclet” task does nothing…

    Any help is appreciated.


    #197059 Reply

    Scott Anderson


    The XDoclet ant script should be placed in the project as soon as you ‘OK’ the project preferences after adding the ‘Standard EJB’ XDoclet to the project. Did you perform this step?

    There was another user that reported some strange XDoclet shennanigans, but they were caused by using the Eclipse update mechanism to upgrade to 2.1.1, rather than a full reinstallation. In this other case, reapplying the JDT changes fixed the behavior, but it was very tough to run down. Did you perform a clean installation of 2.1.1, or upgrade from 2.1.0?

    MyEclipse Support

    #197061 Reply

    Hmm. Yes, I also did an upgrade rather than a clean install. I can try to reinstall the JDT and see what happens….


    #197063 Reply

    Scott Anderson

    If that doesn’t work, a clean install really works like a champ. That Eclipse update mechanism, especially for big updates, can be a little “iffy”.

    MyEclipse Support

    #197069 Reply

    Hrmm. No dice. The clean install doesn’t work either.

    BTW, shouldn’t the “OK” button on the dialog box where you configure the properties (like the XDOCLET configs) dismiss the dialog? In mycase it doesn’t and I have to hit CANCEL or the close gadget.

    #197070 Reply

    Scott Anderson

    Then you’ve got an error with the installation / configuration somewhere. Are you sure it’s the full 2.1.1 release and not one of the trimmed down ‘platform’ or ‘jdt’ releases?

    In any event, there is probably a stacktrace or two in the log file (<workspace>/.metadata/.log). Can you mail it to us at [email protected]?

    I’ll post what we determine back to this thread.

    MyEclipse Support

    #197098 Reply

    Ok. This turned out to be caused by a recent install of Oracle client for Windows which installs its own ancient JRE (incorrectly I might add) and updates the path so it gets picked up first.

    Thanks to Scott and the support team for the crucial bit of feedback. The support was great. I’m sold and will be buying a subscription shortly!



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