- This topic has 5 replies, 3 voices, and was last updated 21 years, 2 months ago by
Scott Anderson.
Martin_KerstenMemberI am looking for a way to redeploy an exploded version of my ear. It fails while JBoss is running because a library placed within WEB-INF/lib became a locked resource (used by JBoss). Therefore the redeployment fails because the deployment function of MyEclipse can’t erase the old file.
That’s not very smart. – I don’t want to call it stupid either 🙂 – Therefore I would be lucky if the deployment can be a bit smarter. For example it could compare the is and should be state (each file) and remove the files marked as not needed anymore, replace the modified one and don’t touch the not modified one (like my libraries). Just add a checkbox to check the behaviour.
Another solution would be to ignore locked library-files during removel (add a checkbox for instance to turn this behaviour on or off).
PS: If there is another solution I would like to here!
Scott AndersonParticipantMartin,
This gets back to a server-specific ‘Reload’ feature that we’ll be looking at in December. In the meantime, if you ‘touch’ your application.xml file in MyEclipse, the deployer will copy that back to the JBoss deployment directory and this will cause JBoss to do a full unload and reload of your application. This should be a nice workaround to the locked file problem until we get ‘Reload’ implemented.
MyEclipse Support
Martin_KerstenMemberThanks Scott,
now I got your touch thing. There is a sync-on-demand feature coming along with Eclipse. Now I also get why the .project file is also deployed 😉 I thought XDoclet generated stuff is not synchronized within the current deployment. (because jboss does not redeploy it all the way long).
Than your are right, Jboss only monitors the application.xml file if it has modified… . That will ease redeployment for sure.
Is there a little action available, which I can use? If not I think I will write a little batch file setting the date of the file and place it on my desktop. I will check that.
Martin (Kersten)
Scott AndersonParticipantMartin,
Is there a little action available, which I can use?
Not yet, but that will basically be how our ‘Reload’ command for JBoss will be implemented. Right now I just leave application.xml open in an editor and either add or delete a space from the end of it and then save it to make JBoss reload properly. Obviously, something a little nicer (like Reload) will be a bit better. Besides, while that works for JBoss, other servers require different techniques so we’ll do whatever we need to for each one, if possible, to deliver similar functionality.
MyEclipse Support
Ronald van KuijkMemberwill this ‘sync-on-demand’ be incremental? I (and several of my collegues) deploy to a remote system via a 2Mb leased line. The ear/war contains lots of libraries and are not small. Deploying 6-10 MB each time for one or two jsp’s that changed is slowing development down. If ME would support it to only copy these two files that changed it is an aditional argument to try to convince the others to switch to ME (currently JB6, JBX ordered 🙁 )
Scott AndersonParticipantRonald,
Sync-on-Demand only copies changed resources because it runs off the Eclipse incremental build system. However, our server connectors are really only intended to be used locallly, not on remote machines.
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