- This topic has 7 replies, 3 voices, and was last updated 15 years, 4 months ago by
Peter HancoxMemberI have MyEclipse 8.0M1 installed and see the following error message in the error log on startup. No such message is seen in my standard Galileo (without MyEclipse) installation which in general has all the same 3rd party plugins installed.
Is this likely to be a problem or can it be safely ignored? I haven’t noticed any problems so far.
eclipse.buildId=unknown java.version=1.6.0_13 java.vendor=Sun Microsystems Inc. BootLoader constants: OS=win32, ARCH=x86, WS=win32, NL=en_AU Command-line arguments: -os win32 -ws win32 -arch x86 -clean Error Mon Oct 12 23:31:16 EST 2009 ProvisioningEventBus could not be obtained. Metadata caches may not be cleaned up properly.
I don’t have visibility to your system. Can you answer few queries for me –
1. Copy and paste your installation details here. To get the same, open MyEclipse IDE, from the menu options click on MyEclipse > Installation Summary > Installation Details.
2. How did you install ME 8.0 M1? Using all-in-one installer or using pulse or using the upgrade?
3. If you have upgraded from a previous install, what was the version of your previous install?
4. Do you have any 3rd party plugins installed on your ME profile? If yes, can you list them out for me? You can get it from Help > Software Updates > Add/Remove Software
5. Can you copy and paste pulse.handshake.id from ~\Genuitec\Common\configuration\pulse2.properties
Peter HancoxMemberHi Joy,
ME 8.0M1 was installed via Pulse as a clean install. I then added (from the catalog) a few standard plug-ins that I use. I only noticed the error after
I attempted to add the Vaadin plugin (http://vaadin.com) which is a plugin used for generating portlets for the Liferay portal. That plugin wouldn’t
work (though it did install). It relies on WTP and I think with MyEclipse it doesn’t believe that WTP is installed (no error messages though). Not
sure if the error was occuring before that, it was only because I was investigating why the Vaadin plugin didn’t work that I came across the error.Not that concerned about getting the plugin to work, but I would like to either clean up the error message or be confident that it wasn’t really a problem.
====================*** Date:
Tuesday, 13 October 2009 10:55:02 PM EST** System properties:
OS version=6.0.0
Java version=1.6.0_13*** MyEclipse details:
MyEclipse Enterprise Workbench
Version: 8.0M1
Build id: 8.0M1-20090924*** Eclipse details:
MyEclipse Enterprise WorkbenchVersion: 8.0M1
Build id: 8.0M1-20090924Eclipse startup command=-os
C:\Programs\Genuitec\Profiles\MyEclipse 8.x Latest\myeclipse.exe
C:\Programs\Genuitec\Profiles\MyEclipse 8.x Latest\../../Common/plugins/org.eclipse.equinox.launcher.win32.win32.x86_1.0.200.v20090519\eclipse_1206.dll
C:\Programs\Genuitec\Profiles\MyEclipse 8.x Latest\../../Common/plugins/org.eclipse.equinox.launcher_1.0.200.v20090520.jar
C:/Programs/Genuitec/Profiles/MyEclipse 8.x Latest
C:/Programs/Genuitec/Common/binary/com.sun.java.jdk.win32.x86_1.6.0.013/jre/bin/client/jvm.dll3RD PARTY PLUGINS
=================Base Software
MyEclipse Enterprise Workbench Installed
Sun JDK for MyEclipse Installed
Eclipse Base Installed
Pulse Services and Extensions Installed
Personal Software
Mylyn Installed
MyEclipse Database Tools Installed
JBoss Support for MyEclipse InstalledMyEclipse Reports Installed
MyEclipse VisualVM Profiler Installed
JRun Support for MyEclipse Installed
Mylyn Connector: Mantis Installed
Mylyn Connector: Bugzilla InstalledMylyn Bridge: Eclipse IDE Installed
Mylyn Bridge: Java Development Installed
Mylyn Connector: JIRA Installed
Mylyn Bridge: Plug-in Development Installed
Mylyn Bridge: Team Support InstalledMylyn Connector: Trac Installed
CollabNet Merge Client Installed
Subclipse 1.6.x Installed
