
WSDL 2.0

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  • #318140 Reply


    Good morning all,

    I have a question relating to web services definition. As I need to publish SOAP and REST bound services in a WSDL file; can you confirm whether the following MEB version supports WSDL 2.0

    MyEclipse Blue Edition

    Version: 9.0 Blue
    Build id: 9.0-Blue-20110318

    Thanks in advance,
    Peter Mc Laughlin.

    #318157 Reply

    Brian Fernandes


    I’m sorry but Blue does not yet support WSDL 2.0. So I can take this down as a feature request, are you looking for WSDL editing capabilities only or the ability to generate WSDL 2.0 code and have the REST services generation code produce WSDL 2.0?

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