
Webroot reverting to default after deploy

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  • #225141 Reply

    Dave Limer

    Have noticed one of our group just installed Eclipse 3.1M4 and myEclipse 3.8.4. A problem I thought went away w/ 3.8.3 seems to be back, in that a webapp with a webroot NOT equal to /Webroot is deployed, (in this case to Oracle AS) the deployment fails with a warning about webroot missing. On inspection, the projects webroot has been set back to the default /Webroot, and the only way to fix it is to delete and recreate the webproject.

    apprecate any info anyone can provide.


    #225144 Reply

    Dave Limer

    Addl info I should have given….. we all run Win XP Pro. Other member currently running Ecliplse3.1M2 and myEcliplse 3.8.3 and not seeing problem.

    #225146 Reply

    Riyad Kalla

    If you switch to the navigator view, open up the .mymetadata file, edit the webroot there, save it, delete the deployment, close and reopen the project, and recreate the deployment, does it work? I wasn’t aware of this project and I do not use the default named WebRoot, I prefer “webroot” so I have changed it under my J2EE Projects > Web Projects settings.

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