
TS Source Organisation / Presentation

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  • #525041 Reply



    We have a bit of an unusual source layout – essentially a number of sub-projects but with a tsconfig.json etc in a common root directory.

    The layout is something like this:

    |- tsconfig.json
    |- sub-project-1
      |- java
        |- src
      |- ts
        |- src
        |- typings
        |- node_modules
        |- tsd.json
    |- sub-project-2
      |- java
        |- src
      |- ts
        |- src
        |- typings
        |- node_modules
        |- tsd.json

    So, we are happy enough having java eclipse projects in the sub dirs like root/sub-project-1/java.

    However, we have a problem with the TS projects: webclipse cannot reference the tsconfig.json outside of the project dir; ideally we would make a project in root/sub-project-1/ts and specify something like ../../tsconfig.json in the project config, but this isn’t allowed, as it’s ‘outside’ the project.

    And we can’t ‘hack’ it with a symlink or anything as the tsconfig.json contains compilerOptions/paths etc which are relative to its true, root, location.

    So ideally, we would like to reference the tsconfig.json which is two dirs above the porject.

    Failing that, we can currently create a single TS project in the project root, but this is also not ideal, as it means we have to navigate many levels of dirs to ‘see’ our source – i.e., root/sub-project-1/ts/src/main/..... This is ugly.

    It would be nice to see ‘source’ folders presented at the top level of the project, as we can for java source and libraries. So, somehow webclipse would know (maybe by just looking in the tsconfig.json include section) to present sub-project-1/ts/src/main/**, sub-project-1/ts/src/test/**, sub-project-1/ts/typings/**, sub-project-2/ts/src/main/**, sub-project-2/ts/src/test/**, sub-project-2/ts/typings/** etc as a series of folders in the project root, as eclipse does for other ‘virtual source folders’ / build path entries.

    Is something like that possible?

    • This topic was modified 7 years, 8 months ago by baca.
    • This topic was modified 7 years, 8 months ago by baca.
    #525064 Reply



    Thank you for the detailed explanation. I have filed an enhancement request for the dev team to support tsconfig.json outside of the project dir.

    We will keep you posted when the support is added.

    MyEclipse Support

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