- This topic has 11 replies, 4 voices, and was last updated 19 years, 3 months ago by
FinchMemberHello support 🙂
I have recently started using MyEclipse for Struts development and like it a lot so far (coming soon to this forum: my wishlist :-)))
BUT I have a problem with my modules.
My web.xml contains this:
<init-param><param-name>config/admin</param-name><param-value>/WEB-INF/struts-config-admin.xml</param-value></init-param>So far so good.
When I edit struts-config-client.xml in the struts editor, I can not open the forwards by double clicking. It keeps telling me
“Unable to not open (sic! *lol*) editor” (well, go ahead then!) “File context/web/test.jsp does not exist”.Yes, that’s correct. The file that SHOULD be opened is “context/web/client/test.jsp”.
All this “works” fine in Tomcat, it’s just an issue with the Visual Editor.
(How) can I change that?Any hints appreciated 🙂
P.S.: Is there any way of a “reverse lookup”? In my jsp: “Forward for which actions”? In my action-classes: Mapped to which action(s)?
FinchMemberoops: forgot to mention: This is ME 4.0 M2 on Eclipse 3.1 (and 3.8.4 on Eclipse 3.0)
FinchMemberHello? Anybody?
There should either be an answer to this or it IS a bug / feature request… either way, it should not remain unanswered…
Brian FernandesModeratorFinch,
Sorry your post was unanswered, I honestly don’t know how it was missed.
I understand your issue about the double click not working as expected. We had overlooked this while coding in the double click :), it’s a good request and I’ll file it asap. Thanks.
Re: “reverse lookup” – no, sorry that isn’t possible yet.
Claudio HeinzmannMemberHi, I have a same problem, all work in tomcat, but whe I can edit a jsp, or add a new, it is add with a incorrect path:
I have two modules:
–> WebRoot:
module2/pages/index.jspWhen edit any struts-config, for add an jsp, the path is refrenced to /module1/pages/index.jsp ( it is incorrect ), the path would be /pages/index.jsp.-
any ideas ???
Riyad KallaMemberClaudio,
I have very limited experience with Struts modules, what does your web.xml file look like to specify each module? Also why is the path /module1/pages/index.jsp wrong, it is being resolved from your webroot which AFAIK is correct.If it were resolved from your /pages directory instead, what mapping tells the servlet container to pre-pend the /module1 path to the file URL request?
FinchMemberI think this is essentially the same problem I posted, just “the other way around”.
MY problem (original post) is: MyEclipse does not properly resolve relative (module) paths to “absolute” (relative to webspace root) paths.
Claudio’s problem: MyEclipse does not property transform absolute paths to relative (module) paths.If it were resolved from your /pages directory instead, what mapping tells the servlet container to pre-pend the /module1 path to the file URL request?
Take a look at my post. There’s a “param-name” in the web.xml
This is not some “funny patch”, it’s part of the Struts specification (even 1.1).
Look for “struts modules” in Google (!!!).
A VERY quick search and a brief look turned up this page (hit #4), which seems to be a good starting point (the MyEclipse developers should know this?!):Hope this will be fixed soon. This is not a “feature request”, it’s clearly a bug and it shouldn’t take several months to fix :-((
Riyad KallaMemberFinch,
We appreciate the informative post, the developers are aware of the problem and the solution, I will send your comments along.I would like to point out that *I* am not farmiliar with modules and in an attempt to provide a better description of the problem to the dev team, was asking for more details on them. Your sarcasm is not necessary or welcome.
Claudio HeinzmannMemberOk, I wait your comments.-
Claudio HeinzmannMembersome advance on the problem?
I need to work with modulos in a new project.-
Riyad KallaMemberClaudio,
There is a bug with how Modules are currently supported, we will need to fix it before these cases above are solved. I’m sorry, but right now manually editing the paths created seems to be the only workaround.
FinchMember@rkalla: no sarcasm intended. Sorry if it sounded like that.
Please also note that I’m not a native speaker 🙂
But you must admit that asking for details a full 4 (3) months after a bug was posted (acknowledged) does sound a bit strange and not like asking for “initial input to the dev team”. Especially since the initial post was rather detailed…
But anyway: Looking forward to a fix… (and waiting rather impatiently by now… haven’t used MyEclipse for a couple of weeks now, I’ll have to get an update tomorrow and check if this has improved 🙂