This is just a quick quirk that I noticed in migrating from Beta-1 to the new 3.8 GA build released today (windows version). When I go to “Manage Deployments”, select my web project, click the Add button, the next popup window titled “New Deployment” has been appears to have changed in this release. This is the screen where the Server is selected from a drop down. Previously, even if you had only one server configured, it would default to being blank and I would have to select “Weblogic 8” (my configured app server) in order to click Finish and deploy the app.
However, it appears that in the effort to make an enhancement, the Server drop down box defaults to the first server in the list (“Weblogic 8” in my case). However, the Finish button remains disabled until I click the drop down and select “Weblogic 8” which is already selected by default. At this point, I am able to click Finish again. Part of this may be that the Deploy Location is not being pre-populated with the value corresponding to the Server default.
I like the idea of saving a click to not always have to select the server since most of us probably work with a primary app server, but when a valid Server is found to default to, the Deploy Location needs to be pre-populated and the Finish button needs to be activated.
Keep up the great work! Love the product and the price!