- This topic has 5 replies, 6 voices, and was last updated 21 years, 2 months ago by
Riyad Kalla.
EvilWonkaMemberI assume that the MyEclipse UML plug-in will not contain any code generation capability? I am not a real fan of this feature anyway since it tends to become tedious learning how to get the product to generate the associations in the code correctly. A modest amount of code generation may be desireable however. Has the team considered this issue and if so, what was the outcome?
p.s. Sorry about the redundant post, I thought this should be a new topic
Scott AndersonParticipantWe’ve talked about code generation internally. Basically, all of us are old enough to remember the CASE debacle of the 80’s and really aren’t big advocates of code generation since it implies that your model contains enough information to generate code. The whole reason we create models is because they’re *simpler* than the code. That’s why they’re called “models” and not realizations. 🙂
So, don’t worry about us generating code. There are lots of companies that have swallowed the MDA “red pill” but we’re not one of them. Our UML modeling will be for modeling, not for code generation.
MyEclipse Support
Ben EngMemberUML/XMI is not a simple and yet precise and expressive enough source language to support efficient code generation. Code generation is motivated by defining a more concise source language that can capture the essential concepts using better syntax and possibly richer semantics. Custom doclet tags have demonstrated this nicely for a limited set of problems that can be solved using annotated Java as a source language. MDA advocates are deluded if they think that a clunky generalized source language in the form of UML/MOF and XMI can ever hope to replace custom designed languages for specialized programming and code generation purposes.
Riyad KallaMemberScott is it accurate to say that the UML support will be for overall design/architecture prototyping and not for full round-tripping (model, generate code, modify code, use model to refactor project a little bit, work more on code, look at the diagrams again, refactor some more via diagrams, get back into code, etc. etc.).
With no code generation I am assuming that the UML support will be for
1) model application structure and layout
2) (optional) generate skeleton classes
3) that’s it?Will the UML viewing be able to pickup changes in the code to keep the relationships of classes/packages/etc up to date?
Excuse my questions but my only real Java/UML experience was with TogetherJ (now Control Center or something like that) and that was an example of “Everything and the kitchen sink” UML designing (not that it was a GOOD thing to do, no code generation could turn out to be a great thing)
Preston SheldonMemberSo when are the UML plugins going to be released ?
Riyad KallaMemberI believe UML support is still under evaluation, so probably not for a while.