I am using the latest MyEclipse 8.5. I have read the tutorials and search the forums but can’t find an answer to this question. I am working on a web project for jsf 2.0 which I have to add some libraries to the build path of the web project. The project Order and Export screen have these libraries not checked for export as they are provided by the container.
The problem is the deployer still deploys those libraries to the WEB-INF/lib directory. From the documentation of the deployer, it seems that the deployer will limit the jars not exported by dependant projects but not the ones not exported by the actual project. We use the smart deployment strategy for the deployment of dependant projects and that works fine. But for the jars on the project build path we used to have everything checked. i did some tests to uncheck the user libraries and in this case it doesn’t deploy any of the jars not just the ones I don’t want to export.
Please help