– use UML models for navigation – this worked really well in together/j
– the “web 2.0” browser is really interesting, but when using it I use all browser functions (like keyboard refresh, find in source code, bookmarks, etc) can’t be used. Can it expose more browser funtions? Also since it pops in in a new window, when I close Eclipse I lose all my open windows. Maybe there’s a trick to it…
– database connector classes should be relative to a project so they are more portable between OSs
– link features and help directly to this site 🙂
– on the spot consulting for features 🙂
– Better analysis/help when things stop working (in my case, web-inf classes weren’t deploying, couldn’t add web capabilities to project, etc)
– keep pushing the open source, not proprietary development, it’s what your based on. That and Java – less Windows-only features.
Thanks and keep pushing!