- This topic has 2 replies, 2 voices, and was last updated 19 years, 10 months ago by
Brett Connor.
Brett ConnorMember– System Setup ——————————-
Operating System and version: WinXP Pro SP1
Eclipse version: 3.1M6
Eclipse build id: I20050401-1645
Fresh Eclipse install (y/n): y
Other installed external plugins:
Number of plugins in the <eclipse>/plugins directory that begin with org.eclipse.pde.*: 7
MyEclipse version: 3.8.4
Eclipse JDK version: 1.5.0_01
– Message Body ——————————-I have automatic code completion turned off in MyEclipse javascript editor. Typing code is fine (although there’s something wierd happens sometimes when typing { and } in function bodies – cursor jumps and selects the function name – but that’s another story).
But typing comments, typing . (period) triggers an autocomplete menu.
If the comment is a /* then the autocomplete is an offer to convert the comment to a javadoc.
If the comment is a javadoc /** then the autocomplete gives a partial list of HTML tags. I am forever getting <B> on the end of my sentences because of typing .<cr>.Regards
Riyad KallaMemberBrett,
This will most likely be fixed when we do a refresh against the WTP base we build on in our 5.0 release. Sorry for the delay but we are waiting for them to stabalize as most of these oddities are inherited.In the mean time I will file a request to see if this can be found/fixed quickly such that we don’t need to wait too long on it. But it’s up to management to prioritize it into the loop.
Brett ConnorMemberOK no probs. I’m not concerned about getting an early fix, it’s not a show stopper and from my POV not worth you diverting development effort for. I mainly just wanted to make sure the problem is known.
The bracket odity is more disturbing because it causes overtyping of code. It seems to happen when adding or removing a bracket causes the outline view to rebuild / redraw, but then not always. I can’t figure out the precise circumstances yet, but it doens’t half make a mess of my code when it happens! If this is also inherited then I’m happy to wait for the next WTP.
Brett -