
Unable to update index for central|http://repo1 – NO IE

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  3. Maven for MyEclipse (Maven4MyEclipse)
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  • #307333 Reply


    I have recenlty installed MyEclipse 8.5, before this I had MyEclipse 6.1
    The error below is now showing up when my Eclipse application is open

    4/10 5:09:08 PM EDT: Unable to update index for central|http://repo1.maven.org/maven2
    4/4/10 5:09:03 PM EDT: Updating index central|http://repo1.maven.org/maven2
    4/4/10 5:09:06 PM EDT: Unable to download Repository[d9d714e11cb097b3ffcec91cccc65d3e|http://repo1.maven.org/maven2/.index]/nexus-maven-repository-index.properties: java.net.ConnectException: Connection refused: no further information

    I know this has been addressed before in a broader sense.
    But my issue is al ittle different.

    When I connect to my work from home, the VPN connection does not allow public internet connection.
    Therefore, I only get this error when working from home.
    When I am on-site at work, where public internet connection is allowed, I have no problem.

    Is there a way disable to this?
    When I had MyEclilse 6.1, I had no issue.

    #307414 Reply


    Check Offline

    I wished there was a way to uncheck Enable Maven4MyEclipse feature.
    Mine is checked and grayed out, so I cannot uncheck it.

    #307458 Reply

    Hi tennisbum79,

    Can you give me some more information on this issue to resolve quickly?
    You said that it is greyed out,
    1) Are you able to check or uncheck “Windows–>Preferences–>MyEclipse–>Maven4MyEclipse”?
    2) Can you send a screen shot of the preference wizard when expanded Maven4MyEclipse? You can send the attachment to [email protected] or PM me. Please mention post subject in the subject line and post url in the body.


    #307469 Reply


    HI Chakri.

    As I wrote in my previous message, I am able to disable Maven by performing
    Check Offline.

    I will send send you the screenshot to your email.

    #307597 Reply

    Hi tennisbum79,

    I have escalated this to the dev team member, they will get back to you on this.


    #309005 Reply

    While downloading/connecting to internet for updating indexes for Maven, Eclipse reads settings.xml located under.m2 directory which is located by default under C:\Users\<your name>\.m2\settings.xml. By default settings.xml has proxy settings. In case you are using a direct net connection, means you are not behind any proxy, just comment it out. It would look like
    it should work then. it worked for me.
    Wish u luck.

    #309008 Reply

    Hi suhaan_sharma,

    Thank you for your detailed information. It will be helpful for others who have similar issues.

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