- This topic has 10 replies, 3 voices, and was last updated 10 years, 2 months ago by
I’m just recently getting back into JSF development, so I may need a few refreshers on some configuration issues. I been going through one of the tutorials on JSF application development. Everything worked great except for when I tried to run the application on one of the pre-installed servers. When I went to right click on the project, and clicked run as my eclipse server application, it’s defaulting to create a new server and not allowing me to pick from an existing one? I’m not able to test the screens out on the server
Can you please mention the server name and version details on which you are trying to run the JSF application ? Please make sure that the Dynamic web module version of the project is compatible with the server you are running. If the dynamic web module version is not compatible with the server, then that server will not be listed in ‘Run on server’ wizard.
You can modify the existing Dynamic web module version by opening the Navigator view, open org.eclipse.wst.common.project.facet.core.xml under Project/.settings and modify the ‘jst.web’ version.(For ex, modify the version value as shown below)
<installed facet=”jst.web” version=”2.5″/>
If you are still facing issues, please share your MyEclipse installation details from MyEclipse > Installation summary > Installation details. Please mention the server name and version details on which you are trying to run the application. Also please send us all the .* files (.settings,.classpath,.project etc) of the project to help us investigate further.
Let us know how it works for you.
I followed the tutorial for creating a sample JSF project. The Server is MyEclipse Tomcat 7.0. However the deployment descriptor version and/or the jst.web version that you mentioned is 3.1. When I updated the jst.web version to 2.1 it resulted in a error. I will try it though and hopefully it will still deploy! Thanks!
You need to make sure that the changed ‘jst.web’ version is compatible with other facets that are added to the project.
If you face any issues then please share your MyEclipse installation details from MyEclipse > Installation summary > Installation details. Please send us all the .* files (.settings,.classpath,.project etc) of the project to help us investigate further. Also, please share the screenshot/error stack trace of the errors you are seeing.
Let us know if you see any issues.
After updating to the latest version, and changing the xml file as suggested, there is still an error stating that the project facet dynamic web module 2.5 is not supported by target runtime myEclipse General run time for Java EE 7.0
I’ve also attached the installation summary for you as requested. I’m still going to try to run the demo application on the server despite the error.
You must be logged in to view attached files.The server is running, but when I attach the userLogin.faces page, and enter myeclipse for the user name and password the following error appears
/userLogin.jsp(33,4) ‘#{UserBean.userName}’ Target Unreachable, identifier ‘UserBean’ resolved to null
It doesn’t seem as if it’s initializing the variables for the User name and password?!? I was stepping through the jsp, and it skipped over the input portion for both user name and password?!?!
Sorry that you are seeing this issue.
Can you please share with us the link to the tutorial you are following to help us replicate the issue at our end?
Are you creating a web project which is Java EE 5/6/7? Please share the details about the project.
it’sthe using JSF for Web applications tutorial – https://www.genuitec.com/products/myeclipse/learning-center/web/myeclipse-jsf-tutorial/
I believe the project is JEE 7.0
Thank you for the details. MyEclipse Tomcat 7 does not support JavaEE 7 projects. The tutorial uses the default JavaEE 6 version and thus deploys to MyEclipse Tomcat 7. If you are working with a JavaEE 7 project then I suggest you choose a different server instead of ME Tomcat 7.
Alternatively, you may change the Dynamic Web Facet from the project’s properties instead of changing it in the settings folder. Right click on the project > Properties > MyEclipse > Project Facets. Switch to the Runtimes tab, uncheck the selection and then change the Dynamic Web Module facet. Make sure the correct runtime is added based on the Dynamic Web Module version.
I recommend switching to a supported server for the JavaEE 7 project rather than trying to change the project facets and runtime.
If you are having trouble following the tutorial, you can download the complete sample project from here if you prefer and work on it.
Hope it helps.
Let us know if you see any issues.
Yes! I figured that out 🙂 I created a new project using the right version and that fixed the server error. However, I’m getting a new error now when entering myeclipse as the user name and password. It’s saying that UserBean.password is unreachable?!?!
– /userLogin.jsp(40,4) ‘#{UserBean.password}’ Target Unreachable, identifier ‘UserBean’ resolved to null
Sorry that you are still seeing issues.I could not replicate the issue at my end.
Can you please start afresh, follow the steps carefully and check ?
Did you try downloading the complete project and see how it works?If you are still seeing issues, please send us the project to help us replicate the issue at our end.
Let us know how it works for you.