- This topic has 12 replies, 5 voices, and was last updated 17 years, 5 months ago by
Adam Carbone.
lindholm42MemberI’m trying to install MyEclipse 6.0GA in a virgin Eclipse. But I get this error
during the update process:An exception occured while downloading feature from “jar:file:/home/lindholm/MyEclipse_6.0GA_UpdateSite.zip!/features/com.genuitec.myeclipse.jspdesign_6_0_0.zmyeclipse60020070820.jar”
Do you want to retry?Retry fails so I have to Cancel the process and I can’t instail the Archive
Any ideas?
Linux SUSE10.2. 1.5 and 1.6 Sun 32 bit JDK
Riyad KallaMemberGeorge,
This is a known problem with the update site and our Linux/Mac update.Can you use the Manual Install instead and add that as an extension under Help > Software Updates > Manage Configuration?
lindholm42Member@support-rkalla wrote:
This is a known problem with the update site and our Linux/Mac update.Can you use the Manual Install instead and add that as an extension under Help > Software Updates > Manage Configuration?
Yes and no. I tried that but when I try to install other plugins I get a complaint about the
same Eclipse component being installed in both Eclipse and MyEclipse and if I continue I may
end up with an unstable environment.George
Riyad KallaMemberGeorge,
The warning should be harmless. MyEclipse builds on a lot of the core Eclipse technologies (emf, gef, jem, wtp, sse, etc.) so installing MyEclipse with Europa will create a lot of duplicates, but one or the other will get loaded and the other ignored.Since MyEclipse is added as an extension (in it’s own dir) if you *do* run into any problems, you can simply go back to the Manage Configuration screen and disable the entire product extension OR see what plugins are having problems and resolve conflicts.
lindholm42Member@support-rkalla wrote:
This is a known problem with the update site and our Linux/Mac update.Any idea when the archive file will be fixed?
Riyad KallaMemberFor folks on Linux/Mac running 6.0 M1, you will need to uninstall the version of ME you have and reinstall the GA version, the update site won’t be changed to allow auto updates from 6.0 M1 to GA (this only effects M1 -> GA migration for Mac/Linux folks).
There is a certain amount of restaging of the update site and fixing of the bundling of the plugins to fix it, and it’s just a big headache. So we ask the folks on M1 to do the uninstall/reinstall manually and appologize for the hickup.
Everything should be smooth sailing from there on out though (auto-updates available as normal for 6.0+)
lindholm42MemberI wasn’t running 6.0M1. I was trying to install 6.0GA in brand new Eclipse installation.
Riyad KallaMemberDoh, I’m sorry about that, I was on auto pilot this morning and misinterpreted your post.
I am checking on the Archived Update Site today. in the mean time if you can use the Manual Install, it’s just as fast to install (unzip, add as a product extension under Help > Software Updates > Manage Configuration, restart)
rshendershotMember@support-rkalla wrote:
There is a certain amount of restaging of the update site and fixing of the bundling of the plugins to fix it, and it’s just a big headache. So we ask the folks on M1 to do the uninstall/reinstall manually and appologize for the hickup.
I am checking on the Archived Update Site today. in the mean time if you can use the Manual Install, it’s just as fast to install (unzip, add as a product extension under Help > Software Updates > Manage Configuration, restart)
That was a week ago. I’m running Fedora 7 and have the same problem.
I cannot use the extension because most updates then try to install to the extension location.
While it may be a headache (whatever that means) it is required that you fix your installs. How do you expect ppl to deal with 4 hours of lost time trying to make what should work, work?!?!
Scott AndersonParticipantI cannot use the extension because most updates then try to install to the extension location.
When updates install, Eclipse uses the last extension location selected as the default for updates, as you’ve found. However simply highlighting all the updates and then selecting the
extension location you prefer instead will then reset this default and allow further updates to default to the extension you prefer.While it may be a headache (whatever that means) it is required that you fix your installs.
We certainly don’t want to waste anyone’s time and that is why we fixed the installs within hours of determining the issue. The fix was to ensure that the updates would not be offered on Mac and Linux installations upgrading from 6.0M1 to 6.0GA because the full solution will require a customization of our build process and will take quite a while to perform and validate. Since that’s the case, that work will be tied to our 6.0.1 release scheduled for early October. For our Linux and Mac users either a full 6.0GA installation is required or the manual installer can be used to effectively overlay the 6.0GA release into the 6.0M1 installation location. With the second solution a -clean restart is required. I know that’s not exactly the answer you wanted, and I apologize for that, but we will certainly address the issue for 6.0.1 since it is simply not possible to do so for this release. In any event, either option above is actually faster than using the update site due to the volume of plugins that have been updated. (ie. it’s more efficient to download one large thing than tons of small ones).
rshendershotMemberFor our Linux and Mac users either a full 6.0GA installation is required
I tried just prior to posting to install 6.0GA update then archive over eclipse 3.3 for web and 3.3 for j2ee fresh installs. jspdesign failed in all cases.
btw- it may be true of 3.3 but was not of 3.2 that it always used the last location. I’ve found that trying to force into the core eclipse installation to be troublesome and unreliable.
rshendershotMemberDoing the right thing by our customers…It’s no more complicated than that.
Let me recap. I installed fresh 6.0GA to fresh Eclipse 3.3 and always got the failure concerning the jspdesign jarfile.
I did this by trying Eclipse J2EE and JavaDeveloper downloads. I also noted MyEclipseIDE dependancy on WTP so installed that. I tried both the MyEclipse update and archive site distribution where I attempted to point a local repository to their extracted location. That’s 6 iterations if you’re counting….
If that is not what you meant by “a full 6.0GA installation” then pls advise.
Adam CarboneMemberI am having the same issue with the archived update site. fresh eclipse 3.3.1 on fedora. Haven’t been using MyEclipse for the past year was evaluating whether I shoudl return to using it… Used to use it for quite some time. have been seing all the nice features which tempted me back, but not so sure now? how can I get this installed?