
SWT replacing Swing/Matisse

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  • #329566 Reply


    I don’t mind you replacing a French Impressionist painter with SWT, but I can’t get to the configuration center at work. How else can I get the new SWT replacement?

    Are the tutorials the same for SWT as for Swing/Matisse. Are they compatible?

    #329595 Reply



    Sorry that you are seeing this issue.

    1. Can you please share the Installation Details from MyEclipse > Installation Summary > Installation Details ?

    2. Are you behind a firewall/proxy ?

    3. Can you please let us know what exact issue you are seeing when switching to the MyEclipse Configuration Center ?

    4. Clear the contents of the .log file which is located at <workspace dir>/.metadata/.log. Replicate the issue and copy paste the contents of the .log file here for us.

    5. Go to Help > Help Contents > MyEclipse Learning Center > Developing Swing Applications > Overview to find the tutorial for SWT/Swing.

    #329597 Reply


    I installed SWT Designer and Swing Designer from the Config Center.

    I created a Java project then attempted to add a SWT Application Window. It told me to add the .jars or create a SWT/J<something or other> project.

    I can find on wizard or anything for creating a SWT/J<something or other>.

    Do you not yet have any kind of tutorial for this?

    #329598 Reply


    This is the message I’m getting…

    “If you wish to use SWT, please add the appropriate SWT jars to your classpath, or create a new SWT/JFace Java Project. You may also create a plug-in project and allow PDE to manage the classpath for you.”

    I do not see a SWT/JFace Java Project anywhere?

    #329599 Reply


    BTW, there’s no help available for SWT/JFace in the help content file. For SWT, they just show how to install the designer(s).

    #329614 Reply



    You can find the SWT/JFace Java Project under New > Other > WindowBuilder > SWT Designer.

    Attached is the screenshot for your reference.

    There is a SWT/Swing Designer Overview in the Help under MyEclipse Learning Center but it is not complete. I have raised a PR for the team to expand the help.

    There is a quick start guide in the Help > Help contents, under WindowBuilder Pro User Guide. You can also refer to this link for more info :

    http://help.eclipse.org/indigo/index.jsp?topic=%2Forg.eclipse.wb.doc.user%2Fhtml%2Findex.html for Eclipse Indigo.

    I suggest you also look up on the web for detailed tutorials.

    Let us know if you see any issues.

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    #329617 Reply


    Thanks, I think I’m on my way now.

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