- This topic has 6 replies, 2 voices, and was last updated 20 years, 12 months ago by Scott Anderson.
dres1011MemberI still have trouble starting weblogic 6. I now use:
myeclipse 3.7 fresh install over eclipse 3.0 M6
weblogic 6I can easily start wls using startWeblogic.cmd in cygwin and windows. Here is what it says. I did not write it or packagfe our app, so I cannot control the dirty stuff done here:
@echo off @rem This script can be used to start WebLogic Server. This script ensures that @rem the server is started using the config.xml file found in this directory and @rem that the CLASSPATH is set correctly. This script contains the following variables: @rem @rem JAVA_HOME - Determines the version of Java used to start @rem WebLogic Server. This variable must point to the @rem root directory of a JDK installation and will be set @rem for you by the WebLogic Server installer. Note that @rem this script uses the hotspot VM to run WebLogic Server. @rem If you choose to use a JDK other than the one @rem included in the disribution, make sure that the JDK @rem includes the hotspot VM. See the WebLogic platform support @rem page (http://e-docs.bea.com/wls/platforms/index.html) @rem for an up-to-date list of supported JVMs on Windows NT. @rem @rem When setting these variables below, please use short file names (8.3). @rem To display short (MS-DOS) filenames, use "dir /x". File names with @rem spaces will break this script. @rem @rem jDriver for Oracle users: This script assumes that native libraries @rem required for jDriver for Oracle have been installed in the proper @rem location and that your system PATH variable has been set appropriately. @rem For additional information, refer to Installing and Setting up WebLogic @rem Server (http://e-docs.bea.com/wls/docs61/install/index.html). SETLOCAL cd ..\.. @rem Set user-defined variables. set JAVA_HOME=c:\bea\jdk131 @rem Check that script is being run from the appropriate directory if not exist lib\weblogic.jar goto wrongplace goto checkJDK :wrongplace echo startWebLogic.cmd must be run from the config\mydomain directory. 1>&2 goto finish :checkJDK if exist "%JAVA_HOME%/bin/javac.exe" goto runWebLogic echo. echo Javac wasn't found in directory %JAVA_HOME%/bin. echo Please edit the startWebLogic.cmd script so that the JAVA_HOME echo variable points to the root directory of your JDK installation. goto finish :runWebLogic set PATH=.\bin;%PATH% set CLASSPATH=. set WL_SERVER=c:\bea\wlserver6.1 set CLASSPATH=%WL_SERVER%\classes set CLASSPATH=%CLASSPATH%;%WL_SERVER%\lib\weblogic.jar set CLASSPATH=%CLASSPATH%;%WL_SERVER%\lib\cos.jar set CLASSPATH=%CLASSPATH%;%WL_SERVER%\lib\log4j.jar set CLASSPATH=%CLASSPATH%;%WL_SERVER%\lib\flux.jar set CLASSPATH=%CLASSPATH%;%WL_SERVER%\lib\tpdfd133ee.jar set CLASSPATH=%CLASSPATH%;%WL_SERVER%\lib\datetime.jar set CLASSPATH=%CLASSPATH%;%WL_SERVER%\lib\jfor-0.7.1.jar set CLASSPATH=%CLASSPATH%;%WL_SERVER%\lib\jdom.jar set CLASSPATH=%CLASSPATH%;%WL_SERVER%\lib\fop.jar set CLASSPATH=%CLASSPATH%;%WL_SERVER%\lib\avalon-framework-4.0.jar set CLASSPATH=%CLASSPATH%;%WL_SERVER%\lib\logkit-1.0.jar set CLASSPATH=%CLASSPATH%;%WL_SERVER%\lib\batik.jar set CLASSPATH=%CLASSPATH%;%WL_SERVER%\lib\commons-collections.jar set CLASSPATH=%CLASSPATH%;%WL_SERVER%\lib\standard.jar set CLASSPATH=%CLASSPATH%;%WL_SERVER%\lib\jstl.jar set CLASSPATH=%CLASSPATH%;%WL_SERVER%\lib\com.ibm.mq.iiop.jar set CLASSPATH=%CLASSPATH%;%WL_SERVER%\lib\com.ibm.mq.jar set CLASSPATH=%CLASSPATH%;%WL_SERVER%\lib\com.ibm.mqbind.jar set CLASSPATH=%CLASSPATH%;%WL_SERVER%\lib\com.ibm.mqjms.jar set CLASSPATH=%CLASSPATH%;%WL_SERVER%\lib\fscontext.jar set CLASSPATH=%CLASSPATH%;%WL_SERVER%\lib\jms.jar set CLASSPATH=%CLASSPATH%;%WL_SERVER%\lib\jndi.jar set CLASSPATH=%CLASSPATH%;%WL_SERVER%\lib\jta.jar set CLASSPATH=%CLASSPATH%;%WL_SERVER%\lib\ldap.jar set CLASSPATH=%CLASSPATH%;%WL_SERVER%\lib\providerutil.jar set CLASSPATH=%CLASSPATH%;%WL_SERVER%\lib\velocity-1.3.1.jar set CLASSPATH=%CLASSPATH%;%WL_SERVER%\lib\struts.jar echo off echo. echo *************************************************** echo * To start WebLogic Server, use the password * echo * assigned to the system user. The system * echo * username and password must also be used to * echo * access the WebLogic Server console from a web * echo * browser. * echo *************************************************** @rem Set WLS_PW equal to your system password for no password prompt server startup. set WLS_PW=password @rem Set Production Mode. When set to true, the server starts up in @rem production mode. When set to false, the server starts up in development @rem mode. If not set, it is defaulted to false. set STARTMODE=true echo on "%JAVA_HOME%\bin\java" -hotspot -ms64m -mx64m -classpath "%CLASSPATH%" -Dweblogic.Domain=mydomain -Dweblogic.Name=myserver "-Dbea.home=c:\\bea" -Dweblogic.management.password=%WLS_PW% -Dweblogic.ProductionModeEnabled=%STARTMODE% "-Djava.security.policy==c:\bea\wlserver6.1/lib/weblogic.policy" weblogic.Server goto finish :finish cd config\mydomain ENDLOCAL
When I start wls using the myeclipse plugin I get what seems like a deployment error. I will try and redeploy but it works outside of eclipse, so it should work here.
my config in eclipse, from top to bottom:
C:\bea C:\bea\wlserver6.1 system password C:\bea\wlserver6.1 mydomain myserver localhost:7001 C:\bea\wlserver6.1\lib\weblogic.policy
plus in the paths tab, I have the following in append to classpath (all under C:\bea\wlserver6.1) :
classes lib\weblogic.jar lib\cos.jar lib\log4j.jar lib\flux.jar lib\tpdfd133ee.jar lib\datetime.jar lib\jfor-0.7.1.jar lib\jdom.jar lib\fop.jar lib\avalon-framework-4.0.jar lib\logkit-1.0.jar lib\batik.jar lib\commons-collections.jar lib\standard.jar lib\jstl.jar lib\com.ibm.mq.iiop.jar lib\com.ibm.mq.jar lib\com.ibm.mqbind.jar lib\com.ibm.mqjms.jar lib\fscontext.jar lib\jms.jar lib\jndi.jar lib\jta.jar lib\ldap.jar lib\providerutil.jar lib\velocity-1.3.1.jar lib\struts.jar
The trace:
Starting WebLogic Server .... <Feb 9, 2004 8:21:40 AM PST> <Notice> <Management> <Loading configuration file C:\bea\wlserver6.1\config\mydomain\config.xml ...> <Feb 9, 2004 8:21:52 AM PST> <Notice> <WebLogicServer> <Starting WebLogic Admin Server "myserver" for domain "mydomain"> <Feb 9, 2004 8:23:29 AM PST> <Error> <J2EE> <Error deploying application messaging: Unable to deploy EJB: MessageManager from messaging.jar: Unable to bind EJB Home Interface to the JNDI name: com.synovation.messaging.ejb.local.MessageManagerHome. The error was: javax.naming.NameAlreadyBoundException: MessageManagerHome is already bound; remaining name 'com.synovation.messaging.ejb.local' <<no stack trace available>> > <Feb 9, 2004 8:23:29 AM PST> <Error> <Management> <InvocationTargetException setting attribute Deployed on MBean mydomain:Location=myserver,Name=messaging,Type=ApplicationConfig to value true. Method: public void weblogic.management.mbeans.custom.Application.setDeployed(boolean) throws weblogic.management.DeploymentException,weblogic.management.UndeploymentException Unable to deploy EJB: MessageManager from messaging.jar: Unable to bind EJB Home Interface to the JNDI name: com.synovation.messaging.ejb.local.MessageManagerHome. The error was: javax.naming.NameAlreadyBoundException: MessageManagerHome is already bound; remaining name 'com.synovation.messaging.ejb.local' <<no stack trace available>> at weblogic.ejb20.deployer.Deployer.deploy(Deployer.java:1068) at weblogic.j2ee.EJBComponent.deploy(EJBComponent.java:31) at weblogic.j2ee.Application.deploy(Application.java:258) at weblogic.j2ee.J2EEService.deployApplication(J2EEService.java:190) at weblogic.management.mbeans.custom.Application.setLocalDeployed(Application.java:366) at weblogic.management.mbeans.custom.Application.setDeployed(Application.java:300) at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Native Method) at weblogic.management.internal.DynamicMBeanImpl.invokeSetter(DynamicMBeanImpl.java:1401) at weblogic.management.internal.DynamicMBeanImpl.setAttribute(DynamicMBeanImpl.java:894) at weblogic.management.internal.DynamicMBeanImpl.setAttribute(DynamicMBeanImpl.java:847) at weblogic.management.internal.ConfigurationMBeanImpl.setAttribute(ConfigurationMBeanImpl.java:296) at com.sun.management.jmx.MBeanServerImpl.setAttribute(MBeanServerImpl.java:1358) at com.sun.management.jmx.MBeanServerImpl.setAttribute(MBeanServerImpl.java:1333) at weblogic.management.internal.ConfigurationMBeanImpl.updateConfigMBeans(ConfigurationMBeanImpl.java:393) at weblogic.management.internal.ConfigurationMBeanImpl.setAttribute(ConfigurationMBeanImpl.java:299) at com.sun.management.jmx.MBeanServerImpl.setAttribute(MBeanServerImpl.java:1358) at com.sun.management.jmx.MBeanServerImpl.setAttribute(MBeanServerImpl.java:1333) at weblogic.management.internal.MBeanProxy.setAttribute(MBeanProxy.java:322) at weblogic.management.internal.MBeanProxy.invoke(MBeanProxy.java:204) at $Proxy9.setDeployed(Unknown Source) at weblogic.management.mbeans.custom.ApplicationManager.autoDeploy(ApplicationManager.java:907) at weblogic.management.mbeans.custom.ApplicationManager.poll(ApplicationManager.java:857) at weblogic.management.mbeans.custom.ApplicationManager.poll(ApplicationManager.java:748) at weblogic.management.mbeans.custom.ApplicationManager.update(ApplicationManager.java:206) at weblogic.management.mbeans.custom.ApplicationManager.startAdminManager(ApplicationManager.java:278) at weblogic.management.mbeans.custom.ApplicationManager.start(ApplicationManager.java:152) at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Native Method) at weblogic.management.internal.DynamicMBeanImpl.invokeLocally(DynamicMBeanImpl.java:636) at weblogic.management.internal.DynamicMBeanImpl.invoke(DynamicMBeanImpl.java:621) at weblogic.management.internal.ConfigurationMBeanImpl.invoke(ConfigurationMBeanImpl.java:360) at com.sun.management.jmx.MBeanServerImpl.invoke(MBeanServerImpl.java:1557) at com.sun.management.jmx.MBeanServerImpl.invoke(MBeanServerImpl.java:1525) at weblogic.management.internal.MBeanProxy.invoke(MBeanProxy.java:468) at weblogic.management.internal.MBeanProxy.invoke(MBeanProxy.java:209) at $Proxy5.start(Unknown Source) at weblogic.management.Admin.startApplicationManager(Admin.java:1238) at weblogic.management.Admin.finish(Admin.java:644) at weblogic.t3.srvr.T3Srvr.start(T3Srvr.java:524) at weblogic.t3.srvr.T3Srvr.run(T3Srvr.java:207) at weblogic.Server.main(Server.java:35) > <Feb 9, 2004 8:23:29 AM PST> <Emergency> <Server> <Unable to initialize the server: 'Fatal initialization exception Throwable: weblogic.management.configuration.ConfigurationError - with nested exception: [weblogic.management.DistributedManagementException: Distributed Management [1 exceptions]] weblogic.management.DistributedManagementException: Distributed Management [1 exceptions] at weblogic.management.internal.ConfigurationMBeanImpl.updateConfigMBeans(ConfigurationMBeanImpl.java:444) at weblogic.management.internal.ConfigurationMBeanImpl.setAttribute(ConfigurationMBeanImpl.java:299) at com.sun.management.jmx.MBeanServerImpl.setAttribute(MBeanServerImpl.java:1358) at com.sun.management.jmx.MBeanServerImpl.setAttribute(MBeanServerImpl.java:1333) at weblogic.management.internal.MBeanProxy.setAttribute(MBeanProxy.java:322) at weblogic.management.internal.MBeanProxy.invoke(MBeanProxy.java:204) at $Proxy9.setDeployed(Unknown Source) at weblogic.management.mbeans.custom.ApplicationManager.autoDeploy(ApplicationManager.java:907) at weblogic.management.mbeans.custom.ApplicationManager.poll(ApplicationManager.java:857) at weblogic.management.mbeans.custom.ApplicationManager.poll(ApplicationManager.java:748) at weblogic.management.mbeans.custom.ApplicationManager.update(ApplicationManager.java:206) at weblogic.management.mbeans.custom.ApplicationManager.startAdminManager(ApplicationManager.java:278) at weblogic.management.mbeans.custom.ApplicationManager.start(ApplicationManager.java:152) at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Native Method) at weblogic.management.internal.DynamicMBeanImpl.invokeLocally(DynamicMBeanImpl.java:636) at weblogic.management.internal.DynamicMBeanImpl.invoke(DynamicMBeanImpl.java:621) at weblogic.management.internal.ConfigurationMBeanImpl.invoke(ConfigurationMBeanImpl.java:360) at com.sun.management.jmx.MBeanServerImpl.invoke(MBeanServerImpl.java:1557) at com.sun.management.jmx.MBeanServerImpl.invoke(MBeanServerImpl.java:1525) at weblogic.management.internal.MBeanProxy.invoke(MBeanProxy.java:468) at weblogic.management.internal.MBeanProxy.invoke(MBeanProxy.java:209) at $Proxy5.start(Unknown Source) at weblogic.management.Admin.startApplicationManager(Admin.java:1238) at weblogic.management.Admin.finish(Admin.java:644) at weblogic.t3.srvr.T3Srvr.start(T3Srvr.java:524) at weblogic.t3.srvr.T3Srvr.run(T3Srvr.java:207) at weblogic.Server.main(Server.java:35) Distributed update exception - remote object: mydomain:Location=myserver,Name=messaging,Type=ApplicationConfig - remote server: weblogic.management.internal.RemoteMBeanServerImpl@4fe94c - attribute: Deployed Distributed update exception - remote object: mydomain:Location=myserver,Name=messaging,Type=ApplicationConfig - remote server: weblogic.management.internal.RemoteMBeanServerImpl@4fe94c javax.management.MBeanException at weblogic.management.internal.DynamicMBeanImpl.invokeSetter(DynamicMBeanImpl.java:1414) at weblogic.management.internal.DynamicMBeanImpl.setAttribute(DynamicMBeanImpl.java:894) at weblogic.management.internal.DynamicMBeanImpl.setAttribute(DynamicMBeanImpl.java:847) at weblogic.management.internal.ConfigurationMBeanImpl.setAttribute(ConfigurationMBeanImpl.java:296) at com.sun.management.jmx.MBeanServerImpl.setAttribute(MBeanServerImpl.java:1358) at com.sun.management.jmx.MBeanServerImpl.setAttribute(MBeanServerImpl.java:1333) at weblogic.management.internal.ConfigurationMBeanImpl.updateConfigMBeans(ConfigurationMBeanImpl.java:393) at weblogic.management.internal.ConfigurationMBeanImpl.setAttribute(ConfigurationMBeanImpl.java:299) at com.sun.management.jmx.MBeanServerImpl.setAttribute(MBeanServerImpl.java:1358) at com.sun.management.jmx.MBeanServerImpl.setAttribute(MBeanServerImpl.java:1333) at weblogic.management.internal.MBeanProxy.setAttribute(MBeanProxy.java:322) at weblogic.management.internal.MBeanProxy.invoke(MBeanProxy.java:204) at $Proxy9.setDeployed(Unknown Source) at weblogic.management.mbeans.custom.ApplicationManager.autoDeploy(ApplicationManager.java:907) at weblogic.management.mbeans.custom.ApplicationManager.poll(ApplicationManager.java:857) at weblogic.management.mbeans.custom.ApplicationManager.poll(ApplicationManager.java:748) at weblogic.management.mbeans.custom.ApplicationManager.update(ApplicationManager.java:206) at weblogic.management.mbeans.custom.ApplicationManager.startAdminManager(ApplicationManager.java:278) at weblogic.management.mbeans.custom.ApplicationManager.start(ApplicationManager.java:152) at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Native Method) at weblogic.management.internal.DynamicMBeanImpl.invokeLocally(DynamicMBeanImpl.java:636) at weblogic.management.internal.DynamicMBeanImpl.invoke(DynamicMBeanImpl.java:621) at weblogic.management.internal.ConfigurationMBeanImpl.invoke(ConfigurationMBeanImpl.java:360) at com.sun.management.jmx.MBeanServerImpl.invoke(MBeanServerImpl.java:1557) at com.sun.management.jmx.MBeanServerImpl.invoke(MBeanServerImpl.java:1525) at weblogic.management.internal.MBeanProxy.invoke(MBeanProxy.java:468) at weblogic.management.internal.MBeanProxy.invoke(MBeanProxy.java:209) at $Proxy5.start(Unknown Source) at weblogic.management.Admin.startApplicationManager(Admin.java:1238) at weblogic.management.Admin.finish(Admin.java:644) at weblogic.t3.srvr.T3Srvr.start(T3Srvr.java:524) at weblogic.t3.srvr.T3Srvr.run(T3Srvr.java:207) at weblogic.Server.main(Server.java:35) --------------- nested within: ------------------ weblogic.management.DistributedAttributeUpdateException - with nested exception: [javax.management.MBeanException] at weblogic.management.internal.ConfigurationMBeanImpl.updateConfigMBeans(ConfigurationMBeanImpl.java:407) at weblogic.management.internal.ConfigurationMBeanImpl.setAttribute(ConfigurationMBeanImpl.java:299) at