I’ve run into the same problem, and have a couple questions:
1) The Java API states that the HashSet “makes no guarantees as to the iteration order of the set”.
I’ve never used HashSet in a table entity and maybe I don’t understand the API explanation correctly (I’ve always used List). It sounds like if a developer iterates over a Set populated from the database, the order might be be the same as that fetched from the database.
Isn’t that a big problem? Why would MyEclipse generate a HashSet for JPA purposes?
Not a gripe…just want to make sure I understand all the implications before I go ahead and use the generated entity code using Set collections.
2) I searched for the “.vm” files described in the possible solution, but found only a set of files archived into a .zip file. Are those the files I would need to modify? Would the modified files need to be extracted from the archive and placed into another location?