
User Guide is missing [Closed]

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  • #197820 Reply

    Eric Weidl


    I just downloaded and installed MyEclipse. The installation went smoothly and I was able to launch it without problem, but when I click on the MyEclipse User Guide link on the MyEclipse Enterprise Workbench Welcome page, there is no content in the window which opens.

    Where is the documentation? Can I download it from this site? If so, from where?


    #197822 Reply

    Scott Anderson


    That’s peculiar. Anyway, you should be able to access the user guide by selecting Help > Help Contents > MyEclipse User Guide.

    MyEclipse Support

    #197824 Reply

    Eric Weidl

    Nope, gives me another blank window.

    Can you tell me where the files for the user guide are located so I can check for their existence on my machine?

    BTW, thanks for the fast response.


    #197828 Reply

    Scott Anderson

    Sounds like your installation is incomplete. Please post the details requested in the “Posting Guidelines” announcement and we’ll see about getting you running.

    I would imagine you have several entries in your Eclipse log file <workbench-dir>/.metatdata/.log that will provide some insight.

    The help doc is also available online at:

    MyEclipse Support

    #204027 Reply


    I too get a blank page while trying to access documentation.
    This is used to happen with plain old eclipse (before i tried myeclipse).
    Anyway I can download the documentation seperately from the web site.
    (I am not online all the time, and would like to read the documentation)


    #204030 Reply

    Riyad Kalla

    Hemant, if you are having trouble viewing help from within Eclipse, this is actually a problem with Eclipse. Click the menu options Window>Preferences>Help, and adjust the settings to point to a valid browser on your system and see if that helps. If you are getting errors about “the internal help server could not be started”, then please check either in these forums or on Eclipse’s mailing list archives for help as this is sometimes common, especially on non-windows platforms.

    #204184 Reply


    Thanks Riyad,
    It indeed have something to do with the Help Server.
    (I wonder if the previous person Eric also had similar issue).

    The fact, that we run our IE using proxy pac, instead of normal proxy caused the problem. it wasn’t able to resolve ‘help server’ host on the local machine.
    If I switch off my proxies in IE, it works fine.


    #204193 Reply

    Riyad Kalla

    I’m glad to hear it is working now, I know I have had some problems with the ‘help server’ before as well.

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