- This topic has 7 replies, 3 voices, and was last updated 11 years, 4 months ago by
I am discovering since yesterday mobione using a trial version
That looks great
I Was able to build and publish a quick test for Android
I also tried on IOS using my certificate and provisionning profile“Build IOS application” was running but the publication failed perhaps due to a bad password setting for my certificate
Since, each time I am trying again to build for IOS, I am getting “Unable to connect to App Center”I am not using any proxy and the IOS building wizard panel was working nice yesterday up to failling because of the certicate reading error
I was also rebooting my machine but alway the same errorFYI, the build for Android is working well
I am using Design Center 2.5Do you have any idea to fix that problem?
support-michaelKeymaster>Do you have any idea to fix that problem?
Are you still experiencing a problem connecting to App Center Builder?
The services have been reporting no issues this weekend and today. I just manually confirmed MobiOne 2.5 build services are all active.
bremyMemberYep still Error displayed today from a different internet connection having no need for a proxy
If that can help this additional message is displayed : Exception during parsing server response
support-octavioMemberHi bremy,
In my understanding this is the first time you try to build an iOS app and you get that error, is that correct? let me know if I am wrong. If not, please try building a very simple app with just a few text or image and let us know if the problem continues.
Can you share your .log file? It’s located at <user-home>/.mobione/runtime/.metadata/.log
Also, what is your location?
bremyMemberGood idea. The log content is interrested
That is comming from the setting recorded to deploy for IOS
They are a problem on the file path to the certifacte fileThe file path contains strange characters!!!! I also double check the file exists in the folder
Caused by: java.io.FileNotFoundException: C:\Users\Bruno\Documents\Mobione\Apple\iOS Developer��� my (AIS).p12 (Le fichier spécifié est introuvable)
How to reset the settings already recorded in the Wizard Panel to deploy for IOS?
support-octavioMemberHi bremy,
Please try renaming the p12 file avoiding those strange character and others. Also rename .mobi file or put it into another folder in order to avoid that appcenter treat it as the old app and try to use the same cert with strange characters that can not use.
>How to reset the settings already recorded in the Wizard Panel to deploy for IOS?
Once you rename your p12 file, use it on buildwizard and check the checkbox “Make signing data and provisioning profile default” to make default this new configuration.
bremyMemberCongratulations and thanks for that efficient help
Working nice now and tested on my ipad
support-octavioMemberThat is great bremy! Thanks for informing your success. Closing thread.