- This topic has 9 replies, 2 voices, and was last updated 10 years, 1 month ago by
Brandon Batie.
Andres VelascoEmptyMember<!DOCTYPE html>
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Brandon BatieMemberHi,
I ran your code and it seems to be connecting fine, it returned
Object: 7896 Serie 02
There maybe something else blocking it from your side.
Andres VelascoEmptyMemberIf the simulator works fine, I have the trial. But when I generate the apk and run on my phone, do not open it.
Andres VelascoEmptyMemberI made a test with MobiOne Studio, and I worked very well … generate the apk, install it and shows me the info. I’ll have to have something in MyEclipse, or will that is trial?
Brandon BatieMemberHi,
I just built and installed on my Nexus 5, got Object 3391 Serie 28 this time, so it does seem like its working fine.
To create this these are the steps I took:
1. Create a new phone gap application using the JQuery Mobile Single-Page Application (very important)
2. Copy your html code from this post
3. Open the index.html file in the MyEclipse project
3. Select ALL code and delete
4. Paste in your code from this post
5. Build the app and install it on the deviceAnother suggestion is to open your created app in a debugger, this is really the only way to see what is missing or where the errors are. Check out GapDebug for debugging, its free and one of the best options:
If you can send me some screen shots from GapDebug I can probably tell you more what may be going wrong.Thanks,
Andres VelascoEmptyMemberI installed a Samsung Galaxy S3, can that be? or maybe I have a trial version of the application? question, the trial version generates an APK all requirements?
Andres VelascoEmptyMemberI install the GapDebug, the system installs the apk on my phone, but does not run the debugger …
Brandon BatieMemberHi,
You are fine using the trial version, it will create a valid apk file.
Please make sure you meet the requirements on this page: https://www.genuitec.com/products/gapdebug/learning-center/configuration/
Device os version (4.4 or higher)
Device debugging enabled
APK built in debugging mode, not release mode (if in release mode the app will not show up in GapDebug)
Andres VelascoEmptyMemberHello ….
I want to buy the software, but I have a doubt …1. I need to develop a product where the user opens the session, and will not automatically close.
2. Receive alerts as does whats app, or email.
3. By purchasing, you veneficios have, for manuals and technical support for development, while learning to use it?Thank You.
Brandon BatieMemberHi,
“1. I need to develop a product where the user opens the session, and will not automatically close. ”
A: Im not sure what you mean by this. Could you expand on the concept a bit?2. Receive alerts as does whats app, or email.
A: You can enable push notifications for mobile apps using various plugins. Unless you have your own push server or want to develop one, I suggest a service like PushWoosh.com. Its fairly easy to enable using their tutorial.3. By purchasing, you veneficios have, for manuals and technical support for development, while learning to use it?
A: Here is a link to our Learning Center for mobile development.
We will be constantly adding to that as well.Thanks,