com.sun.management.jmx.MBeanServerImpl.setAttribute(MBeanServerImpl.java:1358) at com.sun.management.jmx.MBeanServerImpl.setAttribute(MBeanServerImpl.java:1333) at weblogic.management.internal.MBeanProxy.setAttribute(MBeanProxy.java:322) at weblogic.management.internal.MBeanProxy.invoke(MBeanProxy.java:204) at $Proxy9.setDeployed(Unknown Source) at weblogic.management.mbeans.custom.ApplicationManager.autoDeploy(ApplicationManager.java:907) at weblogic.management.mbeans.custom.ApplicationManager.poll(ApplicationManager.java:857) at weblogic.management.mbeans.custom.ApplicationManager.poll(ApplicationManager.java:748) at weblogic.management.mbeans.custom.ApplicationManager.update(ApplicationManager.java:206) at weblogic.management.mbeans.custom.ApplicationManager.startAdminManager(ApplicationManager.java:278) at weblogic.management.mbeans.custom.ApplicationManager.start(ApplicationManager.java:152) at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Native Method) at weblogic.management.internal.DynamicMBeanImpl.invokeLocally(DynamicMBeanImpl.java:636) at weblogic.management.internal.DynamicMBeanImpl.invoke(DynamicMBeanImpl.java:621) at weblogic.management.internal.ConfigurationMBeanImpl.invoke(ConfigurationMBeanImpl.java:360) at com.sun.management.jmx.MBeanServerImpl.invoke(MBeanServerImpl.java:1557) at com.sun.management.jmx.MBeanServerImpl.invoke(MBeanServerImpl.java:1525) at weblogic.management.internal.MBeanProxy.invoke(MBeanProxy.java:468) at weblogic.management.internal.MBeanProxy.invoke(MBeanProxy.java:209) at $Proxy5.start(Unknown Source) at weblogic.management.Admin.startApplicationManager(Admin.java:1238) at weblogic.management.Admin.finish(Admin.java:644) at weblogic.t3.srvr.T3Srvr.start(T3Srvr.java:524) at weblogic.t3.srvr.T3Srvr.run(T3Srvr.java:207) at weblogic.Server.main(Server.java:35) --------------- nested within: ------------------ weblogic.management.configuration.ConfigurationError - with nested exception: [weblogic.management.DistributedManagementException: Distributed Management [1 exceptions]] at weblogic.management.mbeans.custom.ApplicationManager.autoDeploy(ApplicationManager.java:911) at weblogic.management.mbeans.custom.ApplicationManager.poll(ApplicationManager.java:857) at weblogic.management.mbeans.custom.ApplicationManager.poll(ApplicationManager.java:748) at weblogic.management.mbeans.custom.ApplicationManager.update(ApplicationManager.java:206) at weblogic.management.mbeans.custom.ApplicationManager.startAdminManager(ApplicationManager.java:278) at weblogic.management.mbeans.custom.ApplicationManager.start(ApplicationManager.java:152) at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Native Method) at weblogic.management.internal.DynamicMBeanImpl.invokeLocally(DynamicMBeanImpl.java:636) at weblogic.management.internal.DynamicMBeanImpl.invoke(DynamicMBeanImpl.java:621) at weblogic.management.internal.ConfigurationMBeanImpl.invoke(ConfigurationMBeanImpl.java:360) at com.sun.management.jmx.MBeanServerImpl.invoke(MBeanServerImpl.java:1557) at com.sun.management.jmx.MBeanServerImpl.invoke(MBeanServerImpl.java:1525) at weblogic.management.internal.MBeanProxy.invoke(MBeanProxy.java:468) at weblogic.management.internal.MBeanProxy.invoke(MBeanProxy.java:209) at $Proxy5.start(Unknown Source) at weblogic.management.Admin.startApplicationManager(Admin.java:1238) at weblogic.management.Admin.finish(Admin.java:644) at weblogic.t3.srvr.T3Srvr.start(T3Srvr.java:524) at weblogic.t3.srvr.T3Srvr.run(T3Srvr.java:207) at weblogic.Server.main(Server.java:35) '> *************************************************************************** The WebLogic Server did not start up properly. Exception raised: weblogic.management.DistributedManagementException: Distributed Management [1 exceptions] at weblogic.management.internal.ConfigurationMBeanImpl.updateConfigMBeans(ConfigurationMBeanImpl.java:444) at weblogic.management.internal.ConfigurationMBeanImpl.setAttribute(ConfigurationMBeanImpl.java:299) at com.sun.management.jmx.MBeanServerImpl.setAttribute(MBeanServerImpl.java:1358) at com.sun.management.jmx.MBeanServerImpl.setAttribute(MBeanServerImpl.java:1333) at weblogic.management.internal.MBeanProxy.setAttribute(MBeanProxy.java:322) at weblogic.management.internal.MBeanProxy.invoke(MBeanProxy.java:204) at $Proxy9.setDeployed(Unknown Source) at weblogic.management.mbeans.custom.ApplicationManager.autoDeploy(ApplicationManager.java:907) at weblogic.management.mbeans.custom.ApplicationManager.poll(ApplicationManager.java:857) at weblogic.management.mbeans.custom.ApplicationManager.poll(ApplicationManager.java:748) at weblogic.management.mbeans.custom.ApplicationManager.update(ApplicationManager.java:206) at weblogic.management.mbeans.custom.ApplicationManager.startAdminManager(ApplicationManager.java:278) at weblogic.management.mbeans.custom.ApplicationManager.start(ApplicationManager.java:152) at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Native Method) at weblogic.management.internal.DynamicMBeanImpl.invokeLocally(DynamicMBeanImpl.java:636) at weblogic.management.internal.DynamicMBeanImpl.invoke(DynamicMBeanImpl.java:621) at weblogic.management.internal.ConfigurationMBeanImpl.invoke(ConfigurationMBeanImpl.java:360) at com.sun.management.jmx.MBeanServerImpl.invoke(MBeanServerImpl.java:1557) at com.sun.management.jmx.MBeanServerImpl.invoke(MBeanServerImpl.java:1525) at weblogic.management.internal.MBeanProxy.invoke(MBeanProxy.java:468) at weblogic.management.internal.MBeanProxy.invoke(MBeanProxy.java:209) at $Proxy5.start(Unknown Source) at weblogic.management.Admin.startApplicationManager(Admin.java:1238) at weblogic.management.Admin.finish(Admin.java:644) at weblogic.t3.srvr.T3Srvr.start(T3Srvr.java:524) at weblogic.t3.srvr.T3Srvr.run(T3Srvr.java:207) at weblogic.Server.main(Server.java:35) --------------- nested within: ------------------ weblogic.management.configuration.ConfigurationError - with nested exception: [weblogic.management.DistributedManagementException: Distributed Management [1 exceptions]] at weblogic.management.mbeans.custom.ApplicationManager.autoDeploy(ApplicationManager.java:911) at weblogic.management.mbeans.custom.ApplicationManager.poll(ApplicationManager.java:857) at weblogic.management.mbeans.custom.ApplicationManager.poll(ApplicationManager.java:748) at weblogic.management.mbeans.custom.ApplicationManager.update(ApplicationManager.java:206) at weblogic.management.mbeans.custom.ApplicationManager.startAdminManager(ApplicationManager.java:278) at weblogic.management.mbeans.custom.ApplicationManager.start(ApplicationManager.java:152) at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Native Method) at weblogic.management.internal.DynamicMBeanImpl.invokeLocally(DynamicMBeanImpl.java:636) at weblogic.management.internal.DynamicMBeanImpl.invoke(DynamicMBeanImpl.java:621) at weblogic.management.internal.ConfigurationMBeanImpl.invoke(ConfigurationMBeanImpl.java:360) at com.sun.management.jmx.MBeanServerImpl.invoke(MBeanServerImpl.java:1557) at com.sun.management.jmx.MBeanServerImpl.invoke(MBeanServerImpl.java:1525) at weblogic.management.internal.MBeanProxy.invoke(MBeanProxy.java:468) at weblogic.management.internal.MBeanProxy.invoke(MBeanProxy.java:209) at $Proxy5.start(Unknown Source) at weblogic.management.Admin.startApplicationManager(Admin.java:1238) at weblogic.management.Admin.finish(Admin.java:644) at weblogic.t3.srvr.T3Srvr.start(T3Srvr.java:524) at weblogic.t3.srvr.T3Srvr.run(T3Srvr.java:207) at weblogic.Server.main(Server.java:35) Reason: Fatal initialization exception ***************************************************************************
Scott AndersonParticipantBased on the error message you’re seeing first:
javax.naming.NameAlreadyBoundException: MessageManagerHome is already bound;
it looks like you have the same application deployed mutlipe times in the same server domain. Perhaps it was deployed once when you started the server externally and once with MyEclipse using different jar names but the same JNDI bindings for the EJB’s? The first one would start just fine, but the second instance would give you a NameAlreadyBoundException since the first instance is already bound in the JNDI tree. You should be able to tell by starting up the WebLogic console and looking at the JNDI tree. Also, I’d suggest setting the logging level to something much more verbose (using the WebLogic console) to help you run this down.
dres1011MemberThanks for taking a look at this. It is really weird. I don’t have 2 instances running ever. And I can start, stop, and restart the server in cygwin or windows as many times as I want with no problems. I only see this error in eclipse.
It looks like just what you said, a simple deployment issue of a bean being deployed twice. But I don’t understand why it does not happen outside of eclipse.
UPDATE – I tried undeploying the app and redeploying. I did get the server to start the first time. Still got the JNDI errors but did not get the fatal initialization error. After that every time I started I got the same initialization error. I thought the JNDI tree gets rebound every time the server starts but I guess it could be persisted somewhere. Still no clue why it starts outside of eclipse with no problems.
Just for kicks I included debug traces from both in and out of eclipse.
<Warning> <EJB> <EJB Deployment: courtcase cannot be redeployed while the server is running. com.synovation.ecase.adult.court.ejb.local.CourtCaseHome is located in the server's classpath.> <Feb 9, 2004 4:41:46 PM PST> <Warning> <EJB> <EJB Deployment: courtcase cannot be redeployed while the server is running. com.synovation.ecase.adult.court.ejb.local.CourtCase is located in the server's classpath.> <Feb 9, 2004 4:41:46 PM PST> <Warning> <EJB> <EJB Deployment: adultIndividual cannot be redeployed while the server is running. com.synovation.ecase.individual.ejb.IndividualBean is located in the server's classpath.> <Feb 9, 2004 4:41:46 PM PST> <Warning> <EJB> <EJB Deployment: adultIndividual cannot be redeployed while the server is running. com.synovation.ecase.individual.ejb.local.IndividualHome is located in the server's classpath.> <Feb 9, 2004 4:41:46 PM PST> <Warning> <EJB> <EJB Deployment: adultIndividual cannot be redeployed while the server is running. com.synovation.ecase.individual.ejb.local.Individual is located in the server's classpath.> <Feb 9, 2004 4:41:46 PM PST> <Warning> <EJB> <EJB Deployment: victim cannot be redeployed while the server is running. com.synovation.ecase.adult.charge.victim.ejb.VictimBean is located in the server's classpath.> <Feb 9, 2004 4:41:46 PM PST> <Warning> <EJB> <EJB Deployment: victim cannot be redeployed while the server is running. com.synovation.ecase.adult.charge.victim.ejb.local.VictimHome is located in the server's classpath.> <Feb 9, 2004 4:41:46 PM PST> <Warning> <EJB> <EJB Deployment: victim cannot be redeployed while the server is running. com.synovation.ecase.adult.charge.victim.ejb.local.Victim is located in the server's classpath.> <Feb 9, 2004 4:41:47 PM PST> <Warning> <EJB> <EJB Deployment: criminalHistory cannot be redeployed while the server is running. com.synovation.ecase.adult.criminal.ejb.CriminalHistoryBean is located in the server's classpath.> <Feb 9, 2004 4:41:47 PM PST> <Warning> <EJB> <EJB Deployment: criminalHistory cannot be redeployed while the server is running. com.synovation.ecase.adult.criminal.ejb.local.CriminalHistoryHome is located in the server's classpath.> <Feb 9, 2004 4:41:47 PM PST> <Warning> <EJB> <EJB Deployment: criminalHistory cannot be redeployed while the server is running. com.synovation.ecase.adult.criminal.ejb.local.CriminalHistory is located in the server's classpath.> <Feb 9, 2004 4:41:47 PM PST> <Warning> <EJB> <EJB Deployment: adultWarrant cannot be redeployed while the server is running. com.synovation.ecase.adult.warrant.ejb.WarrantBean is located in the server's classpath.> <Feb 9, 2004 4:41:47 PM PST> <Warning> <EJB> <EJB Deployment: adultWarrant cannot be redeployed while the server is running. com.synovation.ecase.adult.warrant.ejb.local.WarrantHome is located in the server's classpath.> <Feb 9, 2004 4:41:47 PM PST> <Warning> <EJB> <EJB Deployment: adultWarrant cannot be redeployed while the server is running. com.synovation.ecase.adult.warrant.ejb.local.Warrant is located in the server's classpath.> <Feb 9, 2004 4:41:47 PM PST> <Warning> <EJB> <EJB Deployment: activity cannot be redeployed while the server is running. com.synovation.ecase.adult.activity.ejb.ActivityBean is located in the server's classpath.> <Feb 9, 2004 4:41:47 PM PST> <Warning> <EJB> <EJB Deployment: activity cannot be redeployed while the server is running. com.synovation.ecase.adult.activity.ejb.local.ActivityHome is located in the server's classpath.> <Feb 9, 2004 4:41:47 PM PST> <Warning> <EJB> <EJB Deployment: activity cannot be redeployed while the server is running. com.synovation.ecase.adult.activity.ejb.local.Activity is located in the server's classpath.> <Feb 9, 2004 4:41:47 PM PST> <Warning> <EJB> <EJB Deployment: grant cannot be redeployed while the server is running. com.synovation.ecase.adult.grant.ejb.GrantBean is located in the server's classpath.> <Feb 9, 2004 4:41:47 PM PST> <Warning> <EJB> <EJB Deployment: grant cannot be redeployed while the server is running. com.synovation.ecase.adult.grant.ejb.local.GrantHome is located in the server's classpath.> <Feb 9, 2004 4:41:47 PM PST> <Warning> <EJB> <EJB Deployment: grant cannot be redeployed while the server is running. com.synovation.ecase.adult.grant.ejb.local.Grant is located in the server's classpath.> <Feb 9, 2004 4:41:47 PM PST> <Warning> <EJB> <EJB Deployment: investigation cannot be redeployed while the server is running. com.synovation.ecase.adult.investigation.ejb.InvestigationBean is located in the server's classpath.> <Feb 9, 2004 4:41:47 PM PST> <Warning> <EJB> <EJB Deployment: investigation cannot be redeployed while the server is running. com.synovation.ecase.adult.investigation.ejb.local.InvestigationHome is located in the server's classpath.> <Feb 9, 2004 4:41:47 PM PST> <Warning> <EJB> <EJB Deployment: investigation cannot be redeployed while the server is running. com.synovation.ecase.adult.investigation.ejb.local.Investigation is located in the server's classpath.> <Feb 9, 2004 4:41:47 PM PST> <Warning> <EJB> <EJB Deployment: hearing cannot be redeployed while the server is running. com.synovation.ecase.adult.hearing.ejb.HearingBean is located in the server's classpath.> <Feb 9, 2004 4:41:47 PM PST> <Warning> <EJB> <EJB Deployment: hearing cannot be redeployed while the server is running. com.synovation.ecase.adult.hearing.ejb.local.HearingHome is located in the server's classpath.> <Feb 9, 2004 4:41:47 PM PST> <Warning> <EJB> <EJB Deployment: hearing cannot be redeployed while the server is running. com.synovation.ecase.adult.hearing.ejb.local.Hearing is located in the server's classpath.> <Feb 9, 2004 4:41:47 PM PST> <Warning> <EJB> <EJB Deployment: assessment cannot be redeployed while the server is running. com.synovation.ecase.adult.individual.assessment.ejb.AssessmentBean is located in the server's classpath.> <Feb 9, 2004 4:41:47 PM PST> <Warning> <EJB> <EJB Deployment: assessment cannot be redeployed while the server is running. com.synovation.ecase.adult.individual.assessment.ejb.local.AssessmentHome is located in the server's classpath.> <Feb 9, 2004 4:41:47 PM PST> <Warning> <EJB> <EJB Deployment: assessment cannot be redeployed while the server is running. com.synovation.ecase.adult.individual.assessment.ejb.local.Assessment is located in the server's classpath.> <Feb 9, 2004 4:41:47 PM PST> <Warning> <EJB> <EJB Deployment: caseloadAssignmentHistoryHome cannot be redeployed while the server is running. com.synovation.ecase.adult.caseload.ejb.CaseloadAssignmentHistoryBean is located in the server's classpath.> <Feb 9, 2004 4:41:47 PM PST> <Warning> <EJB> <EJB Deployment: caseloadAssignmentHistoryHome cannot be redeployed while the server is running. com.synovation.ecase.adult.caseload.ejb.local.CaseloadAssignmentHistoryHome is located in the server's classpath.