
Outline for faces-config.xml not visible

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  • #230711 Reply



    The outline view for faces-config.xml is not showing up. It is actually there because if I right click on the empty space I can actually edit whatever invisible thing is underneath my mouse. I am using 4.0 m1 on Eclipse 3.02. Please let me know if I can provide more information.

    Thanks for a great product.

    #230716 Reply

    Riyad Kalla

    What platform, what JDK, and please post a screenshot, this sounds very strange… double check your log file for exceptions (workspace dir\.metadata\.log)

    #230720 Reply


    This is on windows xp sp1 and the JDK is j2sdk1.4.2_06. I have attached a screenshot. There is no exception in the .log file.


    #230721 Reply


    how do i post a screenshot?

    #230722 Reply

    Riyad Kalla

    Please send it to [email protected] ATTN Riyad with a link to this thread so we know why we are recieving the image. Thank you.

    #230806 Reply

    Riyad Kalla

    This is really weird (I got your screenshot). Try this:

    1) Close all your editors
    2) Close all your projects
    3) Shut down MyEclipse
    4) Edit the shortcut you use to start it up and add the -clean command line parameter as shown here:
    5) Start MyEclipse back up, open your project and the file again. Did it work?

    Also double check if the project has JSF capabilities added to it, you can right click on the project and go to MyEclipse menu, do you see “Add JSF Capabilities” listed? If so, then this is most likely the problem.

    #230819 Reply

    Riyad Kalla

    Followup: I am able to reproduce this now using the beta, I have asked the devs to look into it, I’ll keep this thread posted.

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