
MyEclipse Vs Lomboz – J2EE development

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  • #226154 Reply


    How MyEclipse differnent form Lomboz for J2EE development environment?

    #226165 Reply

    Riyad Kalla

    This is up to you to decide, our feature set is here: http://www.myeclipseide.com/ContentExpress-display-ceid-15.html

    And you can download and try MyEclipse for 30 days. We would encourage you to try both products in your development environment and see which one works better.

    #226976 Reply


    I’ve got an assignment to develop a new practicum guide for students about EJB’s. I’ve already made the decision to use Eclipse, JBoss and MySQL, because its cheap, easy to use, popular under our students and has a good support on the Internet.

    My next decision is the choice between the plugins Lomboz and MyEclipse. I’ve red a lot of information about both on the Internet, but most of the information isn’t very persuading. I’ve also tested both plugins and experienced good points for both plugins, like the database field creation with the entity creation wizard in Lomboz. But still I can’t make up my mind which of the two plugins I should use.

    The most import criteria for my choice are:
    – Easy to create a Sessionbean
    – Easy to create an Entitybean
    – Easy to deploy projects
    – Good support on the Internet
    – Possibility for the students to work from home
    – Low costs (The plugin will be installed on 150 pc’s)
    – The possibility to start the app server, deploy projects and look at the records in the database within Eclipse

    Could somebody help me out here to give me some answers for the given criteria?

    Thx in advance,

    [email protected]

    #226982 Reply

    Riyad Kalla

    We will avoid posting to this thread as we would clearly be in support of you using MyEclipse, but would encourage our users to post their opinions here, especially pros/cons of each plugin.

    Thank you for asking this question to help collect more information.

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