
MyEclipse Bue and Ivy

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  • #322206 Reply


    I can’t seem to get Ivy to work, I have it installed and when I review all the Ivy preferences they all look fine.

    When I try to resolve my dependencies it says this:

    Some projects fail to be resolved
    Error while resolving the ivy instance for web/ivy.xml in ‘project name’:
    The Ivy settings file ‘file:/C:/Documents%20and%20Settings/jyork/Workspaces/MyEclipse%20Blue%20Edition%2010/project name/ivysettings.xml’ cannot be found

    now I don’t see anything in the ivy.xml file that needs to point to the ivysettings file, but when I go to project preferences I can point it to the settings file and it still says it can’t be found even thought I point the project right to it using the IvyDE Management Libraries section.

    Anyone got Ivy working?

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    #322220 Reply


    jpyork ,

    Sorry that you are seeing this issue with MyEclipse. We do not provide intrinsic support for third party plugins but will help resolve your issue.

    Can you answer some more questions for us ?

    1) Can you share the Build ID from Help > About MyEclipse Blue Edition > Build ID ?

    2) How did you install the Ivy ? Please give us detail steps you followed to set up Ivy for us to be able to replicate the issue at our end. Also make sure the version of Ivy is compatible with base Eclipse version of the MyEclipse Blue that you are working with.

    3) A user posted the steps to setup Ivy on MyEclipse. Please take a look :

    Let us know how this works for you.

    #322240 Reply



    thanks for your help and I will try that link for sure, but here is the info about the other items:

    1: Build id: 10.0-Blue-20111028

    2: Here are the steps:

    – Opened MyEclipse Configuration center
    – on the software tab I used the “add site” link and on the popup I put in the following:
    Name: Apache Ivy update site
    URL: http://www.apache.org/dist/ant/ivyde/updatesite

    Once I did this it installed Ivy I restarted and all the Ivy options where then available to me. I then went to windows -> preferences -> ivy -> settings and pointed to my ivysettings.xml file.

    Finally I then went to my project -> properties ->Java Build Path -> libraries and once there I used the add library option to add ” IvyIDE Managed Dependencies “. This allowed me to point to the ivy.xml file I have and that was it. I then started getting the error.

    #322252 Reply


    so the link does not work…and I can’t find anyone that seems to of gotten ivy to work with myEclipse blue

    #322266 Reply



    It looks like it might be related to the path having embedded spaces. If I copy the settings file to a location without spaces and use the File System button to set it, then I get no error.

    However, I found this apache Ivy bug which is the problem you see. It looks like it is fixed for the next release, but with a workaround for release 2.1.0, which is to add “file://” to the front of the path. For example:

    file://{workspace_loc:My Project/ivysettings.xml}

    Please let us know if this fixes the problem.

    #322277 Reply


    Thanks Tony, yeah it was spaces I was using the file system button and since I was just using eclipse to point to the file I thought the path was fine, but after trying a few other things and sitting and looking at the path it dawned on me that maybe the %20 that is put in the path for spaces was messing it up…so I removed all the %20 in the path and eclipse now sees the file and I am on to my next problem (but at least I think that’s just my settings itself.)

    Thanks for the help guys.

    #322286 Reply



    I’m glad that’s working for you and happy to have been of some help.

    Note that this wasn’t a MyEclipse problem and you might be better off posting to more appropriate forums for assistance with this kind of thing, though we help when we can.

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