
Web Service Deployment under Glassfish

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  • #292433 Reply


    I’ve performed the tutorial…

    Developing JAX-WS Web Services & Clients with MyEclipse
    A tutorial showing you how to develop JAX-WS web services and web service clients using MyEclipse.

    .. and successfully deployed it under MyEclipse Tomcat 6. When I try to deploy it under Glassfish 2.x, I get an error saying it can’t find the files…


    … in \WEB-INF\wsdl. These two files exist in…


    … and when I move them to the WEB-INF\wsdl directory under my project, my application runs successfully, but I get so many errors on the Web Service they can’t be contained by the Console.

    Has anyone successfully deployed this project under Glassfish?

    #292456 Reply

    Loyal Water

    I haven’t tried running this tutorial with GlassFish but can you paste the errors that you are running into.

    Also, I would suggest you cross post this query on the GlassFish / JAX-WS forums since this seems like some GlassFish / Jax-WS compatibility issue.

    #292468 Reply


    Problem solved. My application is a web application as is the Web Service (in a manner of speaking). After I got that error about Glassfish not being able to find…


    … I move them to the WEB-INF\wsdl of my web application. What I needed to do was move them to the WEB-INF\wsdl directory of the Web Service. Once I did that, both my web application and the Web Service Client from the tutorial deployed without error on Glassfish.

    #292514 Reply

    Loyal Water

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