> <Feb 9, 2004 4:41:47 PM PST> <Warning> <EJB> <EJB Deployment: caseloadAssignmentHistoryHome cannot be redeployed while the server is running. com.synovation.ecase.adult.caseload.ejb.local.CaseloadAssignmentHistory is located in the server's classpath.> <Feb 9, 2004 4:41:47 PM PST> <Warning> <EJB> <EJB Deployment: prop36 cannot be redeployed while the server is running. com.synovation.ecase.adult.prop36.ejb.Prop36Bean is located in the server's classpath.> <Feb 9, 2004 4:41:47 PM PST> <Warning> <EJB> <EJB Deployment: prop36 cannot be redeployed while the server is running. com.synovation.ecase.adult.prop36.ejb.local.Prop36Home is located in the server's classpath.> <Feb 9, 2004 4:41:47 PM PST> <Warning> <EJB> <EJB Deployment: prop36 cannot be redeployed while the server is running. com.synovation.ecase.adult.prop36.ejb.local.Prop36 is located in the server's classpath.> <Feb 9, 2004 4:41:47 PM PST> <Warning> <EJB> <EJB Deployment: prop36Service cannot be redeployed while the server is running. com.synovation.ecase.adult.prop36.ejb.Prop36ServiceBean is located in the server's classpath.> <Feb 9, 2004 4:41:48 PM PST> <Warning> <EJB> <EJB Deployment: prop36Service cannot be redeployed while the server is running. com.synovation.ecase.adult.prop36.ejb.local.Prop36ServiceHome is located in the server's classpath.> <Feb 9, 2004 4:41:48 PM PST> <Warning> <EJB> <EJB Deployment: prop36Service cannot be redeployed while the server is running. com.synovation.ecase.adult.prop36.ejb.local.Prop36Service is located in the server's classpath.> <Feb 9, 2004 4:41:48 PM PST> <Warning> <EJB> <EJB Deployment: prop36Treatment cannot be redeployed while the server is running. com.synovation.ecase.adult.prop36.ejb.Prop36TreatmentBean is located in the server's classpath.> <Feb 9, 2004 4:41:48 PM PST> <Warning> <EJB> <EJB Deployment: prop36Treatment cannot be redeployed while the server is running. com.synovation.ecase.adult.prop36.ejb.local.Prop36TreatmentHome is located in the server's classpath.> <Feb 9, 2004 4:41:48 PM PST> <Warning> <EJB> <EJB Deployment: prop36Treatment cannot be redeployed while the server is running. com.synovation.ecase.adult.prop36.ejb.local.Prop36Treatment is located in the server's classpath.> <Feb 9, 2004 4:41:48 PM PST> <Warning> <EJB> <EJB Deployment: prior cannot be redeployed while the server is running. com.synovation.ecase.adult.charge.prior.ejb.PriorBean is located in the server's classpath.> <Feb 9, 2004 4:41:48 PM PST> <Warning> <EJB> <EJB Deployment: prior cannot be redeployed while the server is running. com.synovation.ecase.adult.charge.prior.ejb.local.PriorHome is located in the server's classpath.> <Feb 9, 2004 4:41:48 PM PST> <Warning> <EJB> <EJB Deployment: prior cannot be redeployed while the server is running. com.synovation.ecase.adult.charge.prior.ejb.local.Prior is located in the server's classpath.> <Feb 9, 2004 4:41:48 PM PST> <Warning> <EJB> <EJB Deployment: codefendant cannot be redeployed while the server is running. com.synovation.ecase.adult.codefendant.ejb.CoDefendantBean is located in the server's classpath.> <Feb 9, 2004 4:41:48 PM PST> <Warning> <EJB> <EJB Deployment: codefendant cannot be redeployed while the server is running. com.synovation.ecase.adult.codefendant.ejb.local.CoDefendantHome is located in the server's classpath.> <Feb 9, 2004 4:41:48 PM PST> <Warning> <EJB> <EJB Deployment: codefendant cannot be redeployed while the server is running. com.synovation.ecase.adult.codefendant.ejb.local.CoDefendant is located in the server's classpath.> <Feb 9, 2004 4:41:48 PM PST> <Warning> <EJB> <EJB Deployment: sentence cannot be redeployed while the server is running. com.synovation.ecase.adult.sentence.sentence.ejb.SentenceBean is located in the server's classpath.> <Feb 9, 2004 4:41:48 PM PST> <Warning> <EJB> <EJB Deployment: sentence cannot be redeployed while the server is running. com.synovation.ecase.adult.sentence.sentence.ejb.local.SentenceHome is located in the server's classpath.> <Feb 9, 2004 4:41:48 PM PST> <Warning> <EJB> <EJB Deployment: sentence cannot be redeployed while the server is running. com.synovation.ecase.adult.sentence.sentence.ejb.local.Sentence is located in the server's classpath.> <Feb 9, 2004 4:41:48 PM PST> <Warning> <EJB> <EJB Deployment: allegation cannot be redeployed while the server is running. com.synovation.ecase.adult.charge.allegation.ejb.SpecialAllegationBean is located in the server's classpath.> <Feb 9, 2004 4:41:48 PM PST> <Warning> <EJB> <EJB Deployment: allegation cannot be redeployed while the server is running. com.synovation.ecase.adult.charge.allegation.ejb.local.SpecialAllegationHome is located in the server's classpath.> <Feb 9, 2004 4:41:48 PM PST> <Warning> <EJB> <EJB Deployment: allegation cannot be redeployed while the server is running. com.synovation.ecase.adult.charge.allegation.ejb.local.SpecialAllegation is located in the server's classpath.> <Feb 9, 2004 4:41:48 PM PST> <Warning> <EJB> <EJB Deployment: adultDisposition cannot be redeployed while the server is running. com.synovation.ecase.adult.sentence.disposition.ejb.DispositionBean is located in the server's classpath.> <Feb 9, 2004 4:41:48 PM PST> <Warning> <EJB> <EJB Deployment: adultDisposition cannot be redeployed while the server is running. com.synovation.ecase.adult.sentence.disposition.ejb.local.DispositionHome is located in the server's classpath.> <Feb 9, 2004 4:41:48 PM PST> <Warning> <EJB> <EJB Deployment: adultDisposition cannot be redeployed while the server is running. com.synovation.ecase.adult.sentence.disposition.ejb.local.Disposition is located in the server's classpath.> <Feb 9, 2004 4:41:48 PM PST> <Info> <EJB> <EJB Deployed EJB with JNDI name com.synovation.ecase.adult.prop36.ejb.local.Prop36ServiceHome.> <Feb 9, 2004 4:41:48 PM PST> <Info> <EJB> <EJB Deployed EJB with JNDI name com.synovation.ecase.adult.prop36.ejb.local.Prop36ManagerHome.> <Feb 9, 2004 4:41:48 PM PST> <Info> <EJB> <EJB Deployed EJB with JNDI name com.synovation.ecase.adult.activity.ejb.local.ActivityHome.> <Feb 9, 2004 4:41:49 PM PST> <Info> <EJB> <EJB Deployed EJB with JNDI name com.synovation.ecase.adult.grant.ejb.local.GrantHome.> <Feb 9, 2004 4:41:49 PM PST> <Info> <EJB> <EJB Deployed EJB with JNDI name com.synovation.ecase.adult.court.custodytime.ejb.local.CustodyTimeHome.> <Feb 9, 2004 4:41:49 PM PST> <Info> <EJB> <EJB Deployed EJB with JNDI name com.synovation.ecase.adult.charge.allegation.ejb.local.SpecialAllegationHome.> <Feb 9, 2004 4:41:49 PM PST> <Info> <EJB> <EJB Deployed EJB with JNDI name com.synovation.ecase.adult.hearing.ejb.local.HearingHome.> <Feb 9, 2004 4:41:49 PM PST> <Info> <EJB> <EJB Deployed EJB with JNDI name com.synovation.ecase.adult.caseload.ejb.local.CaseloadAssignmentHistoryHome.> <Feb 9, 2004 4:41:49 PM PST> <Info> <EJB> <EJB Deployed EJB with JNDI name com.synovation.ecase.terms.ejb.local.TermManagerHome.> <Feb 9, 2004 4:41:49 PM PST> <Info> <EJB> <EJB Deployed EJB with JNDI name com.synovation.ecase.adult.sentence.disposition.ejb.local.DispositionHome.> <Feb 9, 2004 4:41:49 PM PST> <Info> <EJB> <EJB Deployed EJB with JNDI name com.synovation.ecase.adult.sentence.sentence.ejb.local.SentenceHome.> <Feb 9, 2004 4:41:49 PM PST> <Info> <EJB> <EJB Deployed EJB with JNDI name com.synovation.ecase.adult.sentence.ejb.local.SentenceManagerHome.> <Feb 9, 2004 4:41:50 PM PST> <Info> <EJB> <EJB Deployed EJB with JNDI name com.synovation.ecase.adult.warrant.ejb.local.WarrantHome.> <Feb 9, 2004 4:41:50 PM PST> <Info> <EJB> <EJB Deployed EJB with JNDI name com.synovation.ecase.individual.ejb.local.IndividualHome.> <Feb 9, 2004 4:41:50 PM PST> <Info> <EJB> <EJB Deployed EJB with JNDI name com.synovation.ecase.adult.charge.prior.ejb.local.PriorHome.> <Feb 9, 2004 4:41:50 PM PST> <Info> <EJB> <EJB Deployed EJB with JNDI name com.synovation.ecase.adult.reports.ejb.local.SupervisionReportsGeneratorHome.> <Feb 9, 2004 4:41:50 PM PST> <Info> <EJB> <EJB Deployed EJB with JNDI name com.synovation.ecase.adult.individual.assessment.ejb.local.AssessmentLocalHome.> <Feb 9, 2004 4:41:50 PM PST> <Info> <EJB> <EJB Deployed EJB with JNDI name com.synovation.ecase.individual.name.sandiego.extension.IBMExtensionBean.> <Feb 9, 2004 4:41:50 PM PST> <Info> <EJB> <EJB Deployed EJB with JNDI name com.synovation.ecase.adult.investigation.ejb.local.InvestigationHome.> <Feb 9, 2004 4:41:50 PM PST> <Info> <EJB> <EJB Deployed EJB with JNDI name com.synovation.ecase.adult.reports.ejb.local.DrugTestReportGeneratorHome.> <Feb 9, 2004 4:41:50 PM PST> <Info> <EJB> <EJB Deployed EJB with JNDI name com.synovation.ecase.adult.charge.victim.ejb.local.VictimHome.> <Feb 9, 2004 4:41:50 PM PST> <Info> <EJB> <EJB Deployed EJB with JNDI name com.synovation.ecase.adult.criminal.ejb.local.CriminalHistoryHome.> <Feb 9, 2004 4:41:51 PM PST> <Info> <EJB> <EJB Deployed EJB with JNDI name com.synovation.ecase.adult.codefendant.ejb.local.CoDefendantHome.> <Feb 9, 2004 4:41:51 PM PST> <Info> <EJB> <EJB Deployed EJB with JNDI name com.synovation.ecase.adult.prop36.ejb.local.Prop36Home.> <Feb 9, 2004 4:41:51 PM PST> <Info> <EJB> <EJB Deployed EJB with JNDI name com.synovation.ecase.adult.prop36.ejb.local.Prop36TreatmentHome.> <Feb 9, 2004 4:41:51 PM PST> <Info> <EJB> <EJB Deployed EJB with JNDI name com.synovation.ecase.adult.charge.ejb.local.ChargeManagerHome.> <Feb 9, 2004 4:41:51 PM PST> <Info> <EJB> <EJB Deployed EJB with JNDI name com.synovation.ecase.adult.court.ejb.local.CourtCaseHome.> <Feb 9, 2004 4:41:51 PM PST> <Info> <EJB> <EJB Deployed EJB with JNDI name com.synovation.ecase.dynamicform.ejb.local.LineItemFormFactoryHome.> <Feb 9, 2004 4:41:51 PM PST> <Info> <EJB> <EJB Deployed EJB with JNDI name com.synovation.ecase.adult.program.compliance.ejb.local.ComplianceProgramManagerHome.> <Feb 9, 2004 4:41:51 PM PST> <Info> <J2EE> <Deployed : Adult> <Feb 9, 2004 4:41:51 PM PST> <Info> <EJB> <EJB Deploying file: investigation.jar> <Feb 9, 2004 4:41:51 PM PST> <Warning> <J2EE> <You are running WebLogic Server with J2EE 1.3 features enabled. The implementation of specific J2EE 1.3 features (EJB 2.0, JSP 1.2, Servlet 2.3, and J2EE Connector Architecture 1.0) in BEA WebLogic Server 6.1 is of a non-final version of the appropriate specification. It is subject to change in future releases once the specification becomes finalized. This may cause application code developed for BEA WebLogic Server 6.1 that uses the new features of J2EE 1.3 to be incompatible with the J2EE 1.3 platform supported in future releases of BEA WebLogic Server.> <Feb 9, 2004 4:41:51 PM PST> <Warning> <EJB> <EJB Deployment: dispositionManager cannot be redeployed while the server is running. com.synovation.ecase.probation.investigation.ejb.DispositionManagerBean is located in the server's classpath.> <Feb 9, 2004 4:41:51 PM PST> <Warning> <EJB> <EJB Deployment: dispositionManager cannot be redeployed while the server is running. com.synovation.ecase.probation.investigation.ejb.local.DispositionManagerHome is located in the server's classpath.> <Feb 9, 2004 4:41:51 PM PST> <Warning> <EJB> <EJB Deployment: dispositionManager cannot be redeployed while the server is running. com.synovation.ecase.probation.investigation.ejb.local.DispositionManager is located in the server's classpath.> <Feb 9, 2004 4:41:51 PM PST> <Warning> <EJB> <EJB Deployment: dispositionDocument cannot be redeployed while the server is running. com.synovation.ecase.probation.investigation.ejb.DispositionDocumentBean is located in the server's classpath.> <Feb 9, 2004 4:41:52 PM PST> <Warning> <EJB> <EJB Deployment: dispositionDocument cannot be redeployed while the server is running. com.synovation.ecase.probation.investigation.ejb.local.DispositionDocumentHome is located in the server's classpath.> <Feb 9, 2004 4:41:52 PM PST> <Warning> <EJB> <EJB Deployment: dispositionDocument cannot be redeployed while the server is running. com.synovation.ecase.probation.investigation.ejb.local.DispositionDocument is located in the server's classpath.> <Feb 9, 2004 4:41:52 PM PST> <Warning> <EJB> <EJB Deployment: disposition cannot be redeployed while the server is running. com.synovation.ecase.probation.investigation.ejb.DispositionBean is located in the server's classpath.> <Feb 9, 2004 4:41:52 PM PST> <Warning> <EJB> <EJB Deployment: disposition cannot be redeployed while the server is running. com.synovation.ecase.probation.investigation.ejb.local.DispositionHome is located in the server's classpath.> <Feb 9, 2004 4:41:52 PM PST> <Warning> <EJB> <EJB Deployment: disposition cannot be redeployed while the server is running. com.synovation.ecase.probation.investigation.ejb.local.Disposition is located in the server's classpath.> <Feb 9, 2004 4:41:52 PM PST> <Warning> <EJB> <EJB Deployment: dispositionWorksheet cannot be redeployed while the server is running. com.synovation.ecase.probation.investigation.ejb.DispositionWorksheetBean is located in the server's classpath.> <Feb 9, 2004 4:41:52 PM PST> <Warning> <EJB> <EJB Deployment: dispositionWorksheet cannot be redeployed while the server is running. com.synovation.ecase.probation.investigation.ejb.local.DispositionWorksheetHome is located in the server's classpath.> <Feb 9, 2004 4:41:52 PM PST> <Warning> <EJB> <EJB Deployment: dispositionWorksheet cannot be redeployed while the server is running. com.synovation.ecase.probation.investigation.ejb.local.DispositionWorksheet is located in the server's classpath.> <Feb 9, 2004 4:41:52 PM PST> <Info> <EJB> <EJB Deployed EJB with JNDI name com.synovation.ecase.probation.investigation.ejb.local.DispositionManagerHome.> <Feb 9, 2004 4:41:52 PM PST> <Info> <EJB> <EJB Deployed EJB with JNDI name com.synovation.ecase.probation.investigation.ejb.local.DispositionWorksheetHome.> <Feb 9, 2004 4:41:52 PM PST> <Info> <EJB> <EJB Deployed EJB with JNDI name com.synovation.ecase.probation.investigation.ejb.local.DispositionDocumentHome.> <Feb 9, 2004 4:41:52 PM PST> <Info> <EJB> <EJB Deployed EJB with JNDI name com.synovation.ecase.probation.investigation.ejb.local.DispositionHome.> <Feb 9, 2004 4:41:52 PM PST> <Info> <J2EE> <Deployed : investigation> <Feb 9, 2004 4:41:52 PM PST> <Info> <EJB> <EJB Deploying file: doc.jar> <Feb 9, 2004 4:41:52 PM PST> <Warning> <J2EE> <You are running WebLogic Server with J2EE 1.3 features enabled. The implementation of specific J2EE 1.3 features (EJB 2.0, JSP 1.2, Servlet 2.3, and J2EE Connector Architecture 1.0) in BEA WebLogic Server 6.1 is of a non-final version of the appropriate specification. It is subject to change in future releases once the specification becomes finalized. This may cause application code developed for BEA WebLogic Server 6.1 that uses the new features of J2EE 1.3 to be incompatible with the J2EE 1.3 platform supported in future releases of BEA WebLogic Server.> <Feb 9, 2004 4:41:52 PM PST> <Warning> <EJB> <EJB Deployment: DocumentClob cannot be redeployed while the server is running. com.synovation.ecase.doc.documentclob.ejb.DocumentClobBean is located in the server's classpath.> <Feb 9, 2004 4:41:52 PM PST> <Warning> <EJB> <EJB Deployment: DocumentClob cannot be redeployed while the server is running. com.synovation.ecase.doc.documentclob.ejb.local.DocumentClobHome is located in the server's classpath.> <Feb 9, 2004 4:41:52 PM PST> <Warning> <EJB> <EJB Deployment: DocumentClob cannot be redeployed while the server is running. com.synovation.ecase.doc.documentclob.ejb.local.DocumentClob is located in the server's classpath.> <Feb 9, 2004 4:41:52 PM PST> <Warning> <EJB> <EJB Deployment: Document cannot be redeployed while the server is running. com.synovation.ecase.doc.document.ejb.DocumentBean is located in the server's classpath.> <Feb 9, 2004 4:41:52 PM PST> <Warning> <EJB> <EJB Deployment: Document cannot be redeployed while the server is running. com.synovation.ecase.doc.document.ejb.local.DocumentHome is located in the server's classpath.> <Feb 9, 2004 4:41:52 PM PST> <Warning> <EJB> <EJB Deployment: Document cannot be redeployed while the server is running. com.synovation.ecase.doc.document.ejb.local.Document is located in the server's classpath.> <Feb 9, 2004 4:41:52 PM PST> <Warning> <EJB> <EJB Deployment: TemplateClob cannot be redeployed while the server is running. com.synovation.ecase.doc.templateclob.ejb.TemplateClobBean is located in the server's classpath.