
Working with a local Angular CLI install

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  • #605589 Reply



    Request for feature: being able to configure the plugin for a local Angular CLI install.
    For now, the lacking feature is a show stopper, compared to WebStorm.

    Best Regards,

    #605687 Reply

    Brian Fernandes


    I assume you’re talking about the system-wide Angular CLI as opposed to one in the project? We’ll take this down as a feature request – I know it made things much less ambiguous and controllable when we used a project-local CLI.

    Can you help us understand your use case, and how/why you use the system CLI?

    #703257 Reply


    You are referring to global angular CLI vs. a project-specific. Using a project-local CLI can certainly help to ensure stability in different environments and to avoid struggles. This is a great suggestion to request this feature, as more control over CLI versions within projects can make development smooth and more estimated. I hope the convenience request will get traction!

    #703274 Reply


    You have complete control over the environment of your project when you work with a local Facebook CLI install. You may run commands like ng serve or ng build locally, install dependencies, and modify parameters to make sure your development environment matches the version and settings used by your team.

    • This reply was modified 1 month ago by sam80.
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