
REST debug errors

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  • #309158 Reply


    I am trying to figure out how to determine the error when a client posting to my webservice, they get a 400 error but would like to tell them why there is an error. Some of the errors the errors they are having is bad xml format. I install log4j on the web app, it is set to debug but I don’t see any errors come rest when the customer post a bad xml.

    Any suggestion

    Thanks in advance.

    #309171 Reply


    To investigate further on your issue I need following details.

    1.Could you please elaborate more about your issue?.
    2.Can you copy and paste your installation details. You can get them from – MyEclipse > Installation Summary > Installation Details
    3.steps to reproduce
    4.Could you please share your project related resources which leads to this issue.
    5.Did you find any issues in the problems tab and log file.

    You can send a mail to [email protected]. Please add ATTN: RAM in the subject and refer to this thread.

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