
Project deployment

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  • #226289 Reply



    I’m new at working with Struts, myEclipse and Tomcat5 and I have a question.

    Do I realy have to redeploy the project everytime I modify something so the changes are effective or is there a way or a configuration that the update will be made automatically?

    Thank you

    #226305 Reply

    Riyad Kalla

    Check out our Working with Web apps here for a starter: http://www.myeclipseide.com/ContentExpress-display-ceid-67.html

    Also make sure you are using an “Exploded” deployment, then your changes will be hotsynced to your running app server as you save the changed files.

    #226321 Reply


    😕 It doesn’t seem to do that ….

    I use exploded deployment of course but the synchronization seems to work only when I modify the jsps not the Forms or the Actions …

    I mean if I update a method, this is not accessible until I restart Tomcat. Isn’t this true?

    #226326 Reply

    Riyad Kalla

    This will depend entirely on how you have Tomcat setup. If you have it setup to reload classes, then every 15 seconds or so it should reload changed classes, if you have reloading turned off (sometimes people prefer this for production machines) then it will never reload so hotsyncing won’t work.

    Hotsyncing is a two step process, 1) MyEclipse gets the new file to your app server and 2) Your app server needs to d osomething with the new file.

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