
Trying to start Angular CLI server

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  • #600515 Reply


    Trying to try some of the features of CodeMix and Angular IDE.

    I’m attempting to start a Angular server. Normal startup is something like this:
    ng server –proxy-config proxy.conf.json

    I created a new Angular CLI launch… added Custom ‘ng serve’ command arguments:
    –proxy-config proxy.conf.json

    First attempt to launch, I noticed CodeMix downloaded git bash shell. But then it just froze, the Eclipse progress never making it past 85%.

    I attempted to see what was going on in the console, but checking Allocate console (necessary for input). Still nothing.

    One time I did see where it attempted to run ng serve, but stopped with a odd message “File not found /d”

    I don’t know how to help debug this. I don’t see where you guys are logging CodeMix actions or any other debugging information.

    There are several other bugs with this Angular IDE, but I support you and hope this becomes a stable product.

    #600516 Reply



    I’m sorry to hear you are having this odd behavior with your Angular IDE, to better diagnose this.

    1. Shutdown your Angular IDE.
    2. Edit the angularide.ini file located at your install path and add the following line at the end of the file.
    3. rename/delete the directory ~/.codemix-store
    4. Run your Angular IDE, try to run a Terminal.

    If you get the same behavior, Could you please attach here your workspace logs and also the log files that we enabled by editing the angularide.ini file, these files should be inside ~/.codemix

    Best Regards

    #601005 Reply


    Sorry, I’ve been very busy this past week. I’m in Eclipse 4.9.0 with Codemix and Angular IDE plugins. So I added -Dcom.genuitec.eclipse.engine.log=true to eclipse.ini.

    Starting bash in the Terminal works fine, ng serve does not.

    I could tell very little as to why ng refused to start. Hopefully you can.

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    #601242 Reply


    I’m very disappointed in CodeMix and Angular IDE. It would nice to use one tool for Java and Angular but CodeMix just isn’t ready.

    #601245 Reply

    Aaron Lara

    @supplanter64, Sorry for the delayed response 🙁 we are in the middle of a release that fixed one of the issues you reported.

    We reviewed your logs and looks like the project doesn’t have NPM installed. If this is a newly created Angular project npm install should be run before deploying it. This can be fixed by running npm install --save-dev angular-ide in the project directory and then trying to deploy again.

    I agree this is a bad experience and we will work on a way to make the deploying process better for users. Sorry about the troubles!

    Please let us know if that fixes the issue for you.

    Aaron Lara

    • This reply was modified 6 years, 3 months ago by Aaron Lara.
    • This reply was modified 6 years, 3 months ago by Aaron Lara.
    #601253 Reply


    Aaron, thank you! That fixed it. You guys have done some amazing and interesting work here. Sorry for the non-helpful negative comment. I was frustrated. As a developer I know how these things go.

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