
Slooooow download, slow Website [Fixed!]

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  • #232018 Reply



    I searched but nobody else complained …

    I wonder why the overall performance of the myeclipse portal and expecially the download speed are sooo slooooow?

    I try do download and it estimates about 5 hours at 5kB/s. Since I’m on DSL this seems a little slow.

    There are no mirrors, are there?


    #232019 Reply


    You are not alone.

    I have been trying to download the lastest version for the last 24 hours without success. It just grinds to a halt after about 10MB with speeds never getting above 5KB/s!!!

    I have an 8Mb/s DSL and this is driving me insane. I’ll be moving over to .NET at this rate.

    Can I humbly request the distributions are mirrored asap.

    #232025 Reply

    Riyad Kalla

    Sorry guys we hadn’t aniticipated the crippling number of downloads that the 4.0 milestone was going to see. We are setting up more servers to distribute the load to for downloads so it will stop effecting the main site’s speed.

    #232051 Reply

    Rob Rutherford

    It could be worse.
    It could have been on /. with the Eclipse 3.1 release.

    #232068 Reply


    Thank you for fixing this so quickly!

    #232071 Reply

    Frank Rub

    For me, it was ok, I only have ISDN 64k
    so I did not have any speed Problems. 🙂
    But the Package size is about 300% from 3.8.4…
    It has the same size as Eclipse 3.1

    I can’t await the evening to make a fresh install and to port my projects to 3.1/4.0 m2
    30 Euro p.a. for myEclipse is one of my best software-investments!

    #232093 Reply

    Scott Anderson

    But the Package size is about 300% from 3.8.4…

    Yeah, sorry about that. We’ve been busy adding features and haven’t really concentrated on reducing the size of the distro yet.

    I can’t await the evening to make a fresh install and to port my projects to 3.1/4.0 m2
    30 Euro p.a. for myEclipse is one of my best software-investments!

    Thank you for that! We think you’ll really like this release.

    On the server front, we should have the download server installed late today / over the weekend which should triple our capacity.

    #232175 Reply

    Rob Rutherford

    You guy’s did great job solving the bandwidth issue. One minute hours to go, the next all done!

    #232178 Reply

    Scott Anderson

    As you’re starting to notice, we’ve rolled out a another server and tripled our capacity. I think you’ll find the new download infrastructure both fast and reliable. Also, the downloads now run off a completely separate server from the forums so high-download days won’t necessarily cause slow forum days. 🙂

    Enjoy, and thanks again for your support and understanding.

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