> <Feb 9, 2004 4:41:52 PM PST> <Warning> <EJB> <EJB Deployment: TemplateClob cannot be redeployed while the server is running. com.synovation.ecase.doc.templateclob.ejb.local.TemplateClobHome is located in the server's classpath.> <Feb 9, 2004 4:41:52 PM PST> <Warning> <EJB> <EJB Deployment: TemplateClob cannot be redeployed while the server is running. com.synovation.ecase.doc.templateclob.ejb.local.TemplateClob is located in the server's classpath.> <Feb 9, 2004 4:41:52 PM PST> <Info> <EJB> <EJB Deployed EJB with JNDI name com.synovation.ecase.doc.document.ejb.local.DocumentHome.> <Feb 9, 2004 4:41:53 PM PST> <Info> <EJB> <EJB Deployed EJB with JNDI name com.synovation.ecase.doc.documentclob.ejb.local.DocumentClobHome.> <Feb 9, 2004 4:41:53 PM PST> <Info> <EJB> <EJB Deployed EJB with JNDI name com.synovation.ecase.doc.templateclob.ejb.local.TemplateClobHome.> <Feb 9, 2004 4:41:53 PM PST> <Info> <J2EE> <Deployed : doc> <Feb 9, 2004 4:41:53 PM PST> <Info> <EJB> <EJB Deploying file: courts.jar> <Feb 9, 2004 4:41:53 PM PST> <Warning> <J2EE> <You are running WebLogic Server with J2EE 1.3 features enabled. The implementation of specific J2EE 1.3 features (EJB 2.0, JSP 1.2, Servlet 2.3, and J2EE Connector Architecture 1.0) in BEA WebLogic Server 6.1 is of a non-final version of the appropriate specification. It is subject to change in future releases once the specification becomes finalized. This may cause application code developed for BEA WebLogic Server 6.1 that uses the new features of J2EE 1.3 to be incompatible with the J2EE 1.3 platform supported in future releases of BEA WebLogic Server.> <Feb 9, 2004 4:41:53 PM PST> <Warning> <EJB> <EJB Deployment: com.synovation.ecase.courts.courtcase.ejb.local.CaseNote cannot be redeployed while the server is running. com.synovation.ecase.courts.courtcase.ejb.CaseNoteBean is located in the server's classpath.> <Feb 9, 2004 4:41:53 PM PST> <Warning> <EJB> <EJB Deployment: com.synovation.ecase.courts.courtcase.ejb.local.CaseNote cannot be redeployed while the server is running. com.synovation.ecase.courts.courtcase.ejb.local.CaseNoteHome is located in the server's classpath.> <Feb 9, 2004 4:41:53 PM PST> <Warning> <EJB> <EJB Deployment: com.synovation.ecase.courts.courtcase.ejb.local.CaseNote cannot be redeployed while the server is running. com.synovation.ecase.courts.courtcase.ejb.local.CaseNote is located in the server's classpath.> <Feb 9, 2004 4:41:53 PM PST> <Warning> <EJB> <EJB Deployment: com.synovation.ecase.courts.courtcase.ejb.local.CourtCase cannot be redeployed while the server is running. com.synovation.ecase.courts.courtcase.ejb.CourtCaseBean is located in the server's classpath.> <Feb 9, 2004 4:41:53 PM PST> <Warning> <EJB> <EJB Deployment: com.synovation.ecase.courts.courtcase.ejb.local.CourtCase cannot be redeployed while the server is running. com.synovation.ecase.courts.courtcase.ejb.local.CourtCaseHome is located in the server's classpath.> <Feb 9, 2004 4:41:53 PM PST> <Warning> <EJB> <EJB Deployment: com.synovation.ecase.courts.courtcase.ejb.local.CourtCase cannot be redeployed while the server is running. com.synovation.ecase.courts.courtcase.ejb.local.CourtCase is located in the server's classpath.> <Feb 9, 2004 4:41:53 PM PST> <Warning> <EJB> <EJB Deployment: com.synovation.ecase.courts.courtsetup.ejb.local.CourtSetup cannot be redeployed while the server is running. com.synovation.ecase.courts.courtsetup.ejb.CourtSetupBean is located in the server's classpath.> <Feb 9, 2004 4:41:53 PM PST> <Warning> <EJB> <EJB Deployment: com.synovation.ecase.courts.courtsetup.ejb.local.CourtSetup cannot be redeployed while the server is running. com.synovation.ecase.courts.courtsetup.ejb.local.CourtSetupHome is located in the server's classpath.> <Feb 9, 2004 4:41:53 PM PST> <Warning> <EJB> <EJB Deployment: com.synovation.ecase.courts.courtsetup.ejb.local.CourtSetup cannot be redeployed while the server is running. com.synovation.ecase.courts.courtsetup.ejb.local.CourtSetup is located in the server's classpath.> <Feb 9, 2004 4:41:53 PM PST> <Warning> <EJB> <EJB Deployment: com.synovation.ecase.courts.minuteorder.ejb.local.MinuteOrder cannot be redeployed while the server is running. com.synovation.ecase.courts.minuteorder.ejb.MinuteOrderBean is located in the server's classpath.> <Feb 9, 2004 4:41:53 PM PST> <Warning> <EJB> <EJB Deployment: com.synovation.ecase.courts.minuteorder.ejb.local.MinuteOrder cannot be redeployed while the server is running. com.synovation.ecase.courts.minuteorder.ejb.local.MinuteOrderHome is located in the server's classpath.> <Feb 9, 2004 4:41:53 PM PST> <Warning> <EJB> <EJB Deployment: com.synovation.ecase.courts.minuteorder.ejb.local.MinuteOrder cannot be redeployed while the server is running. com.synovation.ecase.courts.minuteorder.ejb.local.MinuteOrder is located in the server's classpath.> <Feb 9, 2004 4:41:53 PM PST> <Info> <EJB> <EJB Deployed EJB with JNDI name com.synovation.ecase.courts.minuteorder.ejb.local.MinuteOrderHome.> <Feb 9, 2004 4:41:53 PM PST> <Info> <EJB> <EJB Deployed EJB with JNDI name com.synovation.ecase.courts.courtsetup.ejb.local.CourtSetupHome.> <Feb 9, 2004 4:41:53 PM PST> <Info> <EJB> <EJB Deployed EJB with JNDI name com.synovation.ecase.courts.courtcase.ejb.local.CourtCaseHome.> <Feb 9, 2004 4:41:54 PM PST> <Info> <EJB> <EJB Deployed EJB with JNDI name com.synovation.ecase.courts.courtcase.ejb.local.CaseNoteHome.> <Feb 9, 2004 4:41:54 PM PST> <Info> <J2EE> <Deployed : Courts> <Feb 9, 2004 4:41:54 PM PST> <Info> <EJB> <EJB Deploying file: workprogram.jar> <Feb 9, 2004 4:41:54 PM PST> <Warning> <J2EE> <You are running WebLogic Server with J2EE 1.3 features enabled. The implementation of specific J2EE 1.3 features (EJB 2.0, JSP 1.2, Servlet 2.3, and J2EE Connector Architecture 1.0) in BEA WebLogic Server 6.1 is of a non-final version of the appropriate specification. It is subject to change in future releases once the specification becomes finalized. This may cause application code developed for BEA WebLogic Server 6.1 that uses the new features of J2EE 1.3 to be incompatible with the J2EE 1.3 platform supported in future releases of BEA WebLogic Server.> <Feb 9, 2004 4:41:54 PM PST> <Warning> <EJB> <EJB Deployment: programManager cannot be redeployed while the server is running. com.synovation.ecase.workprogram.ejb.ProgramManagerBean is located in the server's classpath.> <Feb 9, 2004 4:41:54 PM PST> <Warning> <EJB> <EJB Deployment: programManager cannot be redeployed while the server is running. com.synovation.ecase.workprogram.ejb.local.ProgramManagerHome is located in the server's classpath.> <Feb 9, 2004 4:41:54 PM PST> <Warning> <EJB> <EJB Deployment: programManager cannot be redeployed while the server is running. com.synovation.ecase.workprogram.ejb.local.ProgramManager is located in the server's classpath.> <Feb 9, 2004 4:41:54 PM PST> <Warning> <EJB> <EJB Deployment: programManagerComposite cannot be redeployed while the server is running. com.synovation.ecase.workprogram.ejb.ProgramManagerCompositeBean is located in the server's classpath.> <Feb 9, 2004 4:41:54 PM PST> <Warning> <EJB> <EJB Deployment: programManagerComposite cannot be redeployed while the server is running. com.synovation.ecase.workprogram.ejb.local.ProgramManagerCompositeHome is located in the server's classpath.> <Feb 9, 2004 4:41:54 PM PST> <Warning> <EJB> <EJB Deployment: programManagerComposite cannot be redeployed while the server is running. com.synovation.ecase.workprogram.ejb.local.ProgramManagerComposite is located in the server's classpath.> <Feb 9, 2004 4:41:54 PM PST> <Info> <EJB> <EJB Deployed EJB with JNDI name com.synovation.ecase.workprogram.ejb.ProgramManagerComposite.> <Feb 9, 2004 4:41:54 PM PST> <Info> <EJB> <EJB Deployed EJB with JNDI name com.synovation.ecase.workprogram.ejb.ProgramManager.> <Feb 9, 2004 4:41:54 PM PST> <Info> <J2EE> <Deployed : workprogram> <Feb 9, 2004 4:41:55 PM PST> <Info> <EJB> <EJB Deploying file: enterprise.jar> <Feb 9, 2004 4:41:55 PM PST> <Warning> <J2EE> <You are running WebLogic Server with J2EE 1.3 features enabled. The implementation of specific J2EE 1.3 features (EJB 2.0, JSP 1.2, Servlet 2.3, and J2EE Connector Architecture 1.0) in BEA WebLogic Server 6.1 is of a non-final version of the appropriate specification. It is subject to change in future releases once the specification becomes finalized. This may cause application code developed for BEA WebLogic Server 6.1 that uses the new features of J2EE 1.3 to be incompatible with the J2EE 1.3 platform supported in future releases of BEA WebLogic Server.> <Feb 9, 2004 4:41:55 PM PST> <Warning> <EJB> <EJB Deployment: individualMessageProcessor cannot be redeployed while the server is running. com.synovation.ecase.enterprise.sandiego.interfaces.cmsj.inbound.individual.IndividualMessageProcessorBean is located in the server's classpath.> <Feb 9, 2004 4:41:55 PM PST> <Warning> <EJB> <EJB Deployment: individualMessageProcessor cannot be redeployed while the server is running. com.synovation.ecase.enterprise.sandiego.interfaces.cmsj.inbound.individual.local.IndividualMessageProcessorHome is located in the server's classpath.> <Feb 9, 2004 4:41:55 PM PST> <Warning> <EJB> <EJB Deployment: individualMessageProcessor cannot be redeployed while the server is running. com.synovation.ecase.enterprise.sandiego.interfaces.cmsj.inbound.individual.local.IndividualMessageProcessor is located in the server's classpath.> <Feb 9, 2004 4:41:55 PM PST> <Warning> <EJB> <EJB Deployment: referralMessageProcessor cannot be redeployed while the server is running. com.synovation.ecase.enterprise.sandiego.interfaces.cmsj.inbound.referral.ReferralMessageProcessorBean is located in the server's classpath.> <Feb 9, 2004 4:41:55 PM PST> <Warning> <EJB> <EJB Deployment: referralMessageProcessor cannot be redeployed while the server is running. com.synovation.ecase.enterprise.sandiego.interfaces.cmsj.inbound.referral.local.ReferralMessageProcessorHome is located in the server's classpath.> <Feb 9, 2004 4:41:55 PM PST> <Warning> <EJB> <EJB Deployment: referralMessageProcessor cannot be redeployed while the server is running. com.synovation.ecase.enterprise.sandiego.interfaces.cmsj.inbound.referral.local.ReferralMessageProcessor is located in the server's classpath.> <Feb 9, 2004 4:41:55 PM PST> <Warning> <EJB> <EJB Deployment: petitionMessageProcessor cannot be redeployed while the server is running. com.synovation.ecase.enterprise.sandiego.interfaces.cmsj.inbound.petition.PetitionMessageProcessorBean is located in the server's classpath.> <Feb 9, 2004 4:41:55 PM PST> <Warning> <EJB> <EJB Deployment: petitionMessageProcessor cannot be redeployed while the server is running. com.synovation.ecase.enterprise.sandiego.interfaces.cmsj.inbound.petition.local.PetitionMessageProcessorHome is located in the server's classpath.> <Feb 9, 2004 4:41:55 PM PST> <Warning> <EJB> <EJB Deployment: petitionMessageProcessor cannot be redeployed while the server is running. com.synovation.ecase.enterprise.sandiego.interfaces.cmsj.inbound.petition.local.PetitionMessageProcessor is located in the server's classpath.> <Feb 9, 2004 4:41:55 PM PST> <Warning> <EJB> <EJB Deployment: courtPetitionMessageProcessor cannot be redeployed while the server is running. com.synovation.ecase.enterprise.sandiego.interfaces.cmsj.inbound.courtpetition.CourtPetitionMessageProcessorBean is located in the server's classpath.> <Feb 9, 2004 4:41:55 PM PST> <Warning> <EJB> <EJB Deployment: courtPetitionMessageProcessor cannot be redeployed while the server is running. com.synovation.ecase.enterprise.sandiego.interfaces.cmsj.inbound.courtpetition.local.CourtPetitionMessageProcessorHome is located in the server's classpath.> <Feb 9, 2004 4:41:55 PM PST> <Warning> <EJB> <EJB Deployment: courtPetitionMessageProcessor cannot be redeployed while the server is running. com.synovation.ecase.enterprise.sandiego.interfaces.cmsj.inbound.courtpetition.local.CourtPetitionMessageProcessor is located in the server's classpath.> <Feb 9, 2004 4:41:55 PM PST> <Warning> <EJB> <EJB Deployment: com.synovation.ecase.enterprise.sandiego.interfaces.jcms.Consumer cannot be redeployed while the server is running. com.synovation.ecase.enterprise.sandiego.interfaces.jcms.Consumer is located in the server's classpath.> <Feb 9, 2004 4:41:55 PM PST> <Warning> <EJB> <EJB Deployment: com.synovation.ecase.enterprise.sandiego.interfaces.cmsj.Consumer cannot be redeployed while the server is running. com.synovation.ecase.enterprise.sandiego.interfaces.cmsj.Consumer is located in the server's classpath.> <Feb 9, 2004 4:41:56 PM PST> <Warning> <EJB> <The Message-Driven EJB: com.synovation.ecase.enterprise.sandiego.interfaces.cmsj.Consumer is unable to connect to the JMS destination: CMSJ.PCMS.Q. The EJB container will automatically attempt to re-establish the connection with the JMS server. This warning may occur during WebLogic Cluster start-up if the JMS destination is located on another server. When the JMS server connection is re-established, the Message-Driven EJB will again receive JMS messages. The Error was: Unable to create a JNDI InitialContext to lookup the JMS destination. The error was: javax.naming.NameNotFoundException; remaining name 'C:\var\mqm\jndi' at com.sun.jndi.fscontext.FSContext.checkExists(FSContext.java:850) at com.sun.jndi.fscontext.FSContext.checkIsDirectory(FSContext.java:883) at com.sun.jndi.fscontext.FSContext.<init>(FSContext.java:108) at com.sun.jndi.fscontext.FSContext.<init>(FSContext.java:81) at com.sun.jndi.fscontext.RefFSContext.<init>(RefFSContext.java:97) at com.sun.jndi.fscontext.RefFSContextFactory.createContext(RefFSContextFactory.java:42) at com.sun.jndi.fscontext.RefFSContextFactory.createContextAux(RefFSContextFactory.java:47) at com.sun.jndi.fscontext.FSContextFactory.getInitialContext(FSContextFactory.java:49) at javax.naming.spi.NamingManager.getInitialContext(NamingManager.java:660) at javax.naming.InitialContext.getDefaultInitCtx(InitialContext.java:241) at javax.naming.InitialContext.init(InitialContext.java:217) at javax.naming.InitialContext.<init>(InitialContext.java:193) at weblogic.ejb20.deployer.MessageDrivenBeanInfoImpl.getInitialContext(MessageDrivenBeanInfoImpl.java:641) at weblogic.ejb20.internal.JMSConnectionPoller.createJMSConnection(JMSConnectionPoller.java:474) at weblogic.ejb20.internal.JMSConnectionPoller.connectToJMS(JMSConnectionPoller.java:418) at weblogic.ejb20.internal.JMSConnectionPoller.startJMSConnectionPolling(JMSConnectionPoller.java:286) at weblogic.ejb20.deployer.MessageDrivenBeanInfoImpl.deploy(MessageDrivenBeanInfoImpl.java:511) at weblogic.ejb20.deployer.Deployer.deployDescriptor(Deployer.java:1294) at weblogic.ejb20.deployer.Deployer.deploy(Deployer.java:996) at weblogic.j2ee.EJBComponent.deploy(EJBComponent.java:31) at weblogic.j2ee.Application.addComponent(Application.java:170) at weblogic.j2ee.J2EEService.addDeployment(J2EEService.java:117) at weblogic.management.mbeans.custom.DeploymentTarget.addDeployment(DeploymentTarget.java:360) at weblogic.management.mbeans.custom.DeploymentTarget.addDeployments(DeploymentTarget.java:285) at weblogic.management.mbeans.custom.DeploymentTarget.updateServerDeployments(DeploymentTarget.java:239) at weblogic.management.mbeans.custom.DeploymentTarget.updateDeployments(DeploymentTarget.java:199) at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Native Method) at weblogic.management.internal.DynamicMBeanImpl.invokeLocally(DynamicMBeanImpl.java:636) at weblogic.management.internal.DynamicMBeanImpl.invoke(DynamicMBeanImpl.java:621) at weblogic.management.internal.ConfigurationMBeanImpl.invoke(ConfigurationMBeanImpl.java:360) at com.sun.management.jmx.MBeanServerImpl.invoke(MBeanServerImpl.java:1557) at com.sun.management.jmx.MBeanServerImpl.invoke(MBeanServerImpl.java:1525) at weblogic.management.internal.MBeanProxy.invoke(MBeanProxy.java:468) at weblogic.management.internal.MBeanProxy.invoke(MBeanProxy.java:209) at $Proxy40.updateDeployments(Unknown Source) at weblogic.management.configuration.ServerMBean_CachingStub.updateDeployments(ServerMBean_CachingStub.java:2977) at weblogic.management.mbeans.custom.ApplicationManager.startConfigManager(ApplicationManager.java:372) at weblogic.management.mbeans.custom.ApplicationManager.start(ApplicationManager.java:160) at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Native Method) at weblogic.management.internal.DynamicMBeanImpl.invokeLocally(DynamicMBeanImpl.java:636) at weblogic.management.internal.DynamicMBeanImpl.invoke(DynamicMBeanImpl.java:621) at weblogic.management.internal.ConfigurationMBeanImpl.invoke(ConfigurationMBeanImpl.java:360) at com.sun.management.jmx.MBeanServerImpl.invoke(MBeanServerImpl.java:1557) at com.sun.management.jmx.MBeanServerImpl.invoke(MBeanServerImpl.java:1525) at weblogic.management.internal.MBeanProxy.invoke(MBeanProxy.java:468) at weblogic.management.internal.MBeanProxy.invoke(MBeanProxy.java:209) at $Proxy57.start(Unknown Source) at weblogic.management.configuration.ApplicationManagerMBean_CachingStub.start(ApplicationManagerMBean_CachingStub.java:480) at weblogic.management.Admin.startApplicationManager(Admin.java:1234) at weblogic.management.Admin.finish(Admin.java:644) at weblogic.t3.srvr.T3Srvr.start(T3Srvr.java:524) at weblogic.t3.srvr.T3Srvr.run(T3Srvr.java:207) at weblogic.Server.main(Server.java:35) > <Feb 9, 2004 4:41:56 PM PST> <Info> <EJB> <EJB Deployed EJB with JNDI name com.synovation.ecase.enterprise.sandiego.interfaces.cmsj.Consumer.