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I’ve been using mobione in these lasts days and something that is bothering me is that the Test Center keeps caching javascript files. I have to re-open the entire ide a few times until it updates.
If I generate the build to my iPhone, it works as I coded, but in the test center it keeps loading an older version of the file.
Sorry to hear that you are getting this issue with mobione. Does this happen with all your designs? Could you provide us a scenario/use case to replicate it? We really apreciate your collaboration, thank you.
I’ve been trying to replicate this issue but I have no success. Could you tell me if Local Server is enabled in Mobione settings? on Test Center: Window Menu > Right side appears the settings chose Local WebServer. Also please tell me if your design has enabled the appcache support. See image:
And just to confirm, are you using the newest version of mobione 2.1.2?
An additional comment: are you using the View Source editor in the Test Center when making your changes? If yes, then after saving your file please hit the “Reload” button on the toolbar and see if that has any effect if.