
MyEclipse Spring Scaffolding Tutorial Example Failing

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  • #671818 Reply


    I followed the Spring-Scaffolding example from this page – https://www.genuitec.com/docs/web-apps/spring-web/scaffolding-spring-mvc-application/
    I did not change any of the default parameters as suggested. I have deployed to a Tomcat v9.0 server.

    I am getting the following error on server startup:

    2021-02-24 08:43:58,713 ERROR [main] ContextLoader – Context initialization failed
    org.springframework.beans.factory.BeanCreationException: Error creating bean with name ‘MySQL_8’: Lookup method resolution failed; nested exception is java.lang.IllegalStateException: Failed to introspect Class [org.springframework.orm.jpa.LocalContainerEntityManagerFactoryBean] from ClassLoader [ParallelWebappClassLoader

    I have attempted various additions of libraries from other google searches with the same error. But I seem to be just trading one dependency issue for another. Please advise.

    #671846 Reply



    Sorry that you are seeing this issue.

    Can you please give us some more details?

    1. Are you scaffolding from a MySQL database? If yes, then did you add the MySQL driver jar to the project? Please add the jar to the project’s WEB-INF/lib, and redeploy the project.
    2. If the above doesn’t work, does the project work if you select the Derby database for scaffold as outlined in the example?
    3. With MySQL, do you see any errors reported in the project post scaffolding?
    4. Please share the zipped project to help us replicate the issue at our end. Also share the MyEclipse version details from Help > About MyEclipse dialog.

    Genuitec Support

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