> <Feb 9, 2004 4:41:56 PM PST> <Info> <EJB> <EJB Deployed EJB with JNDI name com.synovation.ecase.enterprise.sandiego.interfaces.cmsj.inbound.petition.local.PetitionMessageProcessorHome.> <Feb 9, 2004 4:41:56 PM PST> <Info> <EJB> <EJB Deployed EJB with JNDI name com.synovation.ecase.enterprise.sandiego.interfaces.cmsj.inbound.courtpetition.local.CourtPetitionMessageProcessorHome.> <Feb 9, 2004 4:41:56 PM PST> <Info> <EJB> <EJB Deployed EJB with JNDI name com.synovation.ecase.enterprise.sandiego.interfaces.cmsj.inbound.individual.local.IndividualMessageProcessorHome.> <Feb 9, 2004 4:41:56 PM PST> <Info> <EJB> <EJB Deployed EJB with JNDI name com.synovation.ecase.enterprise.sandiego.interfaces.cmsj.inbound.referral.local.ReferralMessageProcessorHome.> <Feb 9, 2004 4:41:56 PM PST> <Warning> <EJB> <The Message-Driven EJB: com.synovation.ecase.enterprise.sandiego.interfaces.jcms.Consumer is unable to connect to the JMS destination: JCMS.PCMS.Q. The EJB container will automatically attempt to re-establish the connection with the JMS server. This warning may occur during WebLogic Cluster start-up if the JMS destination is located on another server. When the JMS server connection is re-established, the Message-Driven EJB will again receive JMS messages. The Error was: Unable to create a JNDI InitialContext to lookup the JMS destination. The error was: javax.naming.NameNotFoundException; remaining name 'C:\var\mqm\jndi' at com.sun.jndi.fscontext.FSContext.checkExists(FSContext.java:850) at com.sun.jndi.fscontext.FSContext.checkIsDirectory(FSContext.java:883) at com.sun.jndi.fscontext.FSContext.<init>(FSContext.java:108) at com.sun.jndi.fscontext.FSContext.<init>(FSContext.java:81) at com.sun.jndi.fscontext.RefFSContext.<init>(RefFSContext.java:97) at com.sun.jndi.fscontext.RefFSContextFactory.createContext(RefFSContextFactory.java:42) at com.sun.jndi.fscontext.RefFSContextFactory.createContextAux(RefFSContextFactory.java:47) at com.sun.jndi.fscontext.FSContextFactory.getInitialContext(FSContextFactory.java:49) at javax.naming.spi.NamingManager.getInitialContext(NamingManager.java:660) at javax.naming.InitialContext.getDefaultInitCtx(InitialContext.java:241) at javax.naming.InitialContext.init(InitialContext.java:217) at javax.naming.InitialContext.<init>(InitialContext.java:193) at weblogic.ejb20.deployer.MessageDrivenBeanInfoImpl.getInitialContext(MessageDrivenBeanInfoImpl.java:641) at weblogic.ejb20.internal.JMSConnectionPoller.createJMSConnection(JMSConnectionPoller.java:474) at weblogic.ejb20.internal.JMSConnectionPoller.connectToJMS(JMSConnectionPoller.java:418) at weblogic.ejb20.internal.JMSConnectionPoller.startJMSConnectionPolling(JMSConnectionPoller.java:286) at weblogic.ejb20.deployer.MessageDrivenBeanInfoImpl.deploy(MessageDrivenBeanInfoImpl.java:511) at weblogic.ejb20.deployer.Deployer.deployDescriptor(Deployer.java:1294) at weblogic.ejb20.deployer.Deployer.deploy(Deployer.java:996) at weblogic.j2ee.EJBComponent.deploy(EJBComponent.java:31) at weblogic.j2ee.Application.addComponent(Application.java:170) at weblogic.j2ee.J2EEService.addDeployment(J2EEService.java:117) at weblogic.management.mbeans.custom.DeploymentTarget.addDeployment(DeploymentTarget.java:360) at weblogic.management.mbeans.custom.DeploymentTarget.addDeployments(DeploymentTarget.java:285) at weblogic.management.mbeans.custom.DeploymentTarget.updateServerDeployments(DeploymentTarget.java:239) at weblogic.management.mbeans.custom.DeploymentTarget.updateDeployments(DeploymentTarget.java:199) at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Native Method) at weblogic.management.internal.DynamicMBeanImpl.invokeLocally(DynamicMBeanImpl.java:636) at weblogic.management.internal.DynamicMBeanImpl.invoke(DynamicMBeanImpl.java:621) at weblogic.management.internal.ConfigurationMBeanImpl.invoke(ConfigurationMBeanImpl.java:360) at com.sun.management.jmx.MBeanServerImpl.invoke(MBeanServerImpl.java:1557) at com.sun.management.jmx.MBeanServerImpl.invoke(MBeanServerImpl.java:1525) at weblogic.management.internal.MBeanProxy.invoke(MBeanProxy.java:468) at weblogic.management.internal.MBeanProxy.invoke(MBeanProxy.java:209) at $Proxy40.updateDeployments(Unknown Source) at weblogic.management.configuration.ServerMBean_CachingStub.updateDeployments(ServerMBean_CachingStub.java:2977) at weblogic.management.mbeans.custom.ApplicationManager.startConfigManager(ApplicationManager.java:372) at weblogic.management.mbeans.custom.ApplicationManager.start(ApplicationManager.java:160) at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Native Method) at weblogic.management.internal.DynamicMBeanImpl.invokeLocally(DynamicMBeanImpl.java:636) at weblogic.management.internal.DynamicMBeanImpl.invoke(DynamicMBeanImpl.java:621) at weblogic.management.internal.ConfigurationMBeanImpl.invoke(ConfigurationMBeanImpl.java:360) at com.sun.management.jmx.MBeanServerImpl.invoke(MBeanServerImpl.java:1557) at com.sun.management.jmx.MBeanServerImpl.invoke(MBeanServerImpl.java:1525) at weblogic.management.internal.MBeanProxy.invoke(MBeanProxy.java:468) at weblogic.management.internal.MBeanProxy.invoke(MBeanProxy.java:209) at $Proxy57.start(Unknown Source) at weblogic.management.configuration.ApplicationManagerMBean_CachingStub.start(ApplicationManagerMBean_CachingStub.java:480) at weblogic.management.Admin.startApplicationManager(Admin.java:1234) at weblogic.management.Admin.finish(Admin.java:644) at weblogic.t3.srvr.T3Srvr.start(T3Srvr.java:524) at weblogic.t3.srvr.T3Srvr.run(T3Srvr.java:207) at weblogic.Server.main(Server.java:35) > <Feb 9, 2004 4:41:56 PM PST> <Info> <EJB> <EJB Deployed EJB with JNDI name com.synovation.ecase.enterprise.sandiego.interfaces.jcms.Consumer.> <Feb 9, 2004 4:41:56 PM PST> <Info> <J2EE> <Deployed : enterprise> <Feb 9, 2004 4:41:56 PM PST> <Info> <EJB> <EJB Deploying file: messagecenter.jar> <Feb 9, 2004 4:41:56 PM PST> <Warning> <J2EE> <You are running WebLogic Server with J2EE 1.3 features enabled. The implementation of specific J2EE 1.3 features (EJB 2.0, JSP 1.2, Servlet 2.3, and J2EE Connector Architecture 1.0) in BEA WebLogic Server 6.1 is of a non-final version of the appropriate specification. It is subject to change in future releases once the specification becomes finalized. This may cause application code developed for BEA WebLogic Server 6.1 that uses the new features of J2EE 1.3 to be incompatible with the J2EE 1.3 platform supported in future releases of BEA WebLogic Server.> <Feb 9, 2004 4:41:56 PM PST> <Warning> <EJB> <EJB Deployment: EventMessageExtension cannot be redeployed while the server is running. com.messagecenter.EventMessageExtensionBean is located in the server's classpath.> <Feb 9, 2004 4:41:56 PM PST> <Warning> <EJB> <EJB Deployment: EventMessageExtension cannot be redeployed while the server is running. com.synovation.framework.ejb.extension.ExtensionHome is located in the server's classpath.> <Feb 9, 2004 4:41:56 PM PST> <Warning> <EJB> <EJB Deployment: EventMessageExtension cannot be redeployed while the server is running. com.synovation.framework.ejb.extension.Extension is located in the server's classpath.> <Feb 9, 2004 4:41:56 PM PST> <Warning> <EJB> <EJB Deployment: com.messagecenter.ejb.MessageRegistryHome cannot be redeployed while the server is running. com.messagecenter.ejb.MessageRegistryBean is located in the server's classpath.> <Feb 9, 2004 4:41:56 PM PST> <Warning> <EJB> <EJB Deployment: com.messagecenter.ejb.MessageRegistryHome cannot be redeployed while the server is running. com.messagecenter.ejb.MessageRegistryHome is located in the server's classpath.> <Feb 9, 2004 4:41:56 PM PST> <Warning> <EJB> <EJB Deployment: com.messagecenter.ejb.MessageRegistryHome cannot be redeployed while the server is running. com.messagecenter.ejb.MessageRegistry is located in the server's classpath.> <Feb 9, 2004 4:41:56 PM PST> <Warning> <EJB> <EJB Deployment: com.messagecenter.ejb.ActionHome cannot be redeployed while the server is running. com.messagecenter.ejb.ActionBean is located in the server's classpath.> <Feb 9, 2004 4:41:56 PM PST> <Warning> <EJB> <EJB Deployment: com.messagecenter.ejb.ActionHome cannot be redeployed while the server is running. com.messagecenter.ejb.ActionHome is located in the server's classpath.> <Feb 9, 2004 4:41:56 PM PST> <Warning> <EJB> <EJB Deployment: com.messagecenter.ejb.ActionHome cannot be redeployed while the server is running. com.messagecenter.ejb.Action is located in the server's classpath.> <Feb 9, 2004 4:41:56 PM PST> <Warning> <EJB> <EJB Deployment: com.messagecenter.ejb.MessageSequencerBean cannot be redeployed while the server is running. com.messagecenter.ejb.MessageSequencerBean is located in the server's classpath.> <Feb 9, 2004 4:41:56 PM PST> <Warning> <EJB> <EJB Deployment: com.messagecenter.ejb.MessageGroupBean cannot be redeployed while the server is running. com.messagecenter.ejb.MessageGroupBean is located in the server's classpath.> <Feb 9, 2004 4:41:56 PM PST> <Warning> <EJB> <EJB Deployment: com.messagecenter.ejb.MessageProcessorBean cannot be redeployed while the server is running. com.messagecenter.ejb.MessageProcessorBean is located in the server's classpath.> <Feb 9, 2004 4:41:57 PM PST> <Info> <EJB> <EJB Deployed EJB with JNDI name com.messagecenter.ejb.MessageSequencerBean.> <Feb 9, 2004 4:41:58 PM PST> <Info> <EJB> <EJB Deployed EJB with JNDI name com.messagecenter.ejb.MessageProcessorBean.> <Feb 9, 2004 4:41:58 PM PST> <Info> <EJB> <EJB Deployed EJB with JNDI name com.messagecenter.ejb.MessageGroupBean.> <Feb 9, 2004 4:41:58 PM PST> <Info> <EJB> <EJB Deployed EJB with JNDI name com.messagecenter.EventMessageExtension.> <Feb 9, 2004 4:41:58 PM PST> <Info> <EJB> <EJB Deployed EJB with JNDI name com.messagecenter.ejb.ActionHome.> <Feb 9, 2004 4:41:58 PM PST> <Info> <EJB> <EJB Deployed EJB with JNDI name com.messagecenter.ejb.MessageRegistryHome.> <Feb 9, 2004 4:41:58 PM PST> <Info> <J2EE> <Deployed : MessageCenter> <Feb 9, 2004 4:41:58 PM PST> <Info> <HTTP> <[HTTP myserver] Loading web app: certificate> <Feb 9, 2004 4:41:58 PM PST> <Info> <HTTP> <[myserver] Loading certificate from WAR file: C:\bea\wlserver6.1\config\mydomain\applications\.wlnotdelete\wl_comp55585.war> <Feb 9, 2004 4:41:58 PM PST> <Info> <HTTP> <[WebAppServletContext(6119360,certificate,/certificate)] extracting classfiles to C:\bea\wlserver6.1\config\mydomain\applications\.wlnotdelete\WEB-INF\_tmp_war_certificate:> <Feb 9, 2004 4:41:58 PM PST> <Info> <HTTP> <[WebAppServletContext(6119360,certificate,/certificate)] extracted classfiles successfully...> <Feb 9, 2004 4:41:58 PM PST> <Info> <HTTP Session> <Creating SessionContext of type: memory for webapp: /certificate> <Feb 9, 2004 4:41:58 PM PST> <Info> <HTTP> <[WebAppServletContext(6119360,certificate,/certificate)] registering classpath servlet with initArgs 'null'> <Feb 9, 2004 4:41:58 PM PST> <Info> <HTTP> <[WebAppServletContext(6119360,certificate,/certificate)] registering getior servlet with initArgs 'null'> <Feb 9, 2004 4:41:58 PM PST> <Info> <HTTP> <[WebAppServletContext(6119360,certificate,/certificate)] registering tunneling servlets with initArgs 'wl-dispatch-policy=direct'> <Feb 9, 2004 4:41:58 PM PST> <Info> <HTTP> <[WebAppServletContext(6119360,certificate,/certificate)] registering JSPServlet with initArgs '[JspConfig: verbose=true,packagePrefix=jsp_servlet,-compiler=javac,compileFlags=,workingDir=C:\bea\wlserver6.1\config\mydomain\applications\.wlnotdelete\WEB-INF\_tmp_war_certificate,pageCheckSeconds=1,superclass=null,keepgenerated=false,precompileContinue=false,compilerSupportsEncoding=true,encoding=null,defaultfilename=index.jsp,compilerclass=null,noTryBlocks=false]'> <Feb 9, 2004 4:41:58 PM PST> <Debug> <HTTP> <Registering ServletContext: "certificate:/certificate"> <Feb 9, 2004 4:41:58 PM PST> <Info> <J2EE> <Deployed : certificate> <Feb 9, 2004 4:41:58 PM PST> <Info> <HTTP> <[HTTP myserver] Loading web app: DefaultWebApp> <Feb 9, 2004 4:41:58 PM PST> <Info> <HTTP> <[myserver] Loading "DefaultWebApp" from directory: "C:\bea\wlserver6.1\config\mydomain\applications\DefaultWebApp"> <Feb 9, 2004 4:41:59 PM PST> <Warning> <J2EE> <You are running WebLogic Server with J2EE 1.3 features enabled. The implementation of specific J2EE 1.3 features (EJB 2.0, JSP 1.2, Servlet 2.3, and J2EE Connector Architecture 1.0) in BEA WebLogic Server 6.1 is of a non-final version of the appropriate specification. It is subject to change in future releases once the specification becomes finalized. This may cause application code developed for BEA WebLogic Server 6.1 that uses the new features of J2EE 1.3 to be incompatible with the J2EE 1.3 platform supported in future releases of BEA WebLogic Server.> <Feb 9, 2004 4:42:00 PM PST> <Info> <HTTP> <[WebAppServletContext(6136350,DefaultWebApp,/DefaultWebApp)] extracting classfiles to C:\bea\wlserver6.1\config\mydomain\applications\DefaultWebApp\WEB-INF\_tmp_war_DefaultWebApp:> <Feb 9, 2004 4:42:06 PM PST> <Info> <HTTP> <[WebAppServletContext(6136350,DefaultWebApp,/DefaultWebApp)] extracted classfiles successfully...> <Feb 9, 2004 4:42:06 PM PST> <Warning> <EJB> <The Message-Driven EJB: com.synovation.ecase.enterprise.sandiego.interfaces.cmsj.Consumer is unable to connect to the JMS destination: CMSJ.PCMS.Q. Connection failed after 2 attempts. The MDB will attempt to reconnect every 10 seconds, this log message will repeat every 600 seconds until the condition clears.> <Feb 9, 2004 4:42:06 PM PST> <Warning> <EJB> <The Message-Driven EJB: com.synovation.ecase.enterprise.sandiego.interfaces.cmsj.Consumer is unable to connect to the JMS destination: CMSJ.PCMS.Q. The EJB container will automatically attempt to re-establish the connection with the JMS server. This warning may occur during WebLogic Cluster start-up if the JMS destination is located on another server. When the JMS server connection is re-established, the Message-Driven EJB will again receive JMS messages. The Error was: Unable to create a JNDI InitialContext to lookup the JMS destination. The error was: javax.naming.NameNotFoundException; remaining name 'C:\var\mqm\jndi' at com.sun.jndi.fscontext.FSContext.checkExists(FSContext.java:850) at com.sun.
dres1011MemberThanks for taking a look at this. It is really weird. I don’t have 2 instances running ever. And I can start, stop, and restart the server in cygwin or windows as many times as I want with no problems. I only see this error in eclipse.
It looks like just what you said, a simple deployment issue of a bean being deployed twice. But I don’t understand why it does not happen outside of eclipse.
UPDATE – I tried undeploying the app and redeploying. I did get the server to start the first time. Still got the JNDI errors but did not get the fatal initialization error. After that every time I started I got the same initialization error. I thought the JNDI tree gets rebound every time the server starts but I guess it could be persisted somewhere. Still no clue why it starts outside of eclipse with no problems.
Just for kicks I included debug traces from both in and out of eclipse.
