
Not picking up ATG taglib

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  • #247394 Reply


    Using MyEclipse 4.x and Eclipse 3.1.2 and ATG 7.2

    In my web.xml I have:

    on the jsp I have:
    <%@ taglib uri=”/dspTaglib” prefix=”dsp” %>

    I get the following error:
    File “/dspTaglib” not found. NOTE: No JSP line number was avaliable so line 1 was used for the marker. comparison.jsp modules/base/j2ee-apps/base/web-app.war/catalog
    No tag “page” defined in tag library imported with prefix “dsp” comparison.jsp modules/base/j2ee-apps/base/web-app.war/catalog

    what is strange is that i don’t get this error for every page just some of them. the taglib line is the same for each page.

    any ideal as to why this would happen.

    #247411 Reply

    Riyad Kalla

    I know you mailed this into support@ and am currently working with you to resolve this over email. Let’s see if we can get it worked out there first and if not, then we can bring it here for community help.

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