
SDC update did not work properly

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  • #672004 Reply


    I am trying to update our SDC Hub to the most recent version using the newest linux installer to use the newer Eclipses. I ran the linux installer on our Linux Machine in unattended mode using the following command: linux-installer.run –unattended unattended.properties
    The output says successfully upgrade:
    Secure Delivery Hub processing completed.

    Code: 200
    Details: Successful Upgrade
    but the hub says the service is unavailable.
    I was able to successfully update our delivery hub 2 years using the same command and unattended.properties file, but this time our delivery hub gives a 503 error Service Temporarily Unavailable. I did run the installer as root user instead of my user login since that one was getting errors.

    #672014 Reply



    With the latest version of SDC the Delivery Hub is now 64 bit. What architecture do you have on this system? uname -a. If you try to manually run the Delivery Hub ./deliveryCenterServer -console -consolelog what output do you get?

    Best Regards
    SDC Support

    • This reply was modified 4 years ago by ignaciom.
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