- This topic has 3 replies, 2 voices, and was last updated 20 years, 1 month ago by
Brian Fernandes.
maslovskyMemberFirst of all, thanks for the updating Struts editor with 3.8.3 release – it’s now more usable than before. I often edit Struts config files and I had to use XML editor instead because it was more sutable for editing.
I have a few (hopefully minor in efforts) enhancements requests for the Struts config editor:
– Struts config editor ouline view shows JSP file/Java class name for the expanded element. It would be very convinient to be able to navigate to thet resource by double clicking on it, just like user can navigate to the corresponding fie by double clicking on config element in Design view
– For those elements, which don’t show on Design view (such as plugins, messages-resources, etc) it would be nice to switch from design to source view when clicking or double clicking on it.
– Support Control + mouse wheel for zooming in design view. Most applications support zooming with that kay/mouse combination (at least on Windows platform).
Brian FernandesModeratormaslovsky,
When you said the Struts Editor is now more usable, I’m guessing it’s becuase of the new connection routing algorithms? Or is it something else? Just curious. 🙂
Good suggestions otherwise, we’ll take them into consideration. I have seen the Zoom feature requested before, we’ll see what we can do.
Thanks, glad you like it.
maslovskyMember@Support-Brian wrote:
When you said the Struts Editor is now more usable, I’m guessing it’s becuase of the new connection routing algorithms? Or is it something else? Just curious. 🙂
🙂 Actualy I meant a combination of Design view and Source view (which is now the same as XML editor). I’ve been rarely using design view anyway and old source editor was not as good as XML one.
Brian FernandesModeratorThe source+design combo was around way back 🙂
But yeah – there is a new XML editor in there, I forgot about that!!