
Over Quota message : CLOSED

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  • #343004 Reply


    Hi All

    I seem not to be able to generate a web app, I get a message ‘ Unable to connect to App Centre’. Also when I trying to launch my web app from the iphone, I get the message ‘Over Quota’. This application is temporarily over its serving quota. Please try again later’

    Does anyone else get this and why?


    #343015 Reply


    You list 2 issues: 1) appcenter connection error and 2) Over quota issue.

    Let’s start with the #2 (Over Quota).

    If #1 you can not connect to App Center then how are you testing a mobione app on your device to get an Over Quota msg? My first thought is that you are not using App Center in anyway ‘Over Quota’ error is related to your carrier and data plan or some type of limited resource such as email, hosting provider, ….

    Now to #1 are you behind a proxy server that could be preventing MobiOne from connecting to the App Center’s cloud services? Octavio (my support colleague) will follow up with you shortly to discuss this matter further.

    #343074 Reply


    Hi Wayne,

    To clarify, The web app could not be loaded onto my iphone due to the over quota message. I checked with other phones in the office and got the same result. It would appear that your server was offline or the web betweeen Australia and USA was down/very slow.

    Anyway, after 2 hours, everything was up and running. It has not occurred since.

    Kind regards

    #343106 Reply

    Hi Andrew,

    I am glad that your problem is solved. Closing thread.

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