<Warning> <EJB> <EJB Deployment: courtcase cannot be redeployed while the server is running. com.synovation.ecase.adult.court.ejb.local.CourtCaseHome is located in the server's classpath.> <Feb 9, 2004 4:41:46 PM PST> <Warning> <EJB> <EJB Deployment: courtcase cannot be redeployed while the server is running. com.synovation.ecase.adult.court.ejb.local.CourtCase is located in the server's classpath.> <Feb 9, 2004 4:41:46 PM PST> <Warning> <EJB> <EJB Deployment: adultIndividual cannot be redeployed while the server is running. com.synovation.ecase.individual.ejb.IndividualBean is located in the server's classpath.> <Feb 9, 2004 4:41:46 PM PST> <Warning> <EJB> <EJB Deployment: adultIndividual cannot be redeployed while the server is running. com.synovation.ecase.individual.ejb.local.IndividualHome is located in the server's classpath.> <Feb 9, 2004 4:41:46 PM PST> <Warning> <EJB> <EJB Deployment: adultIndividual cannot be redeployed while the server is running. com.synovation.ecase.individual.ejb.local.Individual is located in the server's classpath.> <Feb 9, 2004 4:41:46 PM PST> <Warning> <EJB> <EJB Deployment: victim cannot be redeployed while the server is running. com.synovation.ecase.adult.charge.victim.ejb.VictimBean is located in the server's classpath.> <Feb 9, 2004 4:41:46 PM PST> <Warning> <EJB> <EJB Deployment: victim cannot be redeployed while the server is running. com.synovation.ecase.adult.charge.victim.ejb.local.VictimHome is located in the server's classpath.> <Feb 9, 2004 4:41:46 PM PST> <Warning> <EJB> <EJB Deployment: victim cannot be redeployed while the server is running. com.synovation.ecase.adult.charge.victim.ejb.local.Victim is located in the server's classpath.> <Feb 9, 2004 4:41:47 PM PST> <Warning> <EJB> <EJB Deployment: criminalHistory cannot be redeployed while the server is running. com.synovation.ecase.adult.criminal.ejb.CriminalHistoryBean is located in the server's classpath.> <Feb 9, 2004 4:41:47 PM PST> <Warning> <EJB> <EJB Deployment: criminalHistory cannot be redeployed while the server is running. com.synovation.ecase.adult.criminal.ejb.local.CriminalHistoryHome is located in the server's classpath.> <Feb 9, 2004 4:41:47 PM PST> <Warning> <EJB> <EJB Deployment: criminalHistory cannot be redeployed while the server is running. com.synovation.ecase.adult.criminal.ejb.local.CriminalHistory is located in the server's classpath.> <Feb 9, 2004 4:41:47 PM PST> <Warning> <EJB> <EJB Deployment: adultWarrant cannot be redeployed while the server is running. com.synovation.ecase.adult.warrant.ejb.WarrantBean is located in the server's classpath.> <Feb 9, 2004 4:41:47 PM PST> <Warning> <EJB> <EJB Deployment: adultWarrant cannot be redeployed while the server is running. com.synovation.ecase.adult.warrant.ejb.local.WarrantHome is located in the server's classpath.> <Feb 9, 2004 4:41:47 PM PST> <Warning> <EJB> <EJB Deployment: adultWarrant cannot be redeployed while the server is running. com.synovation.ecase.adult.warrant.ejb.local.Warrant is located in the server's classpath.> <Feb 9, 2004 4:41:47 PM PST> <Warning> <EJB> <EJB Deployment: activity cannot be redeployed while the server is running. com.synovation.ecase.adult.activity.ejb.ActivityBean is located in the server's classpath.> <Feb 9, 2004 4:41:47 PM PST> <Warning> <EJB> <EJB Deployment: activity cannot be redeployed while the server is running. com.synovation.ecase.adult.activity.ejb.local.ActivityHome is located in the server's classpath.> <Feb 9, 2004 4:41:47 PM PST> <Warning> <EJB> <EJB Deployment: activity cannot be redeployed while the server is running. com.synovation.ecase.adult.activity.ejb.local.Activity is located in the server's classpath.> <Feb 9, 2004 4:41:47 PM PST> <Warning> <EJB> <EJB Deployment: grant cannot be redeployed while the server is running. com.synovation.ecase.adult.grant.ejb.GrantBean is located in the server's classpath.> <Feb 9, 2004 4:41:47 PM PST> <Warning> <EJB> <EJB Deployment: grant cannot be redeployed while the server is running. com.synovation.ecase.adult.grant.ejb.local.GrantHome is located in the server's classpath.> <Feb 9, 2004 4:41:47 PM PST> <Warning> <EJB> <EJB Deployment: grant cannot be redeployed while the server is running. com.synovation.ecase.adult.grant.ejb.local.Grant is located in the server's classpath.> <Feb 9, 2004 4:41:47 PM PST> <Warning> <EJB> <EJB Deployment: investigation cannot be redeployed while the server is running. com.synovation.ecase.adult.investigation.ejb.InvestigationBean is located in the server's classpath.> <Feb 9, 2004 4:41:47 PM PST> <Warning> <EJB> <EJB Deployment: investigation cannot be redeployed while the server is running. com.synovation.ecase.adult.investigation.ejb.local.InvestigationHome is located in the server's classpath.> <Feb 9, 2004 4:41:47 PM PST> <Warning> <EJB> <EJB Deployment: investigation cannot be redeployed while the server is running. com.synovation.ecase.adult.investigation.ejb.local.Investigation is located in the server's classpath.> <Feb 9, 2004 4:41:47 PM PST> <Warning> <EJB> <EJB Deployment: hearing cannot be redeployed while the server is running. com.synovation.ecase.adult.hearing.ejb.HearingBean is located in the server's classpath.> <Feb 9, 2004 4:41:47 PM PST> <Warning> <EJB> <EJB Deployment: hearing cannot be redeployed while the server is running. com.synovation.ecase.adult.hearing.ejb.local.HearingHome is located in the server's classpath.> <Feb 9, 2004 4:41:47 PM PST> <Warning> <EJB> <EJB Deployment: hearing cannot be redeployed while the server is running. com.synovation.ecase.adult.hearing.ejb.local.Hearing is located in the server's classpath.> <Feb 9, 2004 4:41:47 PM PST> <Warning> <EJB> <EJB Deployment: assessment cannot be redeployed while the server is running. com.synovation.ecase.adult.individual.assessment.ejb.AssessmentBean is located in the server's classpath.> <Feb 9, 2004 4:41:47 PM PST> <Warning> <EJB> <EJB Deployment: assessment cannot be redeployed while the server is running. com.synovation.ecase.adult.individual.assessment.ejb.local.AssessmentHome is located in the server's classpath.> <Feb 9, 2004 4:41:47 PM PST> <Warning> <EJB> <EJB Deployment: assessment cannot be redeployed while the server is running. com.synovation.ecase.adult.individual.assessment.ejb.local.Assessment is located in the server's classpath.> <Feb 9, 2004 4:41:47 PM PST> <Warning> <EJB> <EJB Deployment: caseloadAssignmentHistoryHome cannot be redeployed while the server is running. com.synovation.ecase.adult.caseload.ejb.CaseloadAssignmentHistoryBean is located in the server's classpath.> <Feb 9, 2004 4:41:47 PM PST> <Warning> <EJB> <EJB Deployment: caseloadAssignmentHistoryHome cannot be redeployed while the server is running. com.synovation.ecase.adult.caseload.ejb.local.CaseloadAssignmentHistoryHome is located in the server's classpath.> <Feb 9, 2004 4:41:47 PM PST> <Warning> <EJB> <EJB Deployment: caseloadAssignmentHistoryHome cannot be redeployed while the server is running. com.synovation.ecase.adult.caseload.ejb.local.CaseloadAssignmentHistory is located in the server's classpath.> <Feb 9, 2004 4:41:47 PM PST> <Warning> <EJB> <EJB Deployment: prop36 cannot be redeployed while the server is running. com.synovation.ecase.adult.prop36.ejb.Prop36Bean is located in the server's classpath.> <Feb 9, 2004 4:41:47 PM PST> <Warning> <EJB> <EJB Deployment: prop36 cannot be redeployed while the server is running. com.synovation.ecase.adult.prop36.ejb.local.Prop36Home is located in the server's classpath.> <Feb 9, 2004 4:41:47 PM PST> <Warning> <EJB> <EJB Deployment: prop36 cannot be redeployed while the server is running. com.synovation.ecase.adult.prop36.ejb.local.Prop36 is located in the server's classpath.> <Feb 9, 2004 4:41:47 PM PST> <Warning> <EJB> <EJB Deployment: prop36Service cannot be redeployed while the server is running. com.synovation.ecase.adult.prop36.ejb.Prop36ServiceBean is located in the server's classpath.> <Feb 9, 2004 4:41:48 PM PST> <Warning> <EJB> <EJB Deployment: prop36Service cannot be redeployed while the server is running. com.synovation.ecase.adult.prop36.ejb.local.Prop36ServiceHome is located in the server's classpath.> <Feb 9, 2004 4:41:48 PM PST> <Warning> <EJB> <EJB Deployment: prop36Service cannot be redeployed while the server is running. com.synovation.ecase.adult.prop36.ejb.local.Prop36Service is located in the server's classpath.> <Feb 9, 2004 4:41:48 PM PST> <Warning> <EJB> <EJB Deployment: prop36Treatment cannot be redeployed while the server is running. com.synovation.ecase.adult.prop36.ejb.Prop36TreatmentBean is located in the server's classpath.> <Feb 9, 2004 4:41:48 PM PST> <Warning> <EJB> <EJB Deployment: prop36Treatment cannot be redeployed while the server is running. com.synovation.ecase.adult.prop36.ejb.local.Prop36TreatmentHome is located in the server's classpath.> <Feb 9, 2004 4:41:48 PM PST> <Warning> <EJB> <EJB Deployment: prop36Treatment cannot be redeployed while the server is running. com.synovation.ecase.adult.prop36.ejb.local.Prop36Treatment is located in the server's classpath.> <Feb 9, 2004 4:41:48 PM PST> <Warning> <EJB> <EJB Deployment: prior cannot be redeployed while the server is running. com.synovation.ecase.adult.charge.prior.ejb.PriorBean is located in the server's classpath.> <Feb 9, 2004 4:41:48 PM PST> <Warning> <EJB> <EJB Deployment: prior cannot be redeployed while the server is running. com.synovation.ecase.adult.charge.prior.ejb.local.PriorHome is located in the server's classpath.> <Feb 9, 2004 4:41:48 PM PST> <Warning> <EJB> <EJB Deployment: prior cannot be redeployed while the server is running. com.synovation.ecase.adult.charge.prior.ejb.local.Prior is located in the server's classpath.> <Feb 9, 2004 4:41:48 PM PST> <Warning> <EJB> <EJB Deployment: codefendant cannot be redeployed while the server is running. com.synovation.ecase.adult.codefendant.ejb.CoDefendantBean is located in the server's classpath.> <Feb 9, 2004 4:41:48 PM PST> <Warning> <EJB> <EJB Deployment: codefendant cannot be redeployed while the server is running. com.synovation.ecase.adult.codefendant.ejb.local.CoDefendantHome is located in the server's classpath.> <Feb 9, 2004 4:41:48 PM PST> <Warning> <EJB> <EJB Deployment: codefendant cannot be redeployed while the server is running. com.synovation.ecase.adult.codefendant.ejb.local.CoDefendant is located in the server's classpath.> <Feb 9, 2004 4:41:48 PM PST> <Warning> <EJB> <EJB Deployment: sentence cannot be redeployed while the server is running. com.synovation.ecase.adult.sentence.sentence.ejb.SentenceBean is located in the server's classpath.> <Feb 9, 2004 4:41:48 PM PST> <Warning> <EJB> <EJB Deployment: sentence cannot be redeployed while the server is running. com.synovation.ecase.adult.sentence.sentence.ejb.local.SentenceHome is located in the server's classpath.> <Feb 9, 2004 4:41:48 PM PST> <Warning> <EJB> <EJB Deployment: sentence cannot be redeployed while the server is running. com.synovation.ecase.adult.sentence.sentence.ejb.local.Sentence is located in the server's classpath.> <Feb 9, 2004 4:41:48 PM PST> <Warning> <EJB> <EJB Deployment: allegation cannot be redeployed while the server is running. com.synovation.ecase.adult.charge.allegation.ejb.SpecialAllegationBean is located in the server's classpath.> <Feb 9, 2004 4:41:48 PM PST> <Warning> <EJB> <EJB Deployment: allegation cannot be redeployed while the server is running. com.synovation.ecase.adult.charge.allegation.ejb.local.SpecialAllegationHome is located in the server's classpath.> <Feb 9, 2004 4:41:48 PM PST> <Warning> <EJB> <EJB Deployment: allegation cannot be redeployed while the server is running. com.synovation.ecase.adult.charge.allegation.ejb.local.SpecialAllegation is located in the server's classpath.> <Feb 9, 2004 4:41:48 PM PST> <Warning> <EJB> <EJB Deployment: adultDisposition cannot be redeployed while the server is running. com.synovation.ecase.adult.sentence.disposition.ejb.DispositionBean is located in the server's classpath.> <Feb 9, 2004 4:41:48 PM PST> <Warning> <EJB> <EJB Deployment: adultDisposition cannot be redeployed while the server is running. com.synovation.ecase.adult.sentence.disposition.ejb.local.DispositionHome is located in the server's classpath.> <Feb 9, 2004 4:41:48 PM PST> <Warning> <EJB> <EJB Deployment: adultDisposition cannot be redeployed while the server is running. com.synovation.ecase.adult.sentence.disposition.ejb.local.Disposition is located in the server's classpath.> <Feb 9, 2004 4:41:48 PM PST> <Info> <EJB> <EJB Deployed EJB with JNDI name com.synovation.ecase.adult.prop36.ejb.local.Prop36ServiceHome.> <Feb 9, 2004 4:41:48 PM PST> <Info> <EJB> <EJB Deployed EJB with JNDI name com.synovation.ecase.adult.prop36.ejb.local.Prop36ManagerHome.> <Feb 9, 2004 4:41:48 PM PST> <Info> <EJB> <EJB Deployed EJB with JNDI name com.synovation.ecase.adult.activity.ejb.local.ActivityHome.> <Feb 9, 2004 4:41:49 PM PST> <Info> <EJB> <EJB Deployed EJB with JNDI name com.synovation.ecase.adult.grant.ejb.local.GrantHome.> <Feb 9, 2004 4:41:49 PM PST> <Info> <EJB> <EJB Deployed EJB with JNDI name com.synovation.ecase.adult.court.custodytime.ejb.local.CustodyTimeHome.> <Feb 9, 2004 4:41:49 PM PST> <Info> <EJB> <EJB Deployed EJB with JNDI name com.synovation.ecase.adult.charge.allegation.ejb.local.SpecialAllegationHome.> <Feb 9, 2004 4:41:49 PM PST> <Info> <EJB> <EJB Deployed EJB with JNDI name com.synovation.ecase.adult.hearing.ejb.local.HearingHome.> <Feb 9, 2004 4:41:49 PM PST> <Info> <EJB> <EJB Deployed EJB with JNDI name com.synovation.ecase.adult.caseload.ejb.local.CaseloadAssignmentHistoryHome.> <Feb 9, 2004 4:41:49 PM PST> <Info> <EJB> <EJB Deployed EJB with JNDI name com.synovation.ecase.terms.ejb.local.TermManagerHome.> <Feb 9, 2004 4:41:49 PM PST> <Info> <EJB> <EJB Deployed EJB with JNDI name com.synovation.ecase.adult.sentence.disposition.ejb.local.DispositionHome.> <Feb 9, 2004 4:41:49 PM PST> <Info> <EJB> <EJB Deployed EJB with JNDI name com.synovation.ecase.adult.sentence.sentence.ejb.local.SentenceHome.> <Feb 9, 2004 4:41:49 PM PST> <Info> <EJB> <EJB Deployed EJB with JNDI name com.synovation.ecase.adult.sentence.ejb.local.SentenceManagerHome.> <Feb 9, 2004 4:41:50 PM PST> <Info> <EJB> <EJB Deployed EJB with JNDI name com.synovation.ecase.adult.warrant.ejb.local.WarrantHome.> <Feb 9, 2004 4:41:50 PM PST> <Info> <EJB> <EJB Deployed EJB with JNDI name com.synovation.ecase.individual.ejb.local.IndividualHome.> <Feb 9, 2004 4:41:50 PM PST> <Info> <EJB> <EJB Deployed EJB with JNDI name com.synovation.ecase.adult.charge.prior.ejb.local.PriorHome.> <Feb 9, 2004 4:41:50 PM PST> <Info> <EJB> <EJB Deployed EJB with JNDI name com.synovation.ecase.adult.reports.ejb.local.SupervisionReportsGeneratorHome.> <Feb 9, 2004 4:41:50 PM PST> <Info> <EJB> <EJB Deployed EJB with JNDI name com.synovation.ecase.adult.individual.assessment.ejb.local.AssessmentLocalHome.> <Feb 9, 2004 4:41:50 PM PST> <Info> <EJB> <EJB Deployed EJB with JNDI name com.synovation.ecase.individual.name.sandiego.extension.IBMExtensionBean.> <Feb 9, 2004 4:41:50 PM PST> <Info> <EJB> <EJB Deployed EJB with JNDI name com.synovation.ecase.adult.investigation.ejb.local.InvestigationHome.> <Feb 9, 2004 4:41:50 PM PST> <Info> <EJB> <EJB Deployed EJB with JNDI name com.synovation.ecase.adult.reports.ejb.local.DrugTestReportGeneratorHome.> <Feb 9, 2004 4:41:50 PM PST> <Info> <EJB> <EJB Deployed EJB with JNDI name com.synovation.ecase.adult.charge.victim.ejb.local.VictimHome.> <Feb 9, 2004 4:41:50 PM PST> <Info> <EJB> <EJB Deployed EJB with JNDI name com.synovation.ecase.adult.criminal.ejb.local.CriminalHistoryHome.> <Feb 9, 2004 4:41:51 PM PST> <Info> <EJB> <EJB Deployed EJB with JNDI name com.synovation.ecase.adult.codefendant.ejb.local.CoDefendantHome.> <Feb 9, 2004 4:41:51 PM PST> <Info> <EJB> <EJB Deployed EJB with JNDI name com.synovation.ecase.adult.prop36.ejb.local.Prop36Home.> <Feb 9, 2004 4:41:51 PM PST> <Info> <EJB> <EJB Deployed EJB with JNDI name com.synovation.ecase.adult.prop36.ejb.local.Prop36TreatmentHome.> <Feb 9, 2004 4:41:51 PM PST> <Info> <EJB> <EJB Deployed EJB with JNDI name com.synovation.ecase.adult.charge.ejb.local.ChargeManagerHome.> <Feb 9, 2004 4:41:51 PM PST> <Info> <EJB> <EJB Deployed EJB with JNDI name com.synovation.ecase.adult.court.ejb.local.CourtCaseHome.> <Feb 9, 2004 4:41:51 PM PST> <Info> <EJB> <EJB Deployed EJB with JNDI name com.synovation.ecase.dynamicform.ejb.local.LineItemFormFactoryHome.> <Feb 9, 2004 4:41:51 PM PST> <Info> <EJB> <EJB Deployed EJB with JNDI name com.synovation.ecase.adult.program.compliance.ejb.local.ComplianceProgramManagerHome.> <Feb 9, 2004 4:41:51 PM PST> <Info> <J2EE> <Deployed : Adult> <Feb 9, 2004 4:41:51 PM PST> <Info> <EJB> <EJB Deploying file: investigation.jar> <Feb 9, 2004 4:41:51 PM PST> <Warning> <J2EE> <You are running WebLogic Server with J2EE 1.3 features enabled. The implementation of specific J2EE 1.3 features (EJB 2.0, JSP 1.2, Servlet 2.3, and J2EE Connector Architecture 1.0) in BEA WebLogic Server 6.1 is of a non-final version of the appropriate specification. It is subject to change in future releases once the specification becomes finalized. This may cause application code developed for BEA WebLogic Server 6.1 that uses the new features of J2EE 1.3 to be incompatible with the J2EE 1.3 platform supported in future releases of BEA WebLogic Server.> <Feb 9, 2004 4:41:51 PM PST> <Warning> <EJB> <EJB Deployment: dispositionManager cannot be redeployed while the server is running. com.synovation.ecase.probation.investigation.ejb.DispositionManagerBean is located in the server's classpath.> <Feb 9, 2004 4:41:51 PM PST> <Warning> <EJB> <EJB Deployment: dispositionManager cannot be redeployed while the server is running. com.synovation.ecase.probation.investigation.ejb.local.DispositionManagerHome is located in the server's classpath.> <Feb 9, 2004 4:41:51 PM PST> <Warning> <EJB> <EJB Deployment: dispositionManager cannot be redeployed while the server is running. com.synovation.ecase.probation.investigation.ejb.local.DispositionManager is located in the server's classpath.> <Feb 9, 2004 4:41:51 PM PST> <Warning> <EJB> <EJB Deployment: dispositionDocument cannot be redeployed while the server is running. com.synovation.ecase.probation.investigation.ejb.DispositionDocumentBean is located in the server's classpath.> <Feb 9, 2004 4:41:52 PM PST> <Warning> <EJB> <EJB Deployment: dispositionDocument cannot be redeployed while the server is running. com.synovation.ecase.probation.investigation.ejb.local.DispositionDocumentHome is located in the server's classpath.> <Feb 9, 2004 4:41:52 PM PST> <Warning> <EJB> <EJB Deployment: dispositionDocument cannot be redeployed while the server is running. com.synovation.ecase.probation.investigation.ejb.local.DispositionDocument is located in the server's classpath.