
Websphere 7 process server Traget Server configuration

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  • #343761 Reply

    Gary Holland

    I am using myeclipse BLING that is supposed to support Websphere config as a trageted server.
    I have been trying for a week now to set my local installation Websphjsere 7 app server with security set as a target server for a Web service project (JAX-WS) to no avail. I have followed the tutorials but no help. Please help!
    Thanks in advance

    #343813 Reply


    Sorry your issue is not clear. From what I understood is, you are trying to set Websphere 7 server as the target server for web service project (JAX-WS framework). For this you need to select ‘Java EE 5- web 2.5’ as the Java EE version. Doing this you can select ‘websphere 7’ as the target server. Websphere 7 is a Java EE 5 compliant application server, so you can add this server as the target server, unless it is a Java EE 5 application. (Please see the attached screenshot for a visual reference)

    If this is what you are not looking for, can you please share some more information with us to help us investigate further :
    1) Can you please share your MyEclipse bling installation details from MyEclipse > Installation summary > Installation details ?
    2) Please be more clear on what exact issue you are facing. Are you unable to set the Websphere 7 server connection in MyEclipse Bling ? Are you unable to set the target server as Websphere 7 for a (JAX-WS) web service project ? Please share the exact steps in detail to help us replicate the issue ?

    Let us know how it works for you.

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