- This topic has 1 reply, 2 voices, and was last updated 17 years, 9 months ago by
Riyad Kalla.
Prasanna TuladharMemberHi,
I am using MyEclipse 5.5GA, JDK1.5 with JSF (MyFaces 1.1.5). I just stumbled across one problem reagarding message bundle validation.
In my jsp (JSF) I load the bundle the standard way like
<f:bundle basename=”x.y.z.message” var=”msgs”/>
<h:outputText value=”#{msgs.test_text}” /> <– I get warning here regarding var msgs
that it cannot be recognized
</f:view>where message.properties file is in the package x.y.z. Furthermore it works fine when I deploy it to the web. I could see it is picking the key and values from this property file (message.properties).
However, I get a warning in the MyEclipse JSF Designer or JSP Editor that it cannot recognizethe var “msgs”. I remember this was not a problem before and I could even get contextual help (with ctrl + space) and was really helpful.
So I tried all different posibilities and settings from changing libraries to changing the resource bundle location but to no avail.My question is
1. What might be the possible causes for the validation warning ? Does it require some specific libraries, or tld etc to be in the project to avaoid this warning and get contextual help (which is what I want).2. Does it needs specific settings etc in the MyEclipseIDE? Do I have to look for speicic settings ?
(Please note I have not disabled my JSP file)3. I have modified the libraryset specially of Spring and hibernate (though not of MyFaces). Can this be aone of the cause ?
Awaiting for your quick respose as always !
Riyad KallaMemberUnfortunately I think this is a regression… I am looking into this further.