
WebService Client and JAXBElement

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  • #265240 Reply


    IF I try and generate a client from a live WSDL document, I get a client that seems to have lots of JAXB requirements.

      public static void main(String[] args)
        TCEScratchStoreWebServiceClient client = new TCEScratchStoreWebServiceClient();
        //create a default service endpoint
        TCEScratchStoreWebServicePortType tCEScratchStoreWebServicePortType = client
        //TODO: Add custom client code here
        Request req = new Request();
        req.setUserId("Alph");                                        // ERROR HERE
        Response resp = tCEScratchStoreWebServicePortType.store(req);
        System.out.println("Response: " + resp.getMessage());
        System.out.println("test client completed");

    I get a compile error on the marked line:

    The method setUserId(JAXBElement<String>) in the type Request is not applicable for the arguments (String)

    The import of the WSDL document from the live server went very smoothly…as far as I could tell…the code looks OK.

    I also note that the methods on ‘resp’ are also defined in terms of JAXBElement<String>.

    When I did the import, I was asked to add the XFire JAXB2 libraries to the classpath, which I did.

    I have been able to consume the EXACT service using Oracle’s JDeveloper…no problems at all, and no messing with JAXBElement.

    I HAVE seen the “consume Amazon service” demo at:


    and I HAVE seen the demo at:


    Any thoughts/suggestions?



    #265246 Reply


    Found at:

    http://archive.xfire.codehaus.org/user/[email protected]

    @XmlElement(minOccurs="1", nillable=false)
    public String getUsername()
       return userName;

    This is not perfect (the service POJO now has to know that it is being advertised and how/with what framework), but it seems to work.

    There exists an xfire JIRA:


    This is currently at ‘minor’ priority. Perhaps the myeclipse people could get this priority raised (I assume you guys have some ‘clout’)? It seems to me to invalidate the demos I saw (and the myeclipse WebServices ‘story’ at this point in time).



    #267955 Reply

    @trans888 wrote:

    This is not perfect (the service POJO now has to know that it is being advertised and how/with what framework), but it seems to work.

    I’m not sure how this “work around” works.

    I too am stuck on this. I have a webservice that takes a custom class as a parameter — and the web client generator generated that class — but instead of “strings” it uses JAXBElements.

    How do I work with JAXBElements?


    #268000 Reply


    The only solution ( currently, but i’ll try to look at this little deeper sometime later ) is to save WSDL to your local disk, replace minOccur=”0″ to minOccur=”1″ and regenerate the client code again. Then instead of JaxbElment<String>, String type should be generated.

    #269452 Reply


    I am about to try the “workaround” of changing the wsdl by hand. Has anyone come up with a better alternative? Is there a way the generated WSDL can be corrected?

    #269456 Reply


    Currently i don’t know any other way to workaround this problem ( This is how Jaxb 2.x works ), but i’m not Jaxb expert.
    To make WSDL modification little easer,probably creating XSLT transformation to fix this, shouldn’t be very hard.

    #269558 Reply


    Hmm, maybe there is another way to workaround it. Code generator takes externalBinding parameter which allows to control some generation result ( http://xfire.codehaus.org/Client+and+Server+Stub+Generation+from+WSDL ), but currently i’m too busy to investigate it. So if you have any friend with Jaxb skill, ask him/her if this can be helpfull 🙂 And of course let us know 😉

    #289303 Reply


    OK … I have a solution that seems to work. The problem is indeed that the generateElementProperty must be set to false. Setting it false generates a String type instead of the JAXBElement<String> … which appears to amount to requiring a String instead of having an optional String. In Java, requiring a String is the only semantic provided by the Java syntax, so we’re really not losing anything by doing this.

    This is a JAXB issue that can be controlled by a so-called bindings file. I called mine “javaBindings.xml”, and it was for a WSDL file available from my server as “http://localhost:81/services/PALMS?wsdl&#8221;. The bindings file looks like this:

    <jaxb:bindings version="2.0"
        <jaxb:bindings schemaLocation="http://localhost:81/services/PALMS?wsdl">
            <jaxb:bindings node="/xs:schema">

    Undoubtedly, your WSDL file will be some other name … insert it instead of mine.

    And to use this with wsdl2java, name the file using the -b parameter. So, my invocation was:

    wsdl2java -client -b javabindings.xml http://localhost:81/services/PALMS?wsdl

    And viola … out pops declarations with String instead of JAXBElement<String>


    #289497 Reply


    Hi there,
    I’m a complete newbie to JAXB, and have read this whole mail thread. Where do you store the bindings xml file? Is there a way to invoke this xml file within the ws-gen Ant task in the builld.xml of your project?

    Thanks in advance.

    #289499 Reply


    Good questions.

    I don’t have a good solution. For my project, I put the bindings file in the top level of my project directory, and I created an ANT file to build the proxies. I did not hook them into the overall project build. It’s a little tricky when you think about it … I’m getting my WSDL from the server, which would have to be up for the proxy generation to succeed. That sounds like a pretty uneasy dependency for a common operation like a build. So, for now, I deal with regenerating the proxies whenever I change the service. FYI, here’s my ANT file:

    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <project name="PALMS_Server_dist" default="all" basedir=".">
    <!-- adapted from http://cwiki.apache.org/CXF20DOC/ant-tasks.html -->
    <!-- adapted from http://cwiki.apache.org/CXF20DOC/wsdl-to-java.html -->
    <!-- CXF properties -->
      <property name="cxf.home" value="E:/Sysprog/ESB/apache-cxf-2.1.2/"/>
    <!-- input properties -->
      <property name="wsdl-src" value="http://localhost:81/services/PALMS?wsdl"/>
    <!-- output properties -->
      <property name="out-src" value="src"/>    
    <!-- init target -->  
      <target name="init">
       <path id="cxf.classpath">
          <fileset dir="${cxf.home}/lib">
             <include name="*.jar"/>
    <!-- server target -->  
      <target name="wsdl" depends="init" description="Captures WSDL and creates proxies">
        <java classname="org.apache.cxf.tools.wsdlto.WSDLToJava" fork="true">
          <arg value="-client"/>
          <arg value="-b"/>
          <arg value="javaBindings.xml"/>
          <arg value="-d"/>
          <arg value="${out-src}"/>
          <arg value="${wsdl-src}"/>
            <path refid="cxf.classpath"/>
    <!-- all target -->  
      <target name="all" depends="wsdl" description="Builds the whole project">
        <echo>Doing all</echo>
    <!-- clean target -->  
      <target name="clean" description="Removes previous build">
    #298583 Reply


    Sun recommends the generateElementProperty but it has some drawbacks.
    The page is titled “Customizations for WCF Service WSDL”


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