Sorry that you are seeing this issue.
Can you answer some more questions for us ?
1. Can you please copy paste the Installation Details from MyEclipse > Installation Summary > Installation Details ?
2. How did you install MyEclipse for Spring ? Is it using Pulse/All-In-One installer or Archived update site?
2. Did you install any third party plugins ? If yes then please list them.
3. Can you switch to a new workspace and check if it helps ? If you are still seeing the issue, please copy paste the contents of the .log file which is located at <workspace dir>/.metadata/.log here for us.
4. If you have installed it using Pulse, then open the Pulse explorer, click on MyEclipse for Spring in the My Profiles section and select ‘Reinstall then Run’ to repair the installation.
If you have installed using the downloaded installer file, then please rerun the installer. You will see options to repair the installation and install to another location. Choose either repair to repair the current installation or install a fresh copy to a different location. Switch to a new workspace and check if the issue persists.
5. Can you please also attach a screenshot of the issue to help us get a visual of the problem ? Here is the FAQ to upload attachments to this post :