Struts Support for MyEclipse Installed
MyEclipse VisualVM Profiler Server Support InstalledOracle Server Support for MyEclipse Installed
Subversion JavaHL Native Library Adapter (RequireInstalled
MyEclipse Visual Swing Designer (Windows / Linux InstalledResin Support for MyEclipse Installed
JavaServer Faces Support for MyEclipse Installed
SVNKit Client Adapter (Not required) Installed
Subversion Revision Graph Installed
Tomcat Support for MyEclipse Installed
ICEfaces Support for MyEclipse Installed
Maven Support for MyEclipse Installed
MyEclipse UML 1 / 2 Visual Design Tools InstalledImage Editor for MyEclipse (Windows / Linux Only)Installed
JOnAS Support for MyEclipse Installed
Vaadin Eclipse Integration Installed
Book of Vaadin Installed
Regex Util InstalledLog4E Installed
Grep Console Installed
Vaadin Visual Editor (EXPERIMENTAL) Installed
WebSphere Support for MyEclipse Installed
XFire Web Services Support for MyEclipse InstalledWeb Services Support for MyEclipse Installed
Tapestry Support for MyEclipse Installed
WebLogic Support for MyEclipse Installed
Spring / Hibernate / JPA Support for MyEclipse Installed
Glassfish Support for MyEclipse InstalledDesktop Utilities for MyEclipse (Windows Only) Installed
Orion Support for MyEclipse Installed
Geronimo Support for MyEclipse Installed
Jetty Support for MyEclipse Installedpulse.handshake.id=cf77ec8d-58c5-4a85-96dd-b932e278ae57
Loyal WaterMemberProvisioningEventBus could not be obtained. Metadata caches may not be cleaned up properly.
I just heard back from the dev team. You can ignore these messages for now as they seem harmless. We are going to resolve this in 8.0M2
Peter HancoxMemberThanks for the update.
As a followup, I have been pursuing the original plugin installation problem that caused me to notice this.
The folks at vaadin.com say the plugin works OK on MyEclipse 7.5
Is it possible there is an incompatibility between this plugin and version 8.0?
The plugin requires WTP to be installed. Don’t see any errors on the install but their facet isn’t available after installing on 8.0M1 but it is on standard Eclipse 3.5 and according to posting on Vaadin forums it works on MyEclipse 7.5
I think the best way to investigate would be to check if the said plugin is compatible to Eclipse 3.5?
Please note – ME8.0 is based on eclipse 3.5 and ME 7.5 is based on Eclipse 3.4.2.
I would recommend you to confirm with the folks at vaadin.com if the plugin is compatible with eclipse 3.5?
If your plugin is compatible with Eclipse 3.5, you can add the plugin to Eclipse 3.5 and then add MyEclipse 8.0 as a plugin to Eclipse 3.5. Details are here – http://www.myeclipseide.com/Downloads-req-viewsdownload-sid-34.htmlTo Install Using Eclipse Update Site: be sure Eclipse 3.5 “Classic” is installed. Start Eclipse > Select Help > Software Updates > Available Software Tab > Add Site > Enter this URL http://downloads.myeclipseide.com/downloads/products/eworkbench/galileo/enterprise-latest
From there you just “Next” your way through the wizard and MyEclipse will be installed for you.
Peter HancoxMemberThe plugin definitely works with Eclipse 3.5 I’ve been using it in that environment for a few days now without any problems. Currently maintaining 2 eclipse environments; one Eclipse 3.5 classic and one MyEclipse 8.0M1 both pretty much configured the same with the exception of the vaadin plugin.
I will try installing 8.0M1 on top of the working Eclipse 3.5 classic. Longer term I was planning on making my base install the MyEclipse release via Pulse (which it is now). How long till 8.0M2 is due to be released?
Good to hear that vaadin plugin works with Eclipse 3.5. Add ME 8.0 M1 as a plugin to Eclipse 3.5 and let me know how this works for you.
Tentatively ME 8.0M2 is scheduled for Oct end or Nov first week release.Best.