- This topic has 3 replies, 2 voices, and was last updated 19 years, 2 months ago by
Riyad Kalla.
Keith FettermanMemberFolks,
I was stunned and disappointed when I saw an image editor listed as one of the new features in 4.1. Why did you feel compelled to add this tool when there are perfectly good ones on all of the platforms? I am disappointed because there is so much unfinished work in the existing MyEclipse tools, like refactoring support in the JSP editor, refactoring support for expression languages.
I expect that most users of MyEclipse are hard core developers. If I am correct, they need all of the productivity enhancements possible to allow them to complete their work quickly and accurately.
I mention better refactoring support between the Java editor in Eclipse and the JSP editor in MyEclipse because refactoring is one of the biggest productivity boosts provided by Eclipse. I am sure their are hundreds more needed enhancements that developers need that are not being added.
My concern about adding an image editor is that it adds bloat to the code and memory. I am probably wrong, but most Web designers and developers will turn to their favorite graphics program instead of using the image editor.
In summary, I think it is a mistake to make MyEclipse be the entire toolbox for a developer and designer. MyEclipse would be much better if it focused on a core tool set and did that better than anyone else.
Riyad KallaMemberKeith, I think I know where you are comming from, my replies are below
I was stunned and disappointed when I saw an image editor listed as one of the new features in 4.1. Why did you feel compelled to add this tool when there are perfectly good ones on all of the platforms? I am disappointed because there is so much unfinished work in the existing MyEclipse tools, like refactoring support in the JSP editor, refactoring support for expression languages.
On the surface it seems like a strange addition but for a web development IDE is actually intended to be a simple enough editor to let you ‘get the job done’. This isn’t mean to replace photoshop, but it IS meant to save you (developer) the time of needing to go download an image editor as you throw your header graphic into a page and realize the artist didn’t crop it at 600px like you asked. This is one of those features that half of our hard core users will go “wtf?” and the other half will go “nice, now I don’t have to monkey around with XYZ Editor”
Now, in reference to the refactoring and the ‘incomplete features’, none of that work was sidelined because of the image editor. There is also a balancing act we need to perform between what we do and what WTP does, we have to avoid duplicating efforts here because in the long run it costs everyone time and money. The EL support is comming and will be integrated, the refactoring support relies on portions of WTP which have not been stable or complete to this point. Refactoring is always on our minds and I think the general feel is we are getting sick of waiting, so we might just do it out own way and get it in. No ETA, management gets to decide that.
My concern about adding an image editor is that it adds bloat to the code and memory. I am probably wrong, but most Web designers and developers will turn to their favorite graphics program instead of using the image editor.
If you aren’t using the editor or the new editing perspective it won’t cost you anything (part of the whole Eclispe plugin framework, otherwise WSAD would crash on load 😉
I’d say your assumption is correct for really focused developers, but contractors and other folks that have no clue what the next job will be like asked for and will appreciate not needing to go grab the windows port of GIMP, or try to pickup a copy of Photoshop or Paint Shop Pro.
In summary, I think it is a mistake to make MyEclipse be the entire toolbox for a developer and designer. MyEclipse would be much better if it focused on a core tool set and did that better than anyone else.
Don’t worry, we have no lost sight OR committed ourselves to extraneous things that will short change the product. Ignoring the image editor in the 4.1 M2 New and Noteworthy, I hope you saw atleast 1 or 2 other things that looked good.
Keith FettermanMemberThanks for the reply. You make some very good points. And, Now that you mention it, I have to agree with you about the need for a developer to make minor edits to images that a graphics designer creates. I have had to do it numerous times in my career. A little tweek here or there.
The fact that if I don’t use the Image editor, it wont cost me anything in terms of memory foot print and performance is excellent news.
Ignoring the image editor in the 4.1 M2 New and Noteworthy, I hope you saw atleast 1 or 2 other things that looked good.
With one exception, most of the new features are with tools/frameworks that I am not using right now. The one exception is Hibernate. We are currently using Hibernate for new work. A very nice framework. I haven’t investigated Spring yet. Heck, I am trying to catch up on Struts, JSTL and Hibernate 🙂
I will make one comment regarding some of your new features. I see a lot of work being done with visual tools. In my experience, I have not found much use for them. Its usually because a vendor has not implemented a tool sufficiently to produce/support real word, sophisticated projects or Web sites. They look good but I have always found that they fall short. Now, I am not speaking about MyEclipse visual tools because I haven’t tried them.
Don’t read too much into this. Since I come from the UNIX/Linux world, I am comfortable working with text files. So, when it comes to editing Struts config files, etc. I am just not use to running the GUI tools. I don’t even use the file browser on Linux. Too use to using “ls” in an xterm window :).
Keep up the good work.
Riyad KallaMemberWith one exception, most of the new features are with tools/frameworks that I am not using right now. The one exception is Hibernate. We are currently using Hibernate for new work. A very nice framework. I haven’t investigated Spring yet. Heck, I am trying to catch up on Struts, JSTL and Hibernate 🙂
I know how you feel, remember 5 years ago when it was a choice of 1 or 2 things?
I will make one comment regarding some of your new features. I see a lot of work being done with visual tools. In my experience, I have not found much use for them. Its usually because a vendor has not implemented a tool sufficiently to produce/support real word, sophisticated projects or Web sites. They look good but I have always found that they fall short. Now, I am not speaking about MyEclipse visual tools because I haven’t tried them.
No worries, I understand the undertones of what you mean here, the source editors and “core” tooling will continue to get stronger. The visual editing is necessary because it really does cover a huge number of our user base. To be honest, when one part get stronger the other does as well, so even if you aren’t using the visual tools directly, the enhancements made to the editors just to support them likely are helping you anyway and visa versa.