
Tooltip showing the color, possibly even a color-wheel/bars to choose the color

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  • #659717 Reply


    Hi there!

    I am a generally very happy customer of CodeMix 3. Many things work very well – thank you for that! The customer support is also very good!

    Now while I do like the SCSS-editor, I miss a couple of things in it:
    – Color-Tooltips showing off the color
    – Color-Wheel/-Bars to control the color visually
    – Dereferenced Color-Tooltips (meaning: when I hover over a SCSS-variable, I’d like the editor to show the potential color along with the Color-Tooltip if it can be determined).

    I’d also gladly take any other non-Genuitec Eclipse-Plugin for this, but the one I thought might work (Jspresso) does not seem to be compatible with Eclipse 2020-03. Is there any other (preferably specific) plugin I should try?

    #659810 Reply



    Apologies for the delayed response. At this point, I have no recommendations for non Genuitec Eclipse plugin which might address your concerns with SCSS editor. I did try a couple of Eclipse plugins at my end, but they dont seem to be working as expected. I will check with the dev team for their inputs and get back to you.

    Genuitec Support

    #703427 Reply


    There are many details of the language that can only be understood slowly through complete reading. C, in particular, happens to have a clear intonation book

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