
Unable to remove web deployment

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  • #227702 Reply


    I have a web project that is being deployed as an exploded directory to the resin deploy dir – This works great however I added a new <custom location> deployment as a packaged war because I needed to export the app.

    I chose my desktop directory as the deployment destination (instead of indicating a .war file). When I tried to remove this deployment, the IDE deleted everything in my desktop directory.

    But it won’t let me completely remove it because it can’t delete some protected files in the desktop dir.

    Any suggestions on how to manually delete the deployment?


    #227737 Reply

    Riyad Kalla

    When I tried to remove this deployment, the IDE deleted everything in my desktop directory.

    !!! Damn that bug, we fixed this in 3.8.4 QF#2 because someone else tried to do this with horrible side effects (what you just had happen). Is everything OK with your computer?

    Any suggestions on how to manually delete the deployment?

    Yes, never never never deploy a Custom Location deployment to an existing directory, always deploy it to a new dir, like C:\mynewdeployment, that way when you need to remove it, it will just erase that dir. This is the check we added for QF2 to protect people from deploying to C:\ or their Desktop.

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