
Package Explorer Font Size

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  • #549467 Reply


    How do I change the Package Explorer font size?
    I want to add this CSS:
    #org-eclipse-jdt-ui-PackageExplorer Tree,
    #org-eclipse-ui-navigator-ProjectExplorer Tree {
    font-size: 10px; /* <– Desired font size */
    but where do I add it with Darkest Dark?

    #549630 Reply



    I am afraid currently there is no way to change the font size for Package Explorer in Darkest Dark. I have filed an enhancement request for the dev team to work on it. We will keep you posted when it is supported.

    Apologies for inconvenience caused.

    MyEclipse Support

    #604265 Reply



    I’m also trying to increase the font-size of the Package Explorer inside Eclipse under the Darkest Dark theme.
    My Eclipse version is 2018-09 (4.9.0) Build id: 20180917-1800

    I’ve already tried to add the respective CSS to all the standard css files inside Eclipse.app/Contents/Eclipse/plugins/org.eclipse.ui.themes_1.2.200.v20180828-1350/css (directory under macOS) but it didn’t work. Are there some updates on this issue?

    That would be really great! Thanks in advance.
    Best regards,

    #604266 Reply


    Hi again,

    I was able to figure it out how to increase the font-size of the Package Explorer using the Darkest Dark theme or in general using the DevStyle Theming stuff. It’s a bit hackish but it’s working. Maybe this approach is also relevant for others or the author of this topic. You must perform the following steps:

    1. Go to the plugin folder of your eclipse installation (Under macOS this is “Eclipse.app/Contents/Eclipse/plugins”)

    2. Search for the file of the DevStyle plugin which contains all the CSS stuff. In my case, the name is “com.genuitec.eclipse.theming.css_1.11.0.201810241355.jar” (possibly the version number differs in future).

    3. Make a copy of this file inside another directory and open a Terminal. Run the following command to extract the jar-archive (This assumes, that Java is installed or at least the jar tool):
    jar xf com.genuitec.eclipse.theming.css_1.11.0.201810241355.jar

    4. I’ve modified all CSS files (except “css/dark/contributed-preferences.css”) inside the exctracted folder “css” by adding the following lines to the end:

    /* the following are required due to Bug 419482 (see <1>): */
    Composite > Tree,
    TabFolder > Composite > Tree,
    TabFolder > Composite > * > Tree,
    DocCommentOwnerComposite > Group > Tree,
    TabFolder > Composite > ScrolledComposite > Tree,
    Shell > Composite > Composite > Tree,
    Composite > Composite > Composite > Group > Tree,
    Shell > Composite > Composite > Composite > Tree,
    ScrolledComposite > Composite > Composite > Composite > Tree,
    Shell > Composite > Composite > Composite > Composite > Composite > Tree,
    Shell[style~='SWT.RADIO'][style~='SWT.CASCADE'][style~='SWT.SHADOW_ETCHED_IN'][style~='SWT.SHADOW_ETCHED_OUT'][style~='SWT.RESIZE'][style~='SWT.MENU'][style~='SWT.FULL_SELECTION'][style~='SWT.DATE'] > Composite > Tree,
    Shell[style~='SWT.RADIO'][style~='SWT.CASCADE'][style~='SWT.SHADOW_ETCHED_IN'][style~='SWT.SHADOW_ETCHED_OUT'][style~='SWT.RESIZE'][style~='SWT.MENU'][style~='SWT.FULL_SELECTION'][style~='SWT.DATE'] > Composite > * > Tree {
        font-size: 14;

    5. After that, you have to update the css files inside the jar archive by using the following command:
    jar uf com.genuitec.eclipse.theming.css_1.11.0.201810241355.jar css/*

    6. Now copy the modified jar file back to the Eclipse plugin directory (overwrite the old jar file, maybe make a backup of the old one before performing this step) and restart Eclipse. The font-size should be 14.

    Hope this is helpful. This approach is also not “optimal” cause I’ve used the brute force method by modifying all CSS files. May it would be enough to add the respective CSS only to “css/include/basestyle.css” (here a hint would be useful from one of the developers). A more user-friendly way would also be nice 😉

    Best regards,

    • This reply was modified 6 years, 3 months ago by andi1337.
    #604402 Reply



    Thank you for sharing the workaround details. You are right that it is not an ideal approach. I have escalated it to the dev team to check if we can make it work in a better way.

    Thank you for raising it.

    Genuitec Support

    #613123 Reply


    I have recently run into the problem on MacOS. Is there any update on this issue?

    #613256 Reply



    Sorry for the delayed response. I have escalated this concern to the dev team and they will get back to you regarding the fix.

    Genuitec Support

    #616224 Reply



    There it should be an easier way to do this. I find the package explorer font way too small at 2560×1440

    #616309 Reply



    I have escalated your concern to the dev team and we will see if we can increase the priority for this one.
    Thank you for your patience.

    Genuitec Support

    #646969 Reply


    Is there any progress here? Though I am interested in font size in Project Explorer and only in Windows. It’s really small there.

    #648303 Reply

    Aaron Lara

    Hello Shuka! This issue has been addressed. The change will be available in our next release this week. Please stay tuned.

    Aaron Lara

    #648455 Reply

    Aaron Lara

    I’m happy to announce that DevStyle 2020.3.24 is out and it contains the ability to change the Package Explorer font size from the DevStyle > Color Themes preference page.

    The update should be picked up automatically on the restart of Eclipse, but if it’s not you can try Help > Check for updates....

    Aaron Lara

    #648463 Reply


    Works like a charm. My eyes thank you all.

    #649008 Reply

    Aaron Lara

    Hello! We have just released a hotfix (2020.4.24a) to address an issue when setting Explorer font size. Some items (Git outgoing changes, for example) in the explorer were not taking the font size, so that looked weird. You can get the update now and notice this has been fixed.

    Thanks again!
    Aaron Lara

    #649636 Reply


    Hello Aaron,
    this is a very good start! Do you also plan to integrate this feature to all the other views like Servers, Outline and so on? This would be great!!!
    Maybe you already did it because I don’t get the hotfix (2020.4.24a)!? My eclipse is Version: 2019-12 (4.14.0)…
    Thanks again, Darkest Dark is really great!!!

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