> <Feb 9, 2004 4:41:52 PM PST> <Warning> <EJB> <EJB Deployment: disposition cannot be redeployed while the server is running. com.synovation.ecase.probation.investigation.ejb.DispositionBean is located in the server's classpath.> <Feb 9, 2004 4:41:52 PM PST> <Warning> <EJB> <EJB Deployment: disposition cannot be redeployed while the server is running. com.synovation.ecase.probation.investigation.ejb.local.DispositionHome is located in the server's classpath.> <Feb 9, 2004 4:41:52 PM PST> <Warning> <EJB> <EJB Deployment: disposition cannot be redeployed while the server is running. com.synovation.ecase.probation.investigation.ejb.local.Disposition is located in the server's classpath.> <Feb 9, 2004 4:41:52 PM PST> <Warning> <EJB> <EJB Deployment: dispositionWorksheet cannot be redeployed while the server is running. com.synovation.ecase.probation.investigation.ejb.DispositionWorksheetBean is located in the server's classpath.> <Feb 9, 2004 4:41:52 PM PST> <Warning> <EJB> <EJB Deployment: dispositionWorksheet cannot be redeployed while the server is running. com.synovation.ecase.probation.investigation.ejb.local.DispositionWorksheetHome is located in the server's classpath.> <Feb 9, 2004 4:41:52 PM PST> <Warning> <EJB> <EJB Deployment: dispositionWorksheet cannot be redeployed while the server is running. com.synovation.ecase.probation.investigation.ejb.local.DispositionWorksheet is located in the server's classpath.> <Feb 9, 2004 4:41:52 PM PST> <Info> <EJB> <EJB Deployed EJB with JNDI name com.synovation.ecase.probation.investigation.ejb.local.DispositionManagerHome.> <Feb 9, 2004 4:41:52 PM PST> <Info> <EJB> <EJB Deployed EJB with JNDI name com.synovation.ecase.probation.investigation.ejb.local.DispositionWorksheetHome.> <Feb 9, 2004 4:41:52 PM PST> <Info> <EJB> <EJB Deployed EJB with JNDI name com.synovation.ecase.probation.investigation.ejb.local.DispositionDocumentHome.> <Feb 9, 2004 4:41:52 PM PST> <Info> <EJB> <EJB Deployed EJB with JNDI name com.synovation.ecase.probation.investigation.ejb.local.DispositionHome.> <Feb 9, 2004 4:41:52 PM PST> <Info> <J2EE> <Deployed : investigation> <Feb 9, 2004 4:41:52 PM PST> <Info> <EJB> <EJB Deploying file: doc.jar> <Feb 9, 2004 4:41:52 PM PST> <Warning> <J2EE> <You are running WebLogic Server with J2EE 1.3 features enabled. The implementation of specific J2EE 1.3 features (EJB 2.0, JSP 1.2, Servlet 2.3, and J2EE Connector Architecture 1.0) in BEA WebLogic Server 6.1 is of a non-final version of the appropriate specification. It is subject to change in future releases once the specification becomes finalized. This may cause application code developed for BEA WebLogic Server 6.1 that uses the new features of J2EE 1.3 to be incompatible with the J2EE 1.3 platform supported in future releases of BEA WebLogic Server.> <Feb 9, 2004 4:41:52 PM PST> <Warning> <EJB> <EJB Deployment: DocumentClob cannot be redeployed while the server is running. com.synovation.ecase.doc.documentclob.ejb.DocumentClobBean is located in the server's classpath.> <Feb 9, 2004 4:41:52 PM PST> <Warning> <EJB> <EJB Deployment: DocumentClob cannot be redeployed while the server is running. com.synovation.ecase.doc.documentclob.ejb.local.DocumentClobHome is located in the server's classpath.> <Feb 9, 2004 4:41:52 PM PST> <Warning> <EJB> <EJB Deployment: DocumentClob cannot be redeployed while the server is running. com.synovation.ecase.doc.documentclob.ejb.local.DocumentClob is located in the server's classpath.> <Feb 9, 2004 4:41:52 PM PST> <Warning> <EJB> <EJB Deployment: Document cannot be redeployed while the server is running. com.synovation.ecase.doc.document.ejb.DocumentBean is located in the server's classpath.> <Feb 9, 2004 4:41:52 PM PST> <Warning> <EJB> <EJB Deployment: Document cannot be redeployed while the server is running. com.synovation.ecase.doc.document.ejb.local.DocumentHome is located in the server's classpath.> <Feb 9, 2004 4:41:52 PM PST> <Warning> <EJB> <EJB Deployment: Document cannot be redeployed while the server is running. com.synovation.ecase.doc.document.ejb.local.Document is located in the server's classpath.> <Feb 9, 2004 4:41:52 PM PST> <Warning> <EJB> <EJB Deployment: TemplateClob cannot be redeployed while the server is running. com.synovation.ecase.doc.templateclob.ejb.TemplateClobBean is located in the server's classpath.> <Feb 9, 2004 4:41:52 PM PST> <Warning> <EJB> <EJB Deployment: TemplateClob cannot be redeployed while the server is running. com.synovation.ecase.doc.templateclob.ejb.local.TemplateClobHome is located in the server's classpath.> <Feb 9, 2004 4:41:52 PM PST> <Warning> <EJB> <EJB Deployment: TemplateClob cannot be redeployed while the server is running. com.synovation.ecase.doc.templateclob.ejb.local.TemplateClob is located in the server's classpath.> <Feb 9, 2004 4:41:52 PM PST> <Info> <EJB> <EJB Deployed EJB with JNDI name com.synovation.ecase.doc.document.ejb.local.DocumentHome.> <Feb 9, 2004 4:41:53 PM PST> <Info> <EJB> <EJB Deployed EJB with JNDI name com.synovation.ecase.doc.documentclob.ejb.local.DocumentClobHome.> <Feb 9, 2004 4:41:53 PM PST> <Info> <EJB> <EJB Deployed EJB with JNDI name com.synovation.ecase.doc.templateclob.ejb.local.TemplateClobHome.> <Feb 9, 2004 4:41:53 PM PST> <Info> <J2EE> <Deployed : doc> <Feb 9, 2004 4:41:53 PM PST> <Info> <EJB> <EJB Deploying file: courts.jar> <Feb 9, 2004 4:41:53 PM PST> <Warning> <J2EE> <You are running WebLogic Server with J2EE 1.3 features enabled. The implementation of specific J2EE 1.3 features (EJB 2.0, JSP 1.2, Servlet 2.3, and J2EE Connector Architecture 1.0) in BEA WebLogic Server 6.1 is of a non-final version of the appropriate specification. It is subject to change in future releases once the specification becomes finalized. This may cause application code developed for BEA WebLogic Server 6.1 that uses the new features of J2EE 1.3 to be incompatible with the J2EE 1.3 platform supported in future releases of BEA WebLogic Server.> <Feb 9, 2004 4:41:53 PM PST> <Warning> <EJB> <EJB Deployment: com.synovation.ecase.courts.courtcase.ejb.local.CaseNote cannot be redeployed while the server is running. com.synovation.ecase.courts.courtcase.ejb.CaseNoteBean is located in the server's classpath.> <Feb 9, 2004 4:41:53 PM PST> <Warning> <EJB> <EJB Deployment: com.synovation.ecase.courts.courtcase.ejb.local.CaseNote cannot be redeployed while the server is running. com.synovation.ecase.courts.courtcase.ejb.local.CaseNoteHome is located in the server's classpath.> <Feb 9, 2004 4:41:53 PM PST> <Warning> <EJB> <EJB Deployment: com.synovation.ecase.courts.courtcase.ejb.local.CaseNote cannot be redeployed while the server is running. com.synovation.ecase.courts.courtcase.ejb.local.CaseNote is located in the server's classpath.> <Feb 9, 2004 4:41:53 PM PST> <Warning> <EJB> <EJB Deployment: com.synovation.ecase.courts.courtcase.ejb.local.CourtCase cannot be redeployed while the server is running. com.synovation.ecase.courts.courtcase.ejb.CourtCaseBean is located in the server's classpath.> <Feb 9, 2004 4:41:53 PM PST> <Warning> <EJB> <EJB Deployment: com.synovation.ecase.courts.courtcase.ejb.local.CourtCase cannot be redeployed while the server is running. com.synovation.ecase.courts.courtcase.ejb.local.CourtCaseHome is located in the server's classpath.> <Feb 9, 2004 4:41:53 PM PST> <Warning> <EJB> <EJB Deployment: com.synovation.ecase.courts.courtcase.ejb.local.CourtCase cannot be redeployed while the server is running. com.synovation.ecase.courts.courtcase.ejb.local.CourtCase is located in the server's classpath.> <Feb 9, 2004 4:41:53 PM PST> <Warning> <EJB> <EJB Deployment: com.synovation.ecase.courts.courtsetup.ejb.local.CourtSetup cannot be redeployed while the server is running. com.synovation.ecase.courts.courtsetup.ejb.CourtSetupBean is located in the server's classpath.> <Feb 9, 2004 4:41:53 PM PST> <Warning> <EJB> <EJB Deployment: com.synovation.ecase.courts.courtsetup.ejb.local.CourtSetup cannot be redeployed while the server is running. com.synovation.ecase.courts.courtsetup.ejb.local.CourtSetupHome is located in the server's classpath.> <Feb 9, 2004 4:41:53 PM PST> <Warning> <EJB> <EJB Deployment: com.synovation.ecase.courts.courtsetup.ejb.local.CourtSetup cannot be redeployed while the server is running. com.synovation.ecase.courts.courtsetup.ejb.local.CourtSetup is located in the server's classpath.> <Feb 9, 2004 4:41:53 PM PST> <Warning> <EJB> <EJB Deployment: com.synovation.ecase.courts.minuteorder.ejb.local.MinuteOrder cannot be redeployed while the server is running. com.synovation.ecase.courts.minuteorder.ejb.MinuteOrderBean is located in the server's classpath.> <Feb 9, 2004 4:41:53 PM PST> <Warning> <EJB> <EJB Deployment: com.synovation.ecase.courts.minuteorder.ejb.local.MinuteOrder cannot be redeployed while the server is running. com.synovation.ecase.courts.minuteorder.ejb.local.MinuteOrderHome is located in the server's classpath.> <Feb 9, 2004 4:41:53 PM PST> <Warning> <EJB> <EJB Deployment: com.synovation.ecase.courts.minuteorder.ejb.local.MinuteOrder cannot be redeployed while the server is running. com.synovation.ecase.courts.minuteorder.ejb.local.MinuteOrder is located in the server's classpath.> <Feb 9, 2004 4:41:53 PM PST> <Info> <EJB> <EJB Deployed EJB with JNDI name com.synovation.ecase.courts.minuteorder.ejb.local.MinuteOrderHome.> <Feb 9, 2004 4:41:53 PM PST> <Info> <EJB> <EJB Deployed EJB with JNDI name com.synovation.ecase.courts.courtsetup.ejb.local.CourtSetupHome.> <Feb 9, 2004 4:41:53 PM PST> <Info> <EJB> <EJB Deployed EJB with JNDI name com.synovation.ecase.courts.courtcase.ejb.local.CourtCaseHome.> <Feb 9, 2004 4:41:54 PM PST> <Info> <EJB> <EJB Deployed EJB with JNDI name com.synovation.ecase.courts.courtcase.ejb.local.CaseNoteHome.> <Feb 9, 2004 4:41:54 PM PST> <Info> <J2EE> <Deployed : Courts> <Feb 9, 2004 4:41:54 PM PST> <Info> <EJB> <EJB Deploying file: workprogram.jar> <Feb 9, 2004 4:41:54 PM PST> <Warning> <J2EE> <You are running WebLogic Server with J2EE 1.3 features enabled. The implementation of specific J2EE 1.3 features (EJB 2.0, JSP 1.2, Servlet 2.3, and J2EE Connector Architecture 1.0) in BEA WebLogic Server 6.1 is of a non-final version of the appropriate specification. It is subject to change in future releases once the specification becomes finalized. This may cause application code developed for BEA WebLogic Server 6.1 that uses the new features of J2EE 1.3 to be incompatible with the J2EE 1.3 platform supported in future releases of BEA WebLogic Server.> <Feb 9, 2004 4:41:54 PM PST> <Warning> <EJB> <EJB Deployment: programManager cannot be redeployed while the server is running. com.synovation.ecase.workprogram.ejb.ProgramManagerBean is located in the server's classpath.> <Feb 9, 2004 4:41:54 PM PST> <Warning> <EJB> <EJB Deployment: programManager cannot be redeployed while the server is running. com.synovation.ecase.workprogram.ejb.local.ProgramManagerHome is located in the server's classpath.> <Feb 9, 2004 4:41:54 PM PST> <Warning> <EJB> <EJB Deployment: programManager cannot be redeployed while the server is running. com.synovation.ecase.workprogram.ejb.local.ProgramManager is located in the server's classpath.> <Feb 9, 2004 4:41:54 PM PST> <Warning> <EJB> <EJB Deployment: programManagerComposite cannot be redeployed while the server is running. com.synovation.ecase.workprogram.ejb.ProgramManagerCompositeBean is located in the server's classpath.> <Feb 9, 2004 4:41:54 PM PST> <Warning> <EJB> <EJB Deployment: programManagerComposite cannot be redeployed while the server is running. com.synovation.ecase.workprogram.ejb.local.ProgramManagerCompositeHome is located in the server's classpath.> <Feb 9, 2004 4:41:54 PM PST> <Warning> <EJB> <EJB Deployment: programManagerComposite cannot be redeployed while the server is running. com.synovation.ecase.workprogram.ejb.local.ProgramManagerComposite is located in the server's classpath.> <Feb 9, 2004 4:41:54 PM PST> <Info> <EJB> <EJB Deployed EJB with JNDI name com.synovation.ecase.workprogram.ejb.ProgramManagerComposite.> <Feb 9, 2004 4:41:54 PM PST> <Info> <EJB> <EJB Deployed EJB with JNDI name com.synovation.ecase.workprogram.ejb.ProgramManager.> <Feb 9, 2004 4:41:54 PM PST> <Info> <J2EE> <Deployed : workprogram> <Feb 9, 2004 4:41:55 PM PST> <Info> <EJB> <EJB Deploying file: enterprise.jar> <Feb 9, 2004 4:41:55 PM PST> <Warning> <J2EE> <You are running WebLogic Server with J2EE 1.3 features enabled. The implementation of specific J2EE 1.3 features (EJB 2.0, JSP 1.2, Servlet 2.3, and J2EE Connector Architecture 1.0) in BEA WebLogic Server 6.1 is of a non-final version of the appropriate specification. It is subject to change in future releases once the specification becomes finalized. This may cause application code developed for BEA WebLogic Server 6.1 that uses the new features of J2EE 1.3 to be incompatible with the J2EE 1.3 platform supported in future releases of BEA WebLogic Server.> <Feb 9, 2004 4:41:55 PM PST> <Warning> <EJB> <EJB Deployment: individualMessageProcessor cannot be redeployed while the server is running. com.synovation.ecase.enterprise.sandiego.interfaces.cmsj.inbound.individual.IndividualMessageProcessorBean is located in the server's classpath.> <Feb 9, 2004 4:41:55 PM PST> <Warning> <EJB> <EJB Deployment: individualMessageProcessor cannot be redeployed while the server is running. com.synovation.ecase.enterprise.sandiego.interfaces.cmsj.inbound.individual.local.IndividualMessageProcessorHome is located in the server's classpath.> <Feb 9, 2004 4:41:55 PM PST> <Warning> <EJB> <EJB Deployment: individualMessageProcessor cannot be redeployed while the server is running. com.synovation.ecase.enterprise.sandiego.interfaces.cmsj.inbound.individual.local.IndividualMessageProcessor is located in the server's classpath.> <Feb 9, 2004 4:41:55 PM PST> <Warning> <EJB> <EJB Deployment: referralMessageProcessor cannot be redeployed while the server is running. com.synovation.ecase.enterprise.sandiego.interfaces.cmsj.inbound.referral.ReferralMessageProcessorBean is located in the server's classpath.> <Feb 9, 2004 4:41:55 PM PST> <Warning> <EJB> <EJB Deployment: referralMessageProcessor cannot be redeployed while the server is running. com.synovation.ecase.enterprise.sandiego.interfaces.cmsj.inbound.referral.local.ReferralMessageProcessorHome is located in the server's classpath.> <Feb 9, 2004 4:41:55 PM PST> <Warning> <EJB> <EJB Deployment: referralMessageProcessor cannot be redeployed while the server is running. com.synovation.ecase.enterprise.sandiego.interfaces.cmsj.inbound.referral.local.ReferralMessageProcessor is located in the server's classpath.> <Feb 9, 2004 4:41:55 PM PST> <Warning> <EJB> <EJB Deployment: petitionMessageProcessor cannot be redeployed while the server is running. com.synovation.ecase.enterprise.sandiego.interfaces.cmsj.inbound.petition.PetitionMessageProcessorBean is located in the server's classpath.> <Feb 9, 2004 4:41:55 PM PST> <Warning> <EJB> <EJB Deployment: petitionMessageProcessor cannot be redeployed while the server is running. com.synovation.ecase.enterprise.sandiego.interfaces.cmsj.inbound.petition.local.PetitionMessageProcessorHome is located in the server's classpath.> <Feb 9, 2004 4:41:55 PM PST> <Warning> <EJB> <EJB Deployment: petitionMessageProcessor cannot be redeployed while the server is running. com.synovation.ecase.enterprise.sandiego.interfaces.cmsj.inbound.petition.local.PetitionMessageProcessor is located in the server's classpath.> <Feb 9, 2004 4:41:55 PM PST> <Warning> <EJB> <EJB Deployment: courtPetitionMessageProcessor cannot be redeployed while the server is running. com.synovation.ecase.enterprise.sandiego.interfaces.cmsj.inbound.courtpetition.CourtPetitionMessageProcessorBean is located in the server's classpath.> <Feb 9, 2004 4:41:55 PM PST> <Warning> <EJB> <EJB Deployment: courtPetitionMessageProcessor cannot be redeployed while the server is running. com.synovation.ecase.enterprise.sandiego.interfaces.cmsj.inbound.courtpetition.local.CourtPetitionMessageProcessorHome is located in the server's classpath.> <Feb 9, 2004 4:41:55 PM PST> <Warning> <EJB> <EJB Deployment: courtPetitionMessageProcessor cannot be redeployed while the server is running. com.synovation.ecase.enterprise.sandiego.interfaces.cmsj.inbound.courtpetition.local.CourtPetitionMessageProcessor is located in the server's classpath.> <Feb 9, 2004 4:41:55 PM PST> <Warning> <EJB> <EJB Deployment: com.synovation.ecase.enterprise.sandiego.interfaces.jcms.Consumer cannot be redeployed while the server is running. com.synovation.ecase.enterprise.sandiego.interfaces.jcms.Consumer is located in the server's classpath.> <Feb 9, 2004 4:41:55 PM PST> <Warning> <EJB> <EJB Deployment: com.synovation.ecase.enterprise.sandiego.interfaces.cmsj.Consumer cannot be redeployed while the server is running. com.synovation.ecase.enterprise.sandiego.interfaces.cmsj.Consumer is located in the server's classpath.> <Feb 9, 2004 4:41:56 PM PST> <Warning> <EJB> <The Message-Driven EJB: com.synovation.ecase.enterprise.sandiego.interfaces.cmsj.Consumer is unable to connect to the JMS destination: CMSJ.PCMS.Q. The EJB container will automatically attempt to re-establish the connection with the JMS server. This warning may occur during WebLogic Cluster start-up if the JMS destination is located on another server. When the JMS server connection is re-established, the Message-Driven EJB will again receive JMS messages. The Error was: Unable to create a JNDI InitialContext to lookup the JMS destination. The error was: javax.naming.NameNotFoundException; remaining name 'C:\var\mqm\jndi' at com.sun.jndi.fscontext.FSContext.checkExists(FSContext.java:850) at com.sun.jndi.fscontext.FSContext.checkIsDirectory(FSContext.java:883) at com.sun.jndi.fscontext.FSContext.<init>(FSContext.java:108) at com.sun.jndi.fscontext.FSContext.<init>(FSContext.java:81) at com.sun.jndi.fscontext.RefFSContext.<init>(RefFSContext.java:97) at com.sun.jndi.fscontext.RefFSContextFactory.createContext(RefFSContextFactory.java:42) at com.sun.jndi.fscontext.RefFSContextFactory.createContextAux(RefFSContextFactory.java:47) at com.sun.jndi.fscontext.FSContextFactory.getInitialContext(FSContextFactory.java:49) at javax.naming.spi.NamingManager.getInitialContext(NamingManager.java:660) at javax.naming.InitialContext.getDefaultInitCtx(InitialContext.java:241) at javax.naming.InitialContext.init(InitialContext.java:217) at javax.naming.InitialContext.<init>(InitialContext.java:193) at weblogic.ejb20.deployer.MessageDrivenBeanInfoImpl.getInitialContext(MessageDrivenBeanInfoImpl.java:641) at weblogic.ejb20.internal.JMSConnectionPoller.createJMSConnection(JMSConnectionPoller.java:474) at weblogic.ejb20.internal.JMSConnectionPoller.connectToJMS(JMSConnectionPoller.java:418) at weblogic.ejb20.internal.JMSConnectionPoller.startJMSConnectionPolling(JMSConnectionPoller.java:286) at weblogic.ejb20.deployer.MessageDrivenBeanInfoImpl.deploy(MessageDrivenBeanInfoImpl.java:511) at weblogic.ejb20.deployer.Deployer.deployDescriptor(Deployer.java:1294) at weblogic.ejb20.deployer.Deployer.deploy(Deployer.java:996) at weblogic.j2ee.EJBComponent.deploy(EJBComponent.java:31) at weblogic.j2ee.Application.addComponent(Application.java:170) at weblogic.j2ee.J2EEService.addDeployment(J2EEService.java:117) at weblogic.management.mbeans.custom.DeploymentTarget.addDeployment(DeploymentTarget.java:360) at weblogic.management.mbeans.custom.DeploymentTarget.addDeployments(DeploymentTarget.java:285) at weblogic.management.mbeans.custom.DeploymentTarget.updateServerDeployments(DeploymentTarget.java:239) at weblogic.management.mbeans.custom.DeploymentTarget.updateDeployments(DeploymentTarget.java:199) at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Native Method) at weblogic.management.internal.DynamicMBeanImpl.invokeLocally(DynamicMBeanImpl.java:636) at weblogic.management.internal.DynamicMBeanImpl.invoke(DynamicMBeanImpl.java:621) at weblogic.management.internal.ConfigurationMBeanImpl.invoke(ConfigurationMBeanImpl.java:360) at com.sun.management.jmx.MBeanServerImpl.invoke(MBeanServerImpl.java:1557) at com.sun.management.jmx.MBeanServerImpl.invoke(MBeanServerImpl.java:1525) at weblogic.management.internal.MBeanProxy.invoke(MBeanProxy.java:468) at weblogic.management.internal.MBeanProxy.invoke(MBeanProxy.java:209) at $Proxy40.updateDeployments(Unknown Source) at weblogic.management.configuration.ServerMBean_CachingStub.updateDeployments(ServerMBean_CachingStub.java:2977) at weblogic.management.mbeans.custom.ApplicationManager.startConfigManager(ApplicationManager.java:372) at weblogic.management.mbeans.custom.ApplicationManager.start(ApplicationManager.java:160) at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Native Method) at weblogic.management.internal.DynamicMBeanImpl.invokeLocally(DynamicMBeanImpl.java:636) at weblogic.management.internal.DynamicMBeanImpl.invoke(DynamicMBeanImpl.java:621) at weblogic.management.internal.ConfigurationMBeanImpl.invoke(ConfigurationMBeanImpl.java:360) at com.sun.management.jmx.MBeanServerImpl.invoke(MBeanServerImpl.java:1557) at com.sun.management.jmx.MBeanServerImpl.invoke(MBeanServerImpl.java:1525) at weblogic.management.internal.MBeanProxy.invoke(MBeanProxy.java:468) at weblogic.management.internal.MBeanProxy.invoke(MBeanProxy.java:209) at $Proxy57.start(Unknown Source) at weblogic.management.configuration.ApplicationManagerMBean_CachingStub.start(ApplicationManagerMBean_CachingStub.java:480) at weblogic.management.Admin.startApplicationManager(Admin.java:1234) at weblogic.management.Admin.finish(Admin.java:644) at weblogic.t3.srvr.T3Srvr.start(T3Srvr.java:524) at weblogic.t3.srvr.T3Srvr.run(T3Srvr.java:207) at weblogic.Server.main(Server.java:35) > <Feb 9, 2004 4:41:56 PM PST> <Info> <EJB> <EJB Deployed EJB with JNDI name com.synovation.ecase.enterprise.sandiego.interfaces.cmsj.Consumer.> <Feb 9, 2004 4:41:56 PM PST> <Info> <EJB> <EJB Deployed EJB with JNDI name com.synovation.ecase.enterprise.sandiego.interfaces.cmsj.inbound.petition.local.PetitionMessageProcessorHome.> <Feb 9, 2004 4:41:56 PM PST> <Info> <EJB> <EJB Deployed EJB with JNDI name com.synovation.ecase.enterprise.sandiego.interfaces.cmsj.inbound.courtpetition.local.CourtPetitionMessageProcessorHome.> <Feb 9, 2004 4:41:56 PM PST> <Info> <EJB> <EJB Deployed EJB with JNDI name com.synovation.ecase.enterprise.sandiego.interfaces.cmsj.inbound.individual.local.IndividualMessageProcessorHome.> <Feb 9, 2004 4:41:56 PM PST> <Info> <EJB> <EJB Deployed EJB with JNDI name com.synovation.ecase.enterprise.sandiego.interfaces.cmsj.inbound.referral.local.ReferralMessageProcessorHome.> <Feb 9, 2004 4:41:56 PM PST> <Warning> <EJB> <The Message-Driven EJB: com.synovation.ecase.enterprise.sandiego.interfaces.jcms.Consumer is unable to connect to the JMS destination: JCMS.PCMS.Q. The EJB container will automatically attempt to re-establish the connection with the JMS server. This warning may occur during WebLogic Cluster start-up if the JMS destination is located on another server. When the JMS server connection is re-established, the Message-Driven EJB will again receive JMS messages. The Error was: Unable to create a JNDI InitialContext to lookup the JMS destination. The error was: javax.naming.NameNotFoundException; remaining name 'C:\var\mqm\jndi' at com.sun.jndi.fscontext.FSContext.checkExists(FSContext.java:850) at com.sun.jndi.fscontext.FSContext.checkIsDirectory(FSContext.java:883) at com.sun.jndi.fscontext.FSContext.<init>(FSContext.java:108) at com.sun.jndi.fscontext.FSContext.<init>(FSContext.java:81) at com.sun.jndi.fscontext.RefFSContext.<init>(RefFSContext.java:97) at com.sun.jndi.fscontext.RefFSContextFactory.createContext(RefFSContextFactory.java:42) at com.sun.jndi.fscontext.RefFSContextFactory.createContextAux(RefFSContextFactory.java:47) at com.sun.jndi.fscontext.FSContextFactory.getInitialContext(FSContextFactory.java:49) at javax.naming.spi.NamingManager.getInitialContext(NamingManager.java:660) at javax.naming.InitialContext.getDefaultInitCtx(InitialContext.java:241) at javax.naming.InitialContext.init(InitialContext.java:217) at javax.naming.InitialContext.<init>(InitialContext.java:193) at weblogic.ejb20.deployer.MessageDrivenBeanInfoImpl.getInitialContext(MessageDrivenBeanInfoImpl.java:641) at weblogic.ejb20.internal.JMSConnectionPoller.createJMSConnection(JMSConnectionPoller.java:474) at weblogic.ejb20.internal.JMSConnectionPoller.connectToJMS(JMSConnectionPoller.java:418) at weblogic.ejb20.internal.JMSConnectionPoller.startJMSConnectionPolling(JMSConnectionPoller.java:286) at weblogic.ejb20.deployer.MessageDrivenBeanInfoImpl.deploy(MessageDrivenBeanInfoImpl.java:511) at weblogic.ejb20.deployer.Deployer.deployDescriptor(Deployer.java:1294) at weblogic.ejb20.deployer.Deployer.deploy(Deployer.java:996) at weblogic.j2ee.EJBComponent.deploy(EJBComponent.java:31) at weblogic.j2ee.Application.addComponent(Application.java:170) at weblogic.j2ee.J2EEService.addDeployment(J2EEService.java:117) at weblogic.management.mbeans.custom.DeploymentTarget.addDeployment(DeploymentTarget.java:360) at weblogic.management.mbeans.custom.DeploymentTarget.addDeployments(DeploymentTarget.java:285) at weblogic.management.mbeans.custom.DeploymentTarget.updateServerDeployments(DeploymentTarget.java:239) at weblogic.management.mbeans.custom.DeploymentTarget.updateDeployments(DeploymentTarget.java:199) at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Native Method) at weblogic.management.internal.DynamicMBeanImpl.invokeLocally(DynamicMBeanImpl.java:636) at weblogic.management.internal.DynamicMBeanImpl.invoke(DynamicMBeanImpl.java:621) at weblogic.management.internal.ConfigurationMBeanImpl.invoke(ConfigurationMBeanImpl.java:360) at com.sun.management.jmx.MBeanServerImpl.invoke(MBeanServerImpl.java:1557) at com.sun.management.jmx.MBeanServerImpl.invoke(MBeanServerImpl.java:1525) at weblogic.management.internal.MBeanProxy.invoke(MBeanProxy.java:468) at weblogic.management.internal.MBeanProxy.invoke(MBeanProxy.java:209) at $Proxy40.updateDeployments(Unknown Source) at weblogic.management.configuration.ServerMBean_CachingStub.updateDeployments(ServerMBean_CachingStub.java:2977) at weblogic.management.mbeans.custom.ApplicationManager.startConfigManager(ApplicationManager.java:372) at weblogic.management.mbeans.custom.ApplicationManager.start(ApplicationManager.java:160) at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Native Method) at weblogic.management.internal.DynamicMBeanImpl.invokeLocally(DynamicMBeanImpl.java:636) at weblogic.management.internal.DynamicMBeanImpl.invoke(DynamicMBeanImpl.java:621) at weblogic.management.internal.ConfigurationMBeanImpl.invoke(ConfigurationMBeanImpl.java:360) at com.sun.management.jmx.MBeanServerImpl.invoke(MBeanServerImpl.java:1557) at com.sun.management.jmx.MBeanServerImpl.invoke(MBeanServerImpl.java:1525) at weblogic.management.internal.MBeanProxy.invoke(MBeanProxy.java:468) at weblogic.management.internal.MBeanProxy.invoke(MBeanProxy.java:209) at $Proxy57.start(Unknown Source) at weblogic.management.configuration.ApplicationManagerMBean_CachingStub.start(ApplicationManagerMBean_CachingStub.java:480) at weblogic.management.Admin.startApplicationManager(Admin.java:1234) at weblogic.management.Admin.finish(Admin.java:644) at weblogic.t3.srvr.T3Srvr.start(T3Srvr.java:524) at weblogic.t3.srvr.T3Srvr.run(T3Srvr.java:207) at weblogic.Server.main(Server.java:35) > <Feb 9, 2004 4:41:56 PM PST> <Info> <EJB> <EJB Deployed EJB with JNDI name com.synovation.ecase.enterprise.sandiego.interfaces.jcms.Consumer.> <Feb 9, 2004 4:41:56 PM PST> <Info> <J2EE> <Deployed : enterprise> <Feb 9, 2004 4:41:56 PM PST> <Info> <EJB> <EJB Deploying file: messagecenter.jar> <Feb 9, 2004 4:41:56 PM PST> <Warning> <J2EE> <You are running WebLogic Server with J2EE 1.3 features enabled. The implementation of specific J2EE 1.3 features (EJB 2.0, JSP 1.2, Servlet 2.3, and J2EE Connector Architecture 1.0) in BEA WebLogic Server 6.1 is of a non-final version of the appropriate specification. It is subject to change in future releases once the specification becomes finalized. This may cause application code developed for BEA WebLogic Server 6.1 that uses the new features of J2EE 1.3 to be incompatible with the J2EE 1.3 platform supported in future releases of BEA WebLogic Server.> <Feb 9, 2004 4:41:56 PM PST> <Warning> <EJB> <EJB Deployment: EventMessageExtension cannot be redeployed while the server is running. com.messagecenter.EventMessageExtensionBean is located in the server's classpath.> <Feb 9, 2004 4:41:56 PM PST> <Warning> <EJB> <EJB Deployment: EventMessageExtension cannot be redeployed while the server is running. com.synovation.framework.ejb.extension.ExtensionHome is located in the server's classpath.> <Feb 9, 2004 4:41:56 PM PST> <Warning> <EJB> <EJB Deployment: EventMessageExtension cannot be redeployed while the server is running. com.synovation.framework.ejb.extension.Extension is located in the server's classpath.> <Feb 9, 2004 4:41:56 PM PST> <Warning> <EJB> <EJB Deployment: com.messagecenter.ejb.MessageRegistryHome cannot be redeployed while the server is running. com.messagecenter.ejb.MessageRegistryBean is located in the server's classpath.> <Feb 9, 2004 4:41:56 PM PST> <Warning> <EJB> <EJB Deployment: com.messagecenter.ejb.MessageRegistryHome cannot be redeployed while the server is running. com.messagecenter.ejb.MessageRegistryHome is located in the server's classpath.> <Feb 9, 2004 4:41:56 PM PST> <Warning> <EJB> <EJB Deployment: com.messagecenter.ejb.MessageRegistryHome cannot be redeployed while the server is running. com.messagecenter.ejb.MessageRegistry is located in the server's classpath.> <Feb 9, 2004 4:41:56 PM PST> <Warning> <EJB> <EJB Deployment: com.messagecenter.ejb.ActionHome cannot be redeployed while the server is running. com.messagecenter.ejb.ActionBean is located in the server's classpath.> <Feb 9, 2004 4:41:56 PM PST> <Warning> <EJB> <EJB Deployment: com.messagecenter.ejb.ActionHome cannot be redeployed while the server is running. com.messagecenter.ejb.ActionHome is located in the server's classpath.> <Feb 9, 2004 4:41:56 PM PST> <Warning> <EJB> <EJB Deployment: com.messagecenter.ejb.ActionHome cannot be redeployed while the server is running. com.messagecenter.ejb.Action is located in the server's classpath.> <Feb 9, 2004 4:41:56 PM PST> <Warning> <EJB> <EJB Deployment: com.messagecenter.ejb.MessageSequencerBean cannot be redeployed while the server is running. com.messagecenter.ejb.MessageSequencerBean is located in the server's classpath.> <Feb 9, 2004 4:41:56 PM PST> <Warning> <EJB> <EJB Deployment: com.messagecenter.ejb.MessageGroupBean cannot be redeployed while the server is running. com.messagecenter.ejb.MessageGroupBean is located in the server's classpath.> <Feb 9, 2004 4:41:56 PM PST> <Warning> <EJB> <EJB Deployment: com.messagecenter.ejb.MessageProcessorBean cannot be redeployed while the server is running. com.messagecenter.ejb.MessageProcessorBean is located in the server's classpath.> <Feb 9, 2004 4:41:57 PM PST> <Info> <EJB> <EJB Deployed EJB with JNDI name com.messagecenter.ejb.MessageSequencerBean.> <Feb 9, 2004 4:41:58 PM PST> <Info> <EJB> <EJB Deployed EJB with JNDI name com.messagecenter.ejb.MessageProcessorBean.> <Feb 9, 2004 4:41:58 PM PST> <Info> <EJB> <EJB Deployed EJB with JNDI name com.messagecenter.ejb.MessageGroupBean.> <Feb 9, 2004 4:41:58 PM PST> <Info> <EJB> <EJB Deployed EJB with JNDI name com.messagecenter.EventMessageExtension.> <Feb 9, 2004 4:41:58 PM PST> <Info> <EJB> <EJB Deployed EJB with JNDI name com.messagecenter.ejb.ActionHome.> <Feb 9, 2004 4:41:58 PM PST> <Info> <EJB> <EJB Deployed EJB with JNDI name com.messagecenter.ejb.MessageRegistryHome.> <Feb 9, 2004 4:41:58 PM PST> <Info> <J2EE> <Deployed : MessageCenter> <Feb 9, 2004 4:41:58 PM PST> <Info> <HTTP> <[HTTP myserver] Loading web app: certificate> <Feb 9, 2004 4:41:58 PM PST> <Info> <HTTP> <[myserver] Loading certificate from WAR file: C:\bea\wlserver6.1\config\mydomain\applications\.wlnotdelete\wl_comp55585.war> <Feb 9, 2004 4:41:58 PM PST> <Info> <HTTP> <[WebAppServletContext(6119360,certificate,/certificate)] extracting classfiles to C:\bea\wlserver6.1\config\mydomain\applications\.wlnotdelete\WEB-INF\_tmp_war_certificate:> <Feb 9, 2004 4:41:58 PM PST> <Info> <HTTP> <[WebAppServletContext(6119360,certificate,/certificate)] extracted classfiles successfully...> <Feb 9, 2004 4:41:58 PM PST> <Info> <HTTP Session> <Creating SessionContext of type: memory for webapp: /certificate> <Feb 9, 2004 4:41:58 PM PST> <Info> <HTTP> <[WebAppServletContext(6119360,certificate,/certificate)] registering classpath servlet with initArgs 'null'> <Feb 9, 2004 4:41:58 PM PST> <Info> <HTTP> <[WebAppServletContext(6119360,certificate,/certificate)] registering getior servlet with initArgs 'null'> <Feb 9, 2004 4:41:58 PM PST> <Info> <HTTP> <[WebAppServletContext(6119360,certificate,/certificate)] registering tunneling servlets with initArgs 'wl-dispatch-policy=direct'> <Feb 9, 2004 4:41:58 PM PST> <Info> <HTTP> <[WebAppServletContext(6119360,certificate,/certificate)] registering JSPServlet with initArgs '[JspConfig: verbose=true,packagePrefix=jsp_servlet,-compiler=javac,compileFlags=,workingDir=C:\bea\wlserver6.1\config\mydomain\applications\.wlnotdelete\WEB-INF\_tmp_war_certificate,pageCheckSeconds=1,superclass=null,keepgenerated=false,precompileContinue=false,compilerSupportsEncoding=true,encoding=null,defaultfilename=index.jsp,compilerclass=null,noTryBlocks=false]'> <Feb 9, 2004 4:41:58 PM PST> <Debug> <HTTP> <Registering ServletContext: "certificate:/certificate"> <Feb 9, 2004 4:41:58 PM PST> <Info> <J2EE> <Deployed : certificate> <Feb 9, 2004 4:41:58 PM PST> <Info> <HTTP> <[HTTP myserver] Loading web app: DefaultWebApp> <Feb 9, 2004 4:41:58 PM PST> <Info> <HTTP> <[myserver] Loading "DefaultWebApp" from directory: "C:\bea\wlserver6.1\config\mydomain\applications\DefaultWebApp"> <Feb 9, 2004 4:41:59 PM PST> <Warning> <J2EE> <You are running WebLogic Server with J2EE 1.3 features enabled. The implementation of specific J2EE 1.3 features (EJB 2.0, JSP 1.2, Servlet 2.3, and J2EE Connector Architecture 1.0) in BEA WebLogic Server 6.1 is of a non-final version of the appropriate specification. It is subject to change in future releases once the specification becomes finalized. This may cause application code developed for BEA WebLogic Server 6.1 that uses the new features of J2EE 1.3 to be incompatible with the J2EE 1.3 platform supported in future releases of BEA WebLogic Server.> <Feb 9, 2004 4:42:00 PM PST> <Info> <HTTP> <[WebAppServletContext(6136350,DefaultWebApp,/DefaultWebApp)] extracting classfiles to C:\bea\wlserver6.1\config\mydomain\applications\DefaultWebApp\WEB-INF\_tmp_war_DefaultWebApp:> <Feb 9, 2004 4:42:06 PM PST> <Info> <HTTP> <[WebAppServletContext(6136350,DefaultWebApp,/DefaultWebApp)] extracted classfiles successfully...> <Feb 9, 2004 4:42:06 PM PST> <Warning> <EJB> <The Message-Driven EJB: com.synovation.ecase.enterprise.sandiego.interfaces.cmsj.Consumer is unable to connect to the JMS destination: CMSJ.PCMS.Q. Connection failed after 2 attempts. The MDB will attempt to reconnect every 10 seconds, this log message will repeat every 600 seconds until the condition clears.> <Feb 9, 2004 4:42:06 PM PST> <Warning> <EJB> <The Message-Driven EJB: com.synovation.ecase.enterprise.sandiego.interfaces.cmsj.Consumer is unable to connect to the JMS destination: CMSJ.PCMS.Q. The EJB container will automatically attempt to re-establish the connection with the JMS server. This warning may occur during WebLogic Cluster start-up if the JMS destination is located on another server. When the JMS server connection is re-established, the Message-Driven EJB will again receive JMS messages. The Error was: Unable to create a JNDI InitialContext to lookup the JMS destination. The error was: javax.naming.NameNotFoundException; remaining name 'C:\var\mqm\jndi' at com.sun.jndi.fscontext.FSContext.checkExists(FSContext.java:850) at com.sun.
Scott AndersonParticipantWell, it’s definately a configuration problem. One thing I notice is the large number of libraries
you’re adding to the path. I realize that you’re trying to recreate the original script, and that’s
usually good, but weblogic.jar is already added to the launch path for the server, for example.
You can definately remove it from the path. Also, weblogic.jar is a roll up of a lot of the
other jars. Look inside it and you’ll see it already includes javax.jms so you should be able
to remove jms.jar from the path too for example.Perhaps the problem is caused by multiple, incompatible libraries being used. Just a thought.
dres1011Memberthanks for the input,
I agree with everything you said. The only issue I have is the diference between running in and out of eclipse. I guess I can’t really hope to fix this problem because I cannot control the stupid things that have been done in packaging and starting the app.
But an explanation as to why it works outside and not inside eclipse would be wonderful. I don’t want to soak up your time, so unless you can help me with that question you can close this topic.
thanks again for your help
Scott AndersonParticipantI wish I could help more. We set up the connector’s preference pages to be able to adjust just about
anything to do with the way WebLogic launches just so we could accommodate some ‘alternative’ launch
models, such as yours. It’s frustrating, because I feel the flexibility is there to make the Eclipse launch
identical to the commandline, but something is still different, unfortunately. I assume you’re using exactly
the same JDK in both instances, for example? -