- This topic has 1 reply, 2 voices, and was last updated 21 years, 1 month ago by
Riyad Kalla.
I’ve just subscribed MyEclispe. My user-id is hendra.
It is a good tools on top of Standard Eclipse.One reason I ‘d like to use it is it supports the CVS.
However I’m having problem in connecting to the CVS.
Let me explain my steps:
1. I downloaded cvs version 1.12.5 (client/server) binary build for Unix Sun OS 5.6.
2. I initialise the cvs root:
cvs -d /data init
So it has /data/CVSROOT directory.3. I setup SSH in my server.
Tested by connecting from a client computer.4. I create a new CVS repository in cvs perspective with:
– repositoray path: /data
– connection type extssh
– default port
Click Finish and no error message.
The repository was added to the perspective.5. However, when I tried to share a project (Team -> Share Project)
to the existing repository I just created, the following error message appear:“The server reported an error: Permision denied”
“<ProjectName>: cannot open /tmp/cvs-serv7627/./CVS/Repository”
6. I checked the user I used for the connection has full access to /tmp directory,
and the directory has quite big space (>500MB).I also check, let say, if I gave a wrong repository path, connection could not be made;
so the ssh is working fine.Please help to solve this problem as I am pressured to finish a shared project by
the end of March 2004!!!Thanks for the support!
Riyad KallaMemberHendra,
CVS support is provided by the Eclipse platform, not the MyEclipse plugin, I’m pointing this out so you know that you can check on the Eclipse news groups for help if we are not able to help you.I’m not terribly farmiliar with the sun platform, but I would first suggest that you try checking something out from the CVS repo to make sure it works, I’m going to provide code doing it for pserver, please change it accordingly to work with SSH (From the command line):
cvs -d :pserver:hendra:<password>@localhost:/data co CVSROOT/modules
this should check out the modules file for you. If this works then the CVS repo is fine, if this didn’t work then you have bigger problems then just Eclipse not working with the CVS repository.
Also don’t forget to check the news groups or search for help with Eclipse and CVS on Solaris. Here is a link I found really quickly of someone posting instructions for his group, maybe you can look over their steps and see if you covered similar things?