- This topic has 10 replies, 2 voices, and was last updated 15 years, 12 months ago by
Loyal Water.
tzundelMemberHi MyEclipse,
I upgraded to 7.1, and noticed that it offers “Subversive”. So, I installed it and started working with it. Its actually really good timing, as my group is starting to bring more people online who will really want iintegrated “subversion” in their IDE. (I’ve been doing it on the command line, and with TortoiseSVN).
So, I installed it from the dashboard, and started using it. However, I receive the following error message:
svn: This client is too old to work with working copy ‘C:\workspaces\MyEclipse7Workspaces\ToryMarchRelease\src\org\idahosif’; please get a newer Subversion client
Which client is it referring to? Is this a bug in the version of Subversive that pulse installed?
Loyal WaterMemberTory,
Can you make sure the version of subversive that you are working with is compatible with Eclipse 3.4 (which is the base eclipse version of ME 7.1).
tzundelMemberThe version of subversive I installed came from your pulse dashboard thingy. I assume its compatible, since you guys are the ones “pushing” it.
After installing 7.1, it offered a “subversive” install on my dashboard at startup. I accepted that upgrade.
tzundelMemberHello again,
Sorry I forgot to include this in my earlier email:
Here is my installation summary:
*** Date:
Wednesday, March 11, 2009 2:03:16 PM MDT** System properties:
OS version=5.1.0
Java version=1.5.0_11*** MyEclipse details:
MyEclipse Enterprise Workbench
Version: 7.1
Build id: 7.1-20090306*** Eclipse details:
MyEclipse Enterprise WorkbenchVersion: 7.1
Build id: 7.1-20090306Eclipse Platform
Version: 3.4.1.r341_v20080731-9I96EiDElYevwz-p1bP5z-NlAaP7vtX6Utotqsu
Build id: M20080911-1700Eclipse Java Development Tools
Version: 3.4.1.r341_v20080709-0800-7o7tEAfEF_U5qyUgrb2HAp539P97
Build id: M20080709-0800Eclipse Graphical Editing Framework GEF
Version: 3.4.1.v20080806-67718083A56B4H2A3213573
Build id: 200809101400Eclipse RCP
Version: 3.4.100.r341_v20080814-989JESIEdAciFYfkZZsBfSwQ2341
Build id: M20080703-0800Eclipse Plug-in Development Environment
Version: 3.4.1.r341_v20080731-7T7U0E9mlRIuGUYviF_VP
Build id: M20080703-0800Eclipse startup command=-os
C:\Program Files\Genuitec\MyEclipse 7.0\myeclipse.exe
C:\Program Files\Genuitec\MyEclipse 7.0\../Common\plugins\org.eclipse.equinox.launcher.win32.win32.x86_1.0.101.R34x_v20080731\eclipse_1115.dll
C:\Program Files\Genuitec\MyEclipse 7.0\../Common\plugins\org.eclipse.equinox.launcher_1.0.101.R34x_v20080819.jar
C:\Program Files\Genuitec\MyEclipse 7.0\configuration
C:\Program Files\Genuitec\Common\binary\com.sun.java.jre.win32.x86_1.5.0.011\bin\client\jvm.dll
tzundelMemberHi Again MyEclipse support folks (and anyone else who is reading),
A bit more information: It seems that if I am using subversive *ONLY*, then things seem to go okay. I’ve done a little testing, and as soon as I do something with TortoiseSVN in the same directory as subversive is using, things seem to go south, and I start getting the errors.
The errors get bad, and my whole project seems to ‘disconnect’ from SVN. At this point, I need to blow away my project and reimport from SVN. (Which seems to work okay, till I use TortoiseSVN to do something).
So, my original question was “which client is this referring to?” I would guess its referring to whatever client is being shipped with MyEclipse-Subversive. I would guess its “older” than the TortoiseSVN I’m using.
Does this make sense? Does “pulse” have a way to update me to a later SVN client? (If, indeed, that is the real problem?)
My TortoiseSVN version is “TortoiseSVN 1.5.6, Build 14908 – 32 Bit , 2008/12/20 11:51:04” — Its not the newest version, but it is fairly recent.
Again, thanks for any information you can provide, or any “updates” that will fix my problem.
Loyal WaterMember1. Subversive uses a underlying “connector” to connect to your Subversion repository, most likely the metadata it creates and the metadata Tortoise creates are not compatible and it’s dying.
2. You can *try* to work around this by selecting the other (JavaHL) connector and seeing if it understands the Tortoise metadata better.
If you cannot work around this, you need to choose to use 1 tool or the other, but unfortunately not both.
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tzundelMemberHi Nipun,
Okay, I’ll give it a try tomorrow, and let you know if it works.
Loyal WaterMemberOk.
tzundelMemberHello Again Nipun,
Okay, I don’t have a time machine, its not tomorrow. But, this is sort of slowing us down so I went ahead and tried it today.
It doesn’t work either.
A little digging shows that my version of TortoiseSVN places a “9” in the ‘entries’ file in the .svn directory. Either of the connectors that come with MyEclipse place an ‘8’ in the ‘entries’ file in the .svn directory.
So, the MyEclipse connector is, in fact, an older version. A little digging shows that “9” corresponds to Subversion 1.5, and “8” corresponds to subversion 1.4.
I understand that right now: I guess I’m just hosed in terms of interoperability.
My new question is this: When will MyEcllpse ship an update to the connectors? 1.4 is pretty old these days, it seems that 1.6 is almost out the door (They’re already on Release Candidate 3).
If MyEclipse cannot ship a more modern connector, can it be modified to allow me to refer to an ‘external’ connector? (perhaps refer to the one that either of my other clients uses?)
tzundelMemberHi Again MyEclipse Support,
Any news on my questions?
To restate: Yes, I understand that I’m not going to be able to have interoperability with my other SVN clients. I can live with that for now.
My questions remain:
1) When will “pulse” be provide a more recent SVN connector? Is this on the roadmap?
2) If there are no plans to provide a more recent connector: can MyEclipse be modified to refer to an external connector? I wasn’t able to find a way to do this.
My preference is #1. I really would like to use the ‘standard’ version of MyEclipse as updated by your ‘pulse’ update manager.
I would like to avoid going outside of the ‘normal’ MyEclipse environment, as it seems that MyEclipse is more stable when using primarily MyEclipse with plugins and configurations that you guys provide.
Loyal WaterMemberWe ship the latest Subversive release — it is up to Subversive to provide an update that supports the newer Subversion 1.5 spec. As soon as they make a release that updates this, the update will show up in the dashboard for the user and you can add it instantly and hopefully it will fix the issue. Until then, there is nothing we can do. You might try Subclipse instead, you’ll have to remove Subversive (from the Dashboard) and then go to Help > Software Updates > Add/Remove Software, and can find it by clicking “Add” and adding it from the huge catalog.