- This topic has 2 replies, 2 voices, and was last updated 20 years, 6 months ago by
Sprint-TXMemberI am trying to test one of my applications that I have created using struts 1.1. I created an action mapping called /delUsers, but have since deleted it and continued creating my model. However, struts is complaining that the action /delUsers cannot be retrieved, but when I check the struts-config.xml file, it is not in there, nor do I want it there. I was actually executing on an action called /listUsers.
Why is this happening when there is no record of it in the struts-config file?
Here is my file:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <!DOCTYPE struts-config PUBLIC "-//Apache Software Foundation//DTD Struts Configuration 1.1//EN" "http://jakarta.apache.org/struts/dtds/struts-config_1_1.dtd"> <struts-config> <data-sources /> <form-beans > <form-bean name="loginForm" type="com.sprint.ctc.struts.form.LoginForm" /> <form-bean name="mainForm" type="com.sprint.ctc.struts.form.MainForm" /> <form-bean name="maintForm" type="com.sprint.ctc.struts.form.MaintForm" /> <form-bean name="changePasswordForm" type="com.sprint.ctc.struts.form.ChangePasswordForm" /> <form-bean name="addUserForm" type="com.sprint.ctc.struts.form.AddUserForm" /> </form-beans> <global-exceptions /> <global-forwards > <forward name="mainMenu" path="/form/main.jsp" /> </global-forwards> <action-mappings > <action attribute="loginForm" input="/form/login.jsp" name="loginForm" path="/login" scope="request" type="com.sprint.ctc.struts.action.LoginAction" > <forward name="success" path="/form/main.jsp" /> </action> <action attribute="mainForm" input="/form/main.jsp" name="mainForm" path="/main" scope="request" type="com.sprint.ctc.struts.action.MainAction" > <forward name="logout" path="/logout.do" /> <forward name="acctMaint" path="/form/accountMaintenance.jsp" /> </action> <action path="/logout" type="com.sprint.ctc.struts.action.LogoutAction" > <forward name="success" path="/form/login.jsp" /> </action> <action attribute="maintForm" input="/form/accountMaintenance.jsp" name="maintForm" path="/maint" scope="request" type="com.sprint.ctc.struts.action.MaintAction" > <forward name="addUser" path="/form/addUser.jsp" /> <forward name="listUsers" path="/listUsers.do" /> </action> <action attribute="changePasswordForm" input="/form/changePassword.jsp" name="changePasswordForm" path="/changePassword" scope="request" type="com.sprint.ctc.struts.action.ChangePasswordAction" /> <action attribute="addUserForm" input="/form/addUser.jsp" name="addUserForm" path="/addUser" scope="request" type="com.sprint.ctc.struts.action.AddUserAction" > <forward name="cancel" path="/form/accountMaintenance.jsp" /> </action> <action path="/listUsers" type="com.sprint.ctc.struts.action.ListUsersAction" > <forward name="success" path="/form/listUsers.jsp" /> </action> </action-mappings> <controller bufferSize="4096" debug="0" /> <message-resources parameter="com.sprint.ctc.struts.ApplicationResources" /> </struts-config>
And here is the message I get from the browser:
HTTP Status 500 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- type Exception report message description The server encountered an internal error () that prevented it from fulfilling this request. exception org.apache.jasper.JasperException: Cannot retrieve mapping for action /delUsers
I am using Tomcat 4.1.3. Any help with this is very much appreciated since I have a deadling for this of tomorrow.
Sprint-TXMemberNever mind…..I am blind ;-). I still had the action defined in the JSP file that the forward was sending it to. Sorry to keep bothering you with issues I endup resolving myself….
support-michaelKeymasterThanks